I am Bai Feng

Chapter 274

Chapter 274
Emperor of Heaven and Earth.

"You want the emperor's seal?"

After understanding Bai Feng's intention, Ren Huang nodded first: "Yes, yes, my world is still based on the Xingyu Seal, and the avenue is just attached to the surface of the Ren Huang Seal. When I move all the avenues on the surface Now, you can take the Human Emperor Seal."

Immediately afterwards, I was a little puzzled: "However, what do you want the Emperor's Seal for? I have picked up the Emperor's Seal for many years, and I have been unable to completely control it. Until now, I can't even do an in-depth investigation... What good things are in it? ?"

"A world that is about to decay, is it a good thing?"

Bai Feng laughed. At this moment, his breathing was steady, and he had devoured the world of Dharma. As expected, he was still a little short of the peak of the 41st Dao.

Once the world of blood is in hand, there is really no chance before the war begins.

"A heaven and earth?"

Human Sovereign was a little surprised, thought for a while and said, "It's about to collapse... what level is it?"

"Now it's 39."

"That's really a good thing!"

Human Sovereign was surprised at the same time, but also a little stunned: "No wonder, no wonder I can't probe deeply... If the inside is heaven and earth, then the outer stone wall should be the membrane of heaven and earth, right? It's so thick, how many years has it been sealed?"

He looked at Bai Feng: "What you said before that you have the hope of advancing to the 41st Dao is because of the world inside the Emperor's Seal, right? A world that is about to collapse and still has the power of 39 Dao, plus 41% of the world of Fa Dao , there is indeed hope to push you to the [-]st track!"

Hearing this, Bai Feng was taken aback for a moment, 41?
That's right, I haven't told Human Emperor yet that I've advanced.

Bai Feng already has 41 powers, while Ren Huang only has 36 powers, the difference in strength between the two is a full 5 powers!
If Bai Feng doesn't say anything, Human Sovereign will not be able to see his reality.

At this moment, the Emperor said again: "You guy, where did you know these secrets? Those guys like Dimen and Jitian don't necessarily know that there is a world hidden in the Seal of the Emperor, so you know?"

The Renhuang seal has been in his hands for so many years, and he hasn't even researched the fart. When Bai Feng came, he saw it?
He doesn't believe it!
Even if it was true, he would not believe it, it would be too embarrassing!

Bai Feng said calmly: "That world is connected with the three tribes of gods, demons and immortals. The three tribes borrow their talents to borrow power from this world. In fact, the three ancestors of gods, demons and immortals can also borrow power, but at will With the suppression of the luck of the human race, the power that can be borrowed is getting less and less."

He didn't answer directly, but simply talked about the relationship between the world of blood and the three races.

And Human Sovereign suddenly realized:

"So that's it! No wonder you had contacted Xianzu many times in Tianmen and cooperated with him. Did he offer this secret in exchange for cooperation?"

Bai Feng glanced at him, and calmly said: "Almost, they want to get the Human Emperor Seal, but I want to kill someone."

Human Sovereign nodded: "Their demand is the Human Sovereign's Seal, and they didn't know your true identity at the time, so they directly stated the reason why they needed the Human Sovereign's Seal... I said, why the three races have been targeting my human race, it turned out that it was for Seal of the Emperor!"

While talking, the Emperor himself also figured out the truth of some things.

"I am afraid that Xianzu himself did not expect that you turned out to be from our side. You told us everything, but gave us a chance to get a world without a master. No wonder you wanted to kill Xianzu at the beginning, not only for the sake of the dead The master's life-and-death transformation also has some meaning of hiding a secret, right?"

"more or less."

Bai Feng nodded. If you think so, I won't say anything. Anyway, I didn't say that. It's all your own imagination.

"Then it's not too late, let's move the avenue now."

After the words fell, the next moment, the Human Sovereign took out the Human Sovereign Seal.

Gentle golden light shines, and a big seal is suspended in the air.

Looking at the Renhuang Seal, Bai Feng felt a sense of closeness, which dissipated in the blink of an eye.

I feel a little speechless in my heart, the influence of Human Sovereign's Dao of Responsibility is really strong, even I can be affected a little bit, the guy under 40 Dao has been influenced for a long time, maybe I just accept my head and worship.


The Human Sovereign didn't waste any time, took out the Xingyu Seal, and began to move the core of the Dao attached to the surface of the Human Sovereign Seal.

The surface of the Emperor's Seal began to melt, revealing its true appearance.

It was a small dark oval stone, and from the outside, there was no trace of magic.

Human Sovereign grabbed the stone, looked at it, but still couldn't see anything, shook his head, and threw it directly to Bai Feng.

The Human Sovereign was very angry, the world of blood was within his Human Sovereign Seal, so he handed it over to Bai Feng so readily.

It's not because there is no need for it. Even if the attributes of the 39 Daos are different, simply devouring it can make the Emperor a lot stronger. How could it be unnecessary?

It's not unnecessary, but because Bai Feng, as the strongest among them, must be stronger.

There is one less strongest person on my side, and if the only one is not as good as the strongest person on the enemy side, it will suffer a lot.

After grabbing the small stone, Bai Feng didn't shy away from it, and when he flipped his hand, a few drops of boiling blood appeared, exuding a powerful aura.

The Human Sovereign glanced at it, felt a little familiar, recognized it, and said, "The blood essence of the ancestors of gods and demons?"


Bai Feng nodded. When he was in Tianmen, the immortal ancestor was swallowed whole by the Lord of the Necromancer, leaving nothing behind. Then Bai Feng remembered that when he killed the demon ancestor and god ancestor in the earth gate, he specially collected a few A drop of blood can come in handy now.

Bai Feng picked up a drop of the blood essence of the god ancestor, and it dripped on the small stone. In an instant, the blood essence disappeared and penetrated into the small stone.

The next moment, there was a click, and a crack appeared on the small stone.

The Human Sovereign looked over and exhaled: "It's really heaven and earth. Before the era of opening the sky, did there also be heaven and earth?"

He was a little shocked, a little excited:

"I don't know what the world looked like before the era of opening the sky. Did it also weave ten thousand ways? Or did you use another method?"

Before the era of Kaitian, that is, the world that existed before the Lord of Time opened the sky, the research value is very high!
Maybe, I can know some secrets, or get some things left by the master of heaven and earth.

Although it is said to be a dilapidated world, Bai Feng did not say whether the owner of the world is dead or alive. What if he is sleeping?
Human Sovereign suddenly thought of this, although the possibility of the Master of Heaven and Earth being alive is very low, but it is not impossible, what if?
What if he was still alive, just sleeping, and was woken up by them, and then found that Bai Feng was going to devour his world...then there would definitely be a fight!
As for Bai Feng, he doesn't have as many inner dramas as Human Emperor. He has watched the world before the era of Kaitian several times, so it's no big deal.

In the world of blood, there are no living beings, and he has sensed it.


Looking at the small stone with cracks, Bai Feng dripped another drop of blood, this time it belonged to Mozu.

Click, click, cracks appeared, and the next moment, a small pothole appeared on the small stone, and you could go in.

Human Sovereign was afraid that Bai Feng would go in rashly, so he hurriedly said: "Don't rush in, first check to see if there are any living beings inside..."

Bai Feng looked strange, and said: "I didn't intend to go in, and besides, there are no living beings inside. If there were any, they would have come out a long time ago."

Bai Feng reached out, grabbed the small stone, put it away, and said: "I have other things, I have to go first, so I won't take you in to see. The world before the era of Kaitian is not a big deal. The Necromancer World is almost the same, it follows a path of dominance and fusion of Taoism."

As he said that, within Bai Feng's body, chains and chains wrapped around the small stones, sealing them layer by layer.

If everything is in my hands, it is mine. Don't even think about the borrowing talent skills of the three races that consume the power of heaven and earth.

After sealing it, Bai Feng seemed to remember something, and said again:

"By the way, I'm going to move all the casual cultivators in my world and put them in your world later. Remember to make arrangements for them."

After all, Bai Feng turned around and left regardless of whether the Emperor agreed or not.

"Wait a moment……"

Before he finished speaking, Bai Fengren had disappeared, and there were a lot of casual cultivators in Human Sovereign's world.

The speed is so fast, obviously premeditated.


Behind him, the Human Sovereign cursed secretly, you beast!
Leave everything to me, right? Even the casual cultivators in your world have to be taken care of by me. Do I still need to practice?
You treat me like I'm idle?
After scolding a few times, Human Sovereign shook his head, sighed, and desperately went to deal with the extra group of people in the world.

And I have to deal with it, it's not good to kill them all, it feels a bit wasteful, and... Forget it, Bai Feng has been a little anxious recently, so let him go.


at the same time.

In a dark space.

The figures are shaking, thousands of races gather, and their strength is not bad. There are many masters of rules, even first-class ones, but in today's Ten Thousand Realms, they are nothing.

At the moment when Bai Feng sealed the world of blood, some strong men in the gods, demons and immortals, such as Shen Huang and Tian Gu, felt a little suffocated, as if something important had disappeared.

"what happened?"

The Emperor God frowned. This feeling is not a sense of crisis, but a sense of lack. Is he missing something?

At the side, Tiangu looked over: "Master God Emperor, I suddenly have a very strange feeling, as if lost..."

At this moment in Tiangu, there are already 14 powers, obviously he has gained something in the gate of the earth, but now, the strength of 14 powers is useless.

"You too?"

The Emperor was surprised.

Tian Gu was also surprised: "Yeah? Does Lord God Emperor also feel this way?"

Shenhuang nodded. At this time, the Shenhuang concubine next to the Shenhuang was a little puzzled: "Feeling? Feeling lost? You both have it? Why don't I?"

"you have not?"

"Is there no princess?"

Looking at Tiangu and Shenhuang Qiqi, Shenhuangfei became more and more puzzled and shook her head: "I didn't feel anything, not only me, but you look at other people, there is no change, obviously there is no such thing as yours. Feel."

"Only me and the Emperor felt it..."

Tiangu murmured, a little puzzled, why only the two of them could feel this way?
Strength...the God Emperor is indeed the strongest, but I am not. There are still many first-class people who are stronger than me. They don't feel anything for no reason.

If it's not strength, it's race?
Can be related to the gods and immortals... No, there should be demons, but the demons have no strong people, so no one is like them...connected to the three races...

Thoughts flickered, suddenly, Tiangu shouted: "Xianli Possession!"

"Tiangu, what are you using your talent for?"

Tian Gu didn't reply, and stopped borrowing strength, feeling a little bitter.

It really is!
He sighed and looked at the emperor:

"Lord God Emperor, we...we..."

Tiangu gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice:
"Let's go find Bai Feng!"

The Emperor of God frowned slightly: "Go now? Didn't you agree to wait a while before? Sending charcoal in the snow is better than icing on the cake!"

Tiangu was extremely bitter: "Sending charcoal in the snow... There must be charcoal to send, Lord God Emperor, we have no charcoal..."

The emperor heard the words, his complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly asked: "What do you mean!"

What does no char mean!
Tian Gu sighed: "Just now I used my clan's innate skill to possess my body with immortal power. However, there was no movement, I... didn't borrow any power!"

The Emperor of God froze for a moment, then his complexion changed wildly, and he quickly shouted: "God Change!"

"Divine change!"


He kept drinking, but he didn't see the holy phantom, nor did he feel any power blessing.

"How could this be?"

The Emperor doesn't believe it, it's impossible!
The innate skills of the three races are all borrowed from an ancient avenue, which they determined not long ago, but it's only been a few days, don't tell me, the avenue is gone?

Otherwise, why can't they borrow strength?

Tiangu sighed: "The reason, Lord God Emperor, should have already guessed it, right? I can't use it, or the emperor's seal was destroyed, and the avenue in it was also destroyed, or... the avenue was discovered and sealed , cut off contact with us."

And the Human Sovereign Seal is destroyed...it's impossible at all, then there is only one possibility...

"The avenue has been discovered!"

Tiangu sighed.

"how come!"

The emperor changed color: "If this is the case, what should we do?"

They planned to use this avenue to trade with Bai Feng. If the avenue was discovered, how could they trade?

I'm afraid he was killed before seeing Bai Feng!

"Then what can we do? It's just death to take refuge in Sanmen. Do we have any other options?"

Tiangu said, looking out of the space.

The long river of time has been tainted by the aura of the end of the world and it is extremely dark. The same is true for Myriad Realms. It is no longer bright. A large number of locust devourers wander around. Once they find a living creature, they will quickly kill it and surround and kill the discovered living creature.

Not only that, many casual cultivators from the Heavenly Gate and the Earthly Gate also began to fight after entering the Myriad Realms.

The Ten Thousand Realms are in great chaos, the strong men of the Ten Thousand Realms and the two sects are all killing!
Under the 32 paths, the strong fall, the small world collapses, and the weak flee.

Except for the Human Realm, all major realms are being invaded, slaughtered, and devoured.


This is the universe at this moment.

And Wanzu is actually not having a good time. Although Shenhuang and the others escaped while Bai Feng was fighting for the gate of the earth, and joined Tiangu and the others, taking advantage of the advantage that no one cares about the little people, they managed to hide, but later, the trouble will come coming!

They are cultivators of all realms, homeless, with dozens of masters of rules, wandering in the endless void... In the eyes of the strong who came out of the door, this is a gift package of moving yang energy!
People from all realms, no matter how weak they are, the yang energy that comes with them is useful to all the strong people in the sect!
The strong can't eat it, and it's the same for devouring the weak. There are all yang qi, but one is more and the other is less. As long as you swallow more weak people, there is no difference from eating the strong except for the power of the great way.

Some small clans, those casual cultivators and ancient beasts, actually don't dare to provoke them. Maybe the small clan you killed is a subordinate race of the human race?Because a small clan was killed by the human race, that's thanks.

But the three major clans with the dragon, phoenix and Ming clans are definitely not protected by the human race, and they also have yang energy on their bodies. There are many masters of the rules, plus the god ancestor, demon ancestor, and fairy ancestor. The backers of the three clans are dead. Well, these people are the sweet pastry in the eyes of all the insiders.

You can live if you eat it!
All races have been completely reduced to the cannon fodder of this era, constantly wandering and migrating, avoiding the powerful from all walks of life.

In fact, they were almost overwhelmed.

Looking away, Tiangu suddenly laughed at himself, who would have thought that it was some monks of the same clan in the forbidden area of ​​the third ancestor of gods, demons and immortals in Tianmen who really drove them to nowhere.

The race is the same, the avenue is similar, in the past few days, they have been chasing and killing them crazily, ancient beasts, and casual cultivators have given up, but they are persistent and insist on devouring them... It is not the human race that forced them to death, but the people in the Tianmen. How ridiculous!

Tian Gu sighed, looked at the Emperor Shen Huangfei, and said again: "Apart from Bai Feng, do we have any other options?"


The Emperor and Consort Shen were silent.

Have it?

Except for Bai Feng's side, who doesn't regard them as a gift package of yang energy?

Except for Bai Feng, no matter which side they take refuge in, they will be eaten in the end.

Are there any other options?
there is none left!
The Divine Emperor said with difficulty: "But the Dao in the Human Emperor's Seal has been discovered, and it will fall into Bai Feng's hands in all likelihood. What capital do we have to trade with Bai Feng? If we go there, it will really be the same as sending us to death. "

Saying that, the Emperor of God looked at Tiangu, the meaning is self-evident, what can you do?

Tiangu has dealt with Bai Feng many times, and he is very capable of leading his clansmen to escape from the Ten Thousand Realms.

Is there any way to impress Bai Feng?At least, don't let him kill you as soon as we meet!
Tiangu also understood the meaning of the emperor and sighed.

How ridiculous and sad is it to find a way to ask the enemy for protection?

However, this is already the only way, and only Bai Feng has the strength, and he will not covet the Wanzu.

Moreover, Bai Feng is famous for keeping his promises. If Bai Feng's guarantee can be obtained, the Wan Clan will have the opportunity to continue the inheritance.

Even though this is the case, they will die, and Bai Feng will not let them off who have been stained with the blood of the human race.

However, among the various clans, there are also many clansmen who have never done anything, and Bai Feng may not care about them.

Their lives are for the sake of the long-term existence of the race, so it doesn't really matter, but now, they don't even have the only bargaining chip, so they can only pray for Bai Feng's kindness...

But, is Bai Feng merciful?
He has it, but his kindness is for the human race, for the allies, for his own people, not for them!

"I have no other choice, I can only try it. If a dead horse is a living horse doctor, maybe it will work?"

The Emperor was speechless: "Are you serious?"

"Of course!"

Tian Gu was very serious, and calmly said: "How long can we last if we stay here? Anyway, we are all dead. Rather than being killed by those people, it is better to die in Bai Feng's hands! If we can get that glimmer of life , that would be even better!"

He and the Divine Emperor looked at each other, the Divine Emperor was silent, and Tian Gu was also silent.

I don't want to be like this either, I also want to die rather than live!

However, I am worried...there will be no more immortals in the Ten Thousand Worlds!
"That's the only way, I hope Bai Feng..."

The two were talking, and on the side, Concubine Shenhuang listened silently, feeling a little sad.

Hurry to die!

Use their lives to exchange the future of the three clans!
And this depends on whether Bai Fengren is kind...


After a while, the two reached an agreement.

Tiangu exhaled: "Since the emperor agreed, it should be sooner rather than later, let's go to the human realm now! After so many days, I am worried that Bai Feng will start the final battle. At that time, we will have no chance!"

"it is good……"

The Emperor of God nodded, hesitated a little, and sighed: "I promised happily, but if I really want to die, I'm still a little scared and don't want to die."

Tiangu smiled: "It's human nature to be afraid of death! I'm afraid too!"

"Are you afraid too?"

The Emperor of God froze for a moment, then laughed again: "So you are afraid too! You said...do we have a chance to survive?"

"What do you say?"

Talk shit!
The Emperor was speechless.

Tiangu laughed and walked towards Human Realm.

"Let's go!"

The Emperor followed and sighed, "I still don't want to die."


Tiangu, Shenhuang, and Shenhuangfei three people, as they talked, they got closer and closer to the human realm.

In the rear, some strong men who were following them were looming, not daring to take a step forward.

Ahead is the human realm!

Who dares to approach?


Human Realm, White Emperor Palace.

Bai Feng opened his eyes and looked outside the crowd.

Frowning slightly, one hand pierced through the void and stretched out.

At this moment, people are outside the country.

Tiangu and Shenhuang looked at each other and nodded, just as Shenhuang was about to speak.

Suddenly, the void opened, and a hand stretched out. It was an ordinary hand, the size of an ordinary person, but the moment it appeared, the void shook, and the three of Tiangu were instantly compressed into the size of an ant. Catch it and disappear in an instant.

In the rear, some casual cultivators who were observing the situation fled quickly, not daring to waste any time.

There is a top powerhouse shot!
At the same time, the human environment.

Renhuang and the others also opened their eyes, looked at the outside world, and then at the White Emperor Palace, feeling a little surprised.

Wanzu... These guys, how dare they approach the human realm and seek death?

Thinking this way, several people also rushed towards the White Emperor's Hall. They have been opponents for many years, no matter what the result is, they have to take a look.

Not only them, but even the Great Qin King, Great Xia King...these human powerhouses also flew towards the White Emperor Palace.

When Bai Feng arrested people, he didn't hide his movements. Everyone saw that Wanzu was arrested by Bai Feng and brought into the White Emperor's Palace!


White Emperor Palace.

Bai Feng stretched out his hand, and left Tiangu and the others behind.

As soon as he landed, Tiangu lowered his head slightly, ignoring the dizziness in his head, and quickly said:

"Immortal Clan Tiangu, I have seen the White Emperor!"

The God Emperor and his wife didn't speak, the weapon space collapsed automatically, and a group of people fell out.

Dragon Emperor, Phoenix Emperor, Long Tianzun, Feng Tianzun, Underworld Emperor, Motian Zun, Yuan Shenghou, Shenghou... are all old friends.

At this moment, seeing Bai Feng, everyone changed color.

"Bai Feng?"

Why did they see Bai Feng?
Have Tiangu and the others been caught?
But at this moment, Tian Gu continued: "This time I came here to seek refuge with His Majesty the White Emperor!"

"The three sects must be defeated, and the White Emperor must win! All races are willing to respect the White Emperor and create a prosperous world together!"

As soon as these words came out, some uninformed people changed their colors again!

Take refuge in Bai Feng?

Bai Feng has killed how many powerful people from all races, you come here to seek refuge with Bai Feng?
At this moment, Bai Feng sat on the throne, tapped his fingers, and said indifferently: "Do you think I'm easy to talk? Come and seek refuge with me...Why?"

While speaking, one after another figures emerged from the hall, their breath shaking.

Human Emperor, King Wen, King Wu, Great Zhou King, Great Qin King, Great Xia King...these people have all come, looking at Tian Gu and these people, there is something strange.

Underworld Emperor and the others, their complexions changed drastically in an instant, and they quickly lowered their heads, cursing Tiangu and the others for messing around, and the sheep are in the mouth of a tiger!
Of course, scolding is scolding, these people still hope that Tiangu and the others can do something, it is impossible to simply die, right?
The killing intent of King Daqin and the others is too obvious. They have been enemies for hundreds of years, and it is all false to say that they don't want to kill them.

However, how to deal with it depends on Bai Feng.

At this moment, Bai Feng said lightly: "If you mean to exchange the secrets in the Human Emperor's Seal, then don't think about it, it's useless to me."

As soon as these words came out, Tiangu showed such an expression, he knew that it was impossible to be discovered by the Human Emperor. After so many years, how could it be so coincidental that he only discovered it now?
Sure enough, it was taken away by Bai Feng!
The Human Sovereign was not surprised, in his speculation, the Divine Sovereign and the others should have known about it, otherwise they would be in trouble with the Human Race all the time?
Other people who didn't know were a little surprised. They looked at Ren Huang and were a little curious. Is there any secret in Ren Huang's seal?

Their curiosity cannot affect Tiangu.

At this moment, Tiangu said in a deep voice: "That's not the case! We know we are going to die, and let the White Emperor deal with it. I just ask the White Emperor to spare the innocent people of all races of mine!"

"The two armies are fighting, and they don't kill soldiers. What's more, among the ten thousand races we bring, at least [-]% have never participated in the battle, and have not been contaminated with human blood! These people, I hope the White Emperor can let them go!"

Tiangu said again: "I heard that the White Emperor is also a researcher, so you should also know that civilization has very precious research value and is the crystallization of wisdom! If the civilizations of all races disappear, there may not be any powerful researchers born in the human race in the future." , is not conducive to the development of civilization in the human environment... I hope the White Emperor will take pity on the crystallization of civilization of all ethnic groups, language, writing, customs, and exercises are all worth preserving!"


In the crowd, Hades raised his head and glanced at Tian Gu, a little angry and a little helpless.

Is this what you want?
What if Bai Feng refuses to agree?
A group of bastards who abandoned all races came to find Bai Feng without permission, and he was going to be pissed off.

If you want to find it, you guys should come back with some confidence!
Do you think Bai Feng will soften his heart if you pray like this now?

That's a butcher!


But at this moment, Bai Feng said indifferently: "Preserve the ten thousand races, preserve the civilization of the ten thousand races... You have a good idea, or that sentence, why?"

Tiangu said in a deep voice: "As long as we can do it, let the White Emperor order it!"

"What's the use of a group of weak people that I can't even do?"

Bai Feng sneered and shook his head.


Just when Tiangu's heart was sinking, suddenly, Bai Feng said again: "However, there are some things that you can do, and there are some uses..."

"White Emperor, please tell me, we will never refuse!"

Tiangu's eyes lit up, and he said hastily.

I was overjoyed, Bai Feng's attitude...maybe there is hope!

(End of this chapter)

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