I am Bai Feng

Chapter 5 Entering the Battlefield of the Heavens

Chapter 5 Entering the Battlefield of the Heavens

Outside Daxia City.

Bai Feng rode the Ben Yunma and headed north.

Zhutian Mansion is in the north.All the way to the north, out of the Tianfu, is the battlefield of the heavens.

Bai Feng rode on the Benyun horse, holding a book of will, and studied it carefully.

Passing through various mansions, Bai Feng never stopped except to feed Ben Yunma.

The monsters and people from the Wanzu sect that he met on the road were also beheaded by him with a single sword.

"Huh, finally arrived at the Zhutian Mansion." After walking for a week, Bai Feng finally arrived at the Zhutian Mansion.

Before entering Zhutian Mansion, Bai Feng stopped.He found a quiet place and sat cross-legged.

Before entering Zhutian Mansion, he wants to break the divine script!

"Did you only outline three divine scripts in a week?" Bai Feng thought to himself.

In addition to the divine writings of divine writing and combat skills, Bai Feng also has 18 divine writings, of which only the words "life", "death", "I", "speed", "strength", "reserve", "change", "hidden" and "vibration" should be kept. ""Sword" ten divine inscriptions.

Bai Feng was ready, his willpower fluctuating.


8 divine runes were shattered, the divine runes of the word "sheng" trembled, and the injuries of Will Sea were restored.The God Expansion Hammer beat wildly, stabilizing the sea of ​​will.


Bai Feng's face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.Finally got hurt.

Without worrying too much, Bai Feng quickly manipulated the divine script and absorbed the power left by the broken divine script.

The level of 10 divine texts begins to increase

After the absorption was over, the 7 divine scripts that were still first-order became second-tier divine scripts. The divine script of "I" is at the peak of the second rank, and the divine script of "life" and "death" has advanced to the third rank.

Satisfied, Bai Feng prepared to enter Zhutian Mansion.As for the injury...it was a minor injury anyway.Let's go to Zhutian Mansion first.


People come and go, and there are many strong people.Obviously, they all went to the battlefield of the heavens.The officers and men stationed there are extremely fierce and have strict military discipline to maintain the order of the Tianfu.

Bai Feng walked towards the passage of the battlefield of the heavens.

After walking for a long time, passing through one after another checkpoints, a beam of light piercing the sky appeared in front of him.

Bai Feng walked under the beam of light. At this moment, dozens of people had gathered in the beam of light.

At this time, a general shouted: "After a hundred people, you can teleport!"

"One person pays 100 points of merit. During the transmission, don't run around, and be careful to get lost in the passage!"

"When you get to the opposite side, everyone should cooperate with the inspection on the other side, and don't conflict with that side. The human condition is good, and there is a battlefield over there, so you can do whatever you want. If you run around and get killed, don't blame me for not reminding everyone!"

While the general was speaking, many people came.Finally, the general suddenly smiled and gave a blessing.

"Finally, I wish you all the best of luck!"

When all the people arrived, the general stopped talking and shouted: "Teleport!"

With a shout, a ray of light emitted from the beam of light.

Bai Feng and others who were still in place just now disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Turn around.

As if crossing the long river of time, darkness and light alternate in front of my eyes.

The space is interlaced.

A ray of light flickered, and the next moment, Bai Feng opened his eyes again, and everything in front of him was different.

The stars are dotted, as if entering the universe starry sky.

Neither day nor night.

On the battlefield of the heavens, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between night and day, and there is always starlight shining. There is no round of shining sun, but there are countless stars, illuminating the entire battlefield of the heavens.

"This is the battlefield of the heavens...it's so beautiful."

In a daze, some of the people sent here vomited because of dizziness, and those who have been here more than once are used to it.

Bai Feng is fine, the teleportation pressure is not too great.

While they were in a trance, someone shouted next to their ears: "Line up and prepare to give orders, those who have military affairs are the priority..."

Bai Feng looked around, but couldn't see anything, only the continuous barracks, which were the garrison here.

All around, teams of armored soldiers are patrolling around.

Bai Feng and the others are in a huge formation at the moment, which is a bit like gossip. In front of them, there are a few strong men in the mountain and sea realm who are checking their identities. The human realm and the battlefield of the heavens will conduct double inspections to avoid being infiltrated by the Ten Thousand Races Sect. military aircraft.

At the same time, waves of willpower came over and swept over everyone.

The strong man who checked his identity was wearing armor and a steel helmet with blood-red feathers on his helmet. At this moment, someone was checking his identity, and someone shouted: "Some of you are here for the first time, let me just say a few words !"

"Come to the battlefield of the heavens, there are three destinations!"

"First, join the army, each government will send strong soldiers to garrison! Then report directly to the corresponding barracks, and don't run around."

"Second, I want to collect some resources and gamble on my luck, but I don't have enough strength, so I dare not go alone. Then go to the All Heavens Office. Over there, many people like you are also waiting for the team task over there. Of course , there, the military will provide you with certain protection, charge a certain fee, and have the right to recruit you during the war!"

"Third, loose people! Lone travelers! These people are not allowed to stay in the army for a long time, and leave quickly. They can rest and adjust at the rest point on the front line. They are not allowed to break into the barracks without authorization, and those who violate it will be killed!"

The strong man in the blood feather armor said a few words loudly, and then said coldly: "This is one of the base camps of the Human Realm battlefield. The rear is where the troops are stationed. You are not allowed to stay, but in front, there is a small city where you can do business and rest." Yes, you are not allowed to stay near the base camp, you can go to the small town ahead to rest."


The other party talked about the rules for a while, the light in his eyes burst out, he looked around at Bai Feng and the others, and said coldly: "Finally, I would like to remind everyone that you are not allowed to fight each other here! Whether you have hatred or not! If you really want to Kill people, go to the front line, go out of the defense zone, kill whatever you want! If you are outside the vanguard camp, then even if you hit the dog's head, no one will pay attention to you!"

After leaving the Pioneer Battalion area, it is beyond the real human defense line, and the human race actually has nothing to do with it.

That's another race zone.

Of course, even in the human defense zone, the eastern theater is astonishingly large, and not everything can be controlled.

Some simple rules were announced, and the identity check continued.

Bai Feng lined up obediently. The other party checked Bai Feng's order and asked him to wait in front.

Later, these lone travelers will be taken away and enter a small city outside the barracks, named Dongli City.

When you leave the city, you leave the base camp, which means you have officially left the human realm.

In the future, unless they return to the human realm, they will not be allowed to enter the base camp area again. Even if they leave the battlefield of the heavens, they will need to report.

After everyone checked, Bai Feng and the others walked forward under the leadership of several soldiers.

After walking for more than ten minutes, everyone was not slow. They had just stepped out of the barracks, passed a tall wall, and out of the wall, there was a small town more than ten miles away.

That is Dongli City.

It is not grand, but it looks very prosperous, and the noise of the city can be heard more than ten miles away.

Within a few minutes, Dongli City was approaching, and there was a lot of voices.

At the gate of the city, it was extremely noisy at the moment.

"The second-tier top legion of the Great Zhou Mansion, the Dousheng Army is recruiting! Anyone above the Sky Realm can sign up, and the treatment is favorable! Civilization masters are given priority, and soldiers, alchemists, beast trainers, and rune masters are all treated favorably!"

"The Tiandao Army of the Daming Mansion is recruiting, and they can fight!"

"The Xuanhuo Army, the elite regiment of the Great Merchant Mansion, is recruiting people. They must obey the military orders and come here without fear of death!"

"The Demon Hunting Squad is recruiting people, going deep into the front line, and hunting demons. Are there any fighters who have more than 108 enlightenment and more than 18 casts to sign up? Weak people stay away!"

"The Slaughtering God Squad recruits, kills gods and demons, and requires warriors with acupoints of 5000 or more. Don't bother others!"


There was a lot of noise.

Bai Feng was amazed!Although this scene is also included in the original work, it is still very novel after seeing it for real.

Entering Dongli City, Bai Feng first went to sell all the monsters he killed on the road and the trophies he captured, in exchange for a detailed information about the battlefield of the heavens.

Although the original book also writes about the battlefield of the heavens, it is not complete after all.

After reading the information, Bai Feng had a certain understanding of the affairs of all parties, and walked eastward outside the city.

Bai Feng looked at the map while walking, he was going to Yuhai Plain.The characteristics of genius meeting genius there are more in line with Bai Feng's needs.

The word "change" jumps and changes shape. The divine script of the word "yin" conceals one's aura and hides one's figure.

Bai Feng quickly walked towards the Sea of ​​Desire Plain, he didn't want to play with those human geniuses inside the human defense line, and he didn't want to be involved in the battle of the Vanguard Battalion.


The God-expanding hammer was smashed down, and the word "Zhen" was blessed by the divine scriptures, 27 shocks with one hammer.The Zhanshan Niu in front of him froze for a moment, and the dragon-slaying sword came out, piercing the opponent's sea of ​​will with one sword.

Bai Feng put the corpse into the divine text, and cursed secretly: "You all think I'm easy to bully when I vacate the third layer, don't you! I bumped into a few along the way."

The divine script of the word "death" danced, and a wave of death appeared, corroding all traces.

At the beginning, Bai Feng was still very flustered, after all, it was the first time to fight.Now he has fully adapted to the environment here.

"Touch!" A fish tail smashed towards Bai Feng.

Bai Feng, who was counting the harvest, instantly disappeared in place.

"It runs fast." A monster that looks like a fish and a dragon appears.

"Chi kiss clan!" Bai Feng's eyes were solemn, this is a top [-] race, and the opponent is the sixth level of the sky.

The divine character "Zhen" appeared, and the god-expanding hammer struck Chiwen, and at the same time, the dragon-slaying sword slashed towards Chiwen.

Chi kiss was in a trance, and he woke up instantly. Looking at the dragon-slaying sword that was slashing at him, the primordial apertures all over his body glowed, and he punched the dragon-slaying sword.


The dragon-slaying sword was blown away by him, and Chiwen's arm was almost cut off.

Bai Feng looked at the blow that had just cut Teng Kong Yazhong, he didn't even cut off his hand, he turned his head and ran away.

This is definitely a genius on the hunting list.

Before entering the Sea of ​​Desire Plain, he didn't want to confront a genius.What if I met a strong man passing by and was killed without any hassle.

"A human genius who has never seen before, just came to the battlefield of the heavens?"

Chi kiss looked at Bai Feng who was running away, and chased after him.Geniuses will kill geniuses, this is the consensus of the geniuses on the battlefield!

Chiwen chased Bai Feng, and the two rushed towards the Yuhai Plain.

At this time, because the geniuses on the list were fighting to the death on the Yuhai Plain, geniuses came here after hearing the news.

Geniuses gathered in Desire Sea Plain!

(End of this chapter)

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