I am Bai Feng

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Half a month later,

At this time, Bai Feng was fighting against the array,
With the formation set up by King Daming, he can only use formation methods to break the formation.

One after another large formations enveloped Bai Feng, and inside the formations, murderous intentions were so dense that even the void was filled.

This is a series of ground-level killing formations, if you break into it under the sun and the moon, you will die without life!
A stream of transparent light pierced towards Bai Feng, trying to penetrate it.

The divine character "Ming" entered Bai Feng's eyes,
Bai Feng kept moving, avoiding all the light.

In his hand, the divine inscription of the word "array" kept spinning, looking for the weak point of the formation.

Come to a weak point,

As soon as Bai Feng raised his hand, he made several formations, and the formations slowly penetrated into the weak points,

"In this way, everything is arranged."

Bai Feng laughed lowly and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the world was turned upside down, and formation patterns that did not belong to this set of formations appeared, attacking all the key points of the formation.

The formation instantly disintegrated,

King Daming came over and exclaimed: "You have managed to do this, congratulations, you are now a mid-level and peak-level formation master."

In just half a month, Bai Feng's formation level has changed from the peak of the Xuan rank to the peak of the middle rank of the earth rank. Although he taught him, it is still unbelievable.

Bai Feng smiled and said, "Thanks to the teacher for teaching me well."

King Daming has no secrets and is a qualified teacher.

In the past half month, he has evolved thousands of different formations for Bai Feng. Thanks to him, Bai Feng can improve so fast.

Daming King smiled and said: "I have taught you everything that should be taught, and the rest can only be realized by yourself."

Bai Feng nodded,

King Daming continued: "You are only one step away from the high level of the earth, and after taking this step, you can look forward to the sky.

With your talent, I believe that in the near future, Human Realm will have another Heavenly Formation Master. "

Bai Feng bowed and said with a smile: "Thank you teacher for teaching me during this time, I should leave now."

King Daming nodded, it was time for Bai Feng to leave, it was impossible to practice formations behind closed doors.

Recently, King Daming did not know what happened, and changed his appearance from old to middle-aged.

At this time, King Daming was dressed in an elegant middle-aged manner, and said with a smile: "I really don't think about it anymore, my second child really wants you to stay."

Bai Feng shook his head, and calmly said: "No, Daming Mansion has been at peace for a long time, how could it be destroyed because of me.

What's more, I am a descendant of the Daxia Civilization Academy's multi-divinity department, how can I stay in Daming Mansion. "

King Daming nodded, and said with a smile: "Recently, the primitive protoss has changed a bit. I have to go over there to have a look, and I won't send you back."

Bai Feng nodded, he has no problem on his own, as long as Daming King does his own thing.

"I'll take you for a walk."

As he said that, King Daming tore apart the void with one hand, pulled Bai Feng forward for a while, and then threw him down.He went to the battlefield of the heavens alone.

Bai Feng landed on the ground, looked around, and found that this was near Datang Mansion.

After judging the direction, Bai Feng flew towards Daxia Mansion.


On the way,

Bai Feng sensed something strange in the storage ring, opened it, and found that the mask of Lietian Pavilion was vibrating.

Someone is contacting him!

Taking out the mask, Bai Feng typed with willpower: "Elder Xuanji, what's the matter?"

After a while, the other person replied,

"Xuan 53, there is a new mission for you in the pavilion."

"Elder, please speak."

"The pavilion suspects that Master Yu's true identity is Bai Feng from the Daxia Civilization Academy's Multi-God Department. Now you need to find out the truth."

Identity revealed!
Bai Feng had a strange look in his eyes. Although he had expected it a long time ago, he didn't expect Xuan Ji to tell him this.

"Elder, what clan are you from? Why do you want to help me?"

Bai Feng was really curious, who is Xuanji?

"Is it important who I am? Xuan 53, you should concentrate on your mission now."

Bai Feng said speechlessly: "Elder Xuanji, I haven't agreed yet."

"...Then what's your answer?"

After thinking about it, Bai Feng still felt that the initiative should be in his own hands.

"I took this task, but I can't guarantee success, after all, this is a human realm."

"You are not the only one who takes on this task, so don't care about success or not, just do your best to complete it."

Not just me?
Bai Feng's eyes were strange, how many people did Lietiange tell this guess?
Liu Wenyan is about to come back, and soon there will be a scuffle between mountains and seas, will Bai Feng make a move?For sure.

At that time, how many of those who came came to test him?Inside...is there anyone who burns the sea king?

Bai Feng chuckled, it seemed that his identity was about to be revealed.

Have to prepare in advance.


Wen Tan Research Center,

Chen Yong, Bai Feng, and Su Yu sat opposite each other.

Bai Feng asked strangely: "Brother, why are you here?"

Chen Yong's face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Today, we have completely torn our faces with the Shan Shenwen department."

Bai Feng was a little puzzled, and Su Yu on the side quickly told Bai Feng what happened.

Bai Feng understood, this incident, he thought something serious happened.

"It's okay, just don't go out of school alone, if you have something to do, you can ask someone to help you."

Su Yu nodded, the teacher was still calm enough, and the uncle made a fuss over a molehill.

Chen Yong said solemnly: "This matter is not that simple. Su Yu asked me before, why does the Shan Shenwen Department keep targeting us?"

Bai Feng said casually: "Isn't it because of the Great Zhou Mansion?"

Chen Yong was stunned for a moment, and asked strangely, "How do you know?"

He thought Bai Feng was going to say it was because of competition for resources.

Bai Feng said lightly: "Brother, you know everything, why can't I know?"

Su Yu on the side couldn't help but said: "Teacher, what are you talking about? Why does our battle with the Shan Shenwen Department have something to do with the Great Zhou Mansion?"

Bai Feng said lightly: "This is still a matter for the older generation.

When the Five Dynasties preached the Tao, they did not invite other invincible guardians, and they died in battle.

Not only that, but an invincible who came to the rescue also died in battle. That invincible was from the Great Zhou Mansion, the younger brother of the Great Zhou King, and the father of the head of the Great Zhou Civilized Academy.

After that, the Great Zhou Mansion hated us. "

Su Yu was surprised, it turned out to be like this.

"Not only that,"

Chen Yong said with a wry smile: "After that, the governor asked us to disclose some materials left by the Five Dynasties. We also agreed.

But we searched many times, but couldn't find it, so we couldn't disclose it to the governor.After that, we were targeted. "

Bai Feng looked at Su Yu and said with a smile: "Actually, that information exists, but it was taken away in advance. Who do you think can sneak into Xiuxin Pavilion and take away the information without everyone knowing? "

Su Yu thought about it, maybe only Invincible can do it...

Su Yu's face changed, Wudi took the information?Is there an invincible collaborator?
Chen Yong couldn't help cursing: "You know it all? Then you let Su Yu mess around?"

Bai Feng said calmly: "What's the matter? Their eyes are all on Master Liu, and they won't pay attention to us just because of such a trivial matter."

Su Yu hurriedly said: "Teacher, Teacher Liu has already come to Fucheng."

Bai Feng nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'll go to Master Liu later."

Chen Yong looked at him and said slowly: "What are you going to do?"

"Help Master Liu solve the problem with that divine script."

Chen Yong is powerless, why does Bai Feng like to run to dangerous places?

Too lazy to say more, Chen Yong said lightly: "Then I'll go first, I'll go see Jiajia."

After Chen Yong left, Bai Feng walked into the laboratory, took the equipment he needed, and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he said to Su Yu: "You can practice with peace of mind. If you want to leave school, remember to take Xia Huyou with you."

Su Yu nodded,
Bai Feng didn't care about him anymore, he was going to read the five generations of divine texts,
I don't know if I can break a few and make up for myself.


Daxia Mansion,
18, Houshan.

There were several people guarding the perimeter, and a man saw Bai Feng and stood in front of him.

Bai Feng said lightly: "My surname is Zhang, you want to stop me?"

The man said indifferently: "Bai Feng, do you dare to meddle in our affairs?"

Bai Feng glanced at him, this guy seemed to have attacked and killed him three years ago,

Too lazy to talk nonsense with him, the willpower exploded and attacked the man.

Without looking at the result, Bai Feng walked straight.

"Bai Feng!"

Behind him, there was a shout of anger, Mr. Sun Ge came over and checked the man's condition, his willpower was severely damaged, and he was estimated to lie down for several years.

Bai Feng said lightly: "He wanted to stop me himself, and I didn't kill him. Why are you so angry?"

Liu Wenyan pulled him over, don't talk, do you have to let Sun Xiang do something to you?

Wu Yuehua stood in front of the two of them, looking at Elder Sun Ge.

Elder Sun Ge picked up the man and said to the others, "Leave the war zone."

Many people left here with Mr. Sun Ge.

Liu Wenyan looked at Bai Feng and scolded, "What are you doing here? Are you courting death?"

Bai Feng smiled, and said via voice transmission: "Master, I have a solution to the suppression of your divine script."

Liu Wenyan looked at him unexpectedly, is it true?

Bai Feng took out the equipment, and under the guidance of willpower, a small house appeared.

Bai Feng smiled and said: "Master, come, let me see your sea of ​​will."

Liu Wenyan stared at him, wanting to beat Bai Feng up.

After thinking about it, I still got on the wooden bed.


Liu Wenyan's sea of ​​will,
The orifice is like a big star, hanging high in the sky.

The sea of ​​will is vast, and the divine scripts are like stars, surrounding the little sun in the middle.

Bai Feng's willpower cautiously probed towards the Five Dynasties Shenwen.

Willpower has just come into contact with that divine script,

The divine text trembled slightly, and a counter-shock force shook Bai Feng's willpower away.

Bai Feng's willpower receded, and he covered his head, feeling a little dizzy.

Liu Wenyan looked at him, and said in a deep voice, "What do you see?"

"The divinity is really strong!"

Bai Feng sighed, and his willpower penetrated again.


After a few days,
Liu Wenyan will sea,

Bai Feng looked at the Five Dynasties Shenwen, swallowed, and his willpower receded.

Bai Feng smiled and said, "Uncle, what you inherit is not a divine script, but the combat skills of the divine script of the Five Dynasties."

Liu Wenyan frowned, nonsense, I don't know how many divine scriptures I have inherited?
"Really, the fifth generation should have formed a new divine text with his divine text combat skills, and then passed it on to you."

Liu Wenyan is a little unsure, is it true or not, divine literary combat skills?

No matter so much, Liu Wenyan asked: "You have been watching for a few days, is there any way?"

Bai Feng smiled and said: "There is a way.

The first one, I will strip this divine text, and you should be able to enter the mountains and seas soon. "

Liu Wenyan shook his head and said calmly: "This is what my master left behind, and I won't strip it out."

Bai Feng nodded, and continued: "Second, take apart this divine script, strip off all the non-human parts, and then fill it in, Master. In this way, your control over this divine script will be better. high."

Liu Wenyan said in a deep voice: "Take it apart? Are you serious? There will be no problem?"

Bai Feng smiled and said, "Trust me, uncle."

Liu Wenyan wondered: "Then why not strip off the human part, it will be stronger that way."

Bai Feng was a little speechless, and said: "Uncle, more than half of the five generations of divine writing and combat skills are human divine writing."

Liu Wenyan looked at Bai Feng strangely,

I know, didn't you just say that?

Bai Feng said feebly: "How strong is the fifth generation? More than half of his divine writing skills are human divine writing. How could the human divine writing be weak?"

Liu Wenyan was stunned, that's right, the human race's divine writing is so weak, if the master's divine writing combat skills are more than half of the human race's divine writing, how can it be so strong?

Bai Feng said calmly: "According to my research, human divine scripts actually have two identical characteristics."

"What characteristics?"

"Complementarity, Exclusivity"

Bai Feng said lightly: "Perhaps, a single human divine rune is weak, but as the number of human divine runes increases, the power of each divine rune will also increase.

I have tried it, as long as more than ten human race divine runes are drawn, the power of each divine rune will not lose to that of gods and demons.

This is complementarity. "

Bai Feng continued: "As for exclusivity, as the name suggests, the divine script of the human race will exclude the divine script of the non-human race.

This is also the reason why no one has advanced to Sun Moon in the past 50 years. They have drawn more human gods. "

Liu Wenyan's eyes flickered, Bai Feng's words reminded him of some words his teacher had said to him back then, and he murmured: "So that's the case, Master, you are right."

Bai Feng waited silently, and when Liu Wenyan came back to his senses, Bai Feng smiled and said, "Master, have you made your decision?"

Liu Wenyan said in a deep voice: "How long will it take to strip off the non-human parts?"

Bai Feng did the math and said with a smile, "About a month."

Liu Wenyan frowned and said, "It's been too long."

Bai Feng smiled lightly and said, "Then don't peel it off for now, it's okay to temporarily let you display a part of the power of the divine script."

Liu Wenyan nodded, and said seriously: "That's it, how long will it take?"

"A day or two."

Liu Wenyan nodded, just about to speak,

Outside the door, there was a cold drink.

"Bai Feng, come out!"

Bai Feng recognized the owner of the voice, Xia Yuwen.

go outside, go out,
He saw Xia Yuwen standing on the high slope.

Bai Feng smiled lightly and said, "Xia Yuwen, I haven't looked for you yet, why did you come here by yourself?"

Xia Yuwen said lightly: "Bai Feng, you are crazy."

"each other each other,"

Bai Feng walked up the high slope, and said lightly: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, since you're here, let's fight.

You win, come and tell me what you want to do. "

Xia Yuwen nodded, but Bai Feng was quite cheerful.

"as you wish."

Xia Yuwen held a long knife and slashed at Bai Feng.

Bai Feng smiled, and the word "Jian" directly smashed at Xia Yuwen,
Xia Yuwen changed color, left in an instant, and said solemnly: "The divine script of the third-order peak?"

Bai Feng ignored him, and when the divine text fell again, it strengthened the surrounding air and slowed down Xia Yuwen's speed.

Xia Yuwen's complexion changed, and he used the Heavenly Sword to slash at Shenwen.

The divine text disappeared instantly, and the next moment, the same divine text appeared from behind Xia Yuwen.

Shenwen fell into Xia Yuwen's sea of ​​will,

Xia Yuwen's seven orifices were bleeding, his face was like a ghost, and he rushed towards Bai Feng.

Just as Xia Yuwen was about to reach Bai Feng's side, another divine script fell into Xia Yuwen's sea of ​​will.

Two divine texts at the peak of Tier [-]!

Xia Yuwen spurted blood, and the offensive stalled.

With a thought, Bai Feng recalled two divine scripts.

The divine text stands in the void, and the evolution trajectory of willpower.


Some spectators whispered, when did Bai Feng know the formation?
Bai Feng arranged a small killing formation with divine characters,
The killing formation enveloped Xia Yuwen, Xia Yuwen's complexion changed drastically, he shattered his divine script, exploded his Yuan Orifice, and slashed at the killing formation.

Bai Feng smiled disdainfully, this is a mysterious formation, and there are two third-level peak divine scripts as the foundation of the formation.

How could Xia Yuwen break through!

Sure enough, when the light of the saber hit the formation, the two divine symbols remained motionless like a mountain, and within the killing formation, streaks of killing light pierced through Xia Yuwen.

Xia Yuwen's body was shattered and fell from the air, staring blankly at Bai Feng.

crush!Xia Yuwen couldn't believe that the gap between him and Bai Feng would be so big.

Withdrawing the divine text, Bai Feng didn't even look at Xia Yuwen. He still had to help Liu Wenyan deal with the divine text.

outside the door,

I only heard the voice of Master Xiahou,

"Take it away! Send it back to the City Lord's Mansion and let Xia Changqing come to rescue you! Only when you can bear failure can you grow, and if you can't bear failure, then you can retire with peace of mind."

inside the door,

Liu Wenyan smiled, and quickly disappeared, scolding: "Why did it take so long? I thought you were going to lose."

Bai Feng smiled lightly and said, "No way, there are only so many conditions."

He is just a clone, without a physical body, and only has two divinities. It is already very strong to be able to do this, okay?

Liu Wenyan didn't know what Bai Feng was talking about, so he didn't bother to think about it, and said in a deep voice, "Hurry up and help me deal with the divine text."

Bai Feng nodded, regardless of the ups and downs outside, he wholeheartedly helped Liu Wenyan temporarily control the five generations of divine writing.

 I finally coded [-] characters, I was too sleepy, I asked for a monthly pass before going to bed ω
(End of this chapter)

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