I am Bai Feng

Chapter 74 Forged Ruins

Chapter 74 Forged Ruins

The top floor of Xiuxin Pavilion,
"Master, it's time to work!"

As soon as he came in, Bai Feng said this to Wan Tiansheng.

Wan Tiansheng asked doubtfully, "What are you going to do again?"

"Fake ruins!"

Bai Feng said solemnly: "The ruins made by the Xia family are too crude, so we can't fool the invincible of the Wanzu at all!"

"Then what are you going to do?"

Wan Tiansheng coughed, he had also seen the ruins made by the Xia family, and knew the loopholes in it.It's just...he doesn't have money, so he can't help the Xia family.

Bai Feng smiled and said: "If you want to deceive those invincibles, first of all, the strength of the relic space must be high enough to withstand invincibles. I already have a way."

Then, Bai Feng took out three carrying objects and said, "One is broken and used to strengthen the space. The other two are used as carrying objects in the ruins."

Wan Tiansheng was a little dazed, and hesitated: "Why don't you forget it? This is too precious. If we fail, you will lose everything?"

Bai Feng said calmly: "Master, you have to have confidence in us, we won't fail. Besides, I have more than a dozen loads in my hand, so it's no big deal if I lose three of them."

"A dozen pieces..."

Wan Tiansheng was a little jealous when he heard that, big dog!I really want to steal you!
Wan Tiansheng judged that Bai Feng's carrying objects should have been obtained when Wudi fell.At that time, many invincibles were broken.

Bai Feng smiled and said: "Actually, I believe that even if the ruins are not forged, Fen Hai will come out, after all, I am here.

But I want to lure some invincibles from the Ten Thousand Races to come over and help relieve some pressure on the battlefield of the heavens.So the ruins still have to be faked to be more authentic. "

Wan Tiansheng is silent, what Bai Feng said is reasonable, but if he really wants to attract too many invincibles...he may not be able to hold on!

"Are you so confident in your own strength?"

Bai Feng was surprised and said: "Master, what are you talking about? I may not even be able to beat the sun and the moon. How can I have confidence? I must have confidence in you!"

Wan Tiansheng sneered, he couldn't beat the height of the sun and the moon, you think I'm stupid?
"lets change a topic."

Bai Feng took out a storage ring and said with a smile: "Master, come and see, what treasures are here to be placed in the ruins?"

Wan Tiansheng took the storage ring, glanced at it, and asked in surprise: "Where did you get these things?"

There are too many good things, these treasures are enough to cultivate ordinary invincible!
Bai Feng smiled and said nothing,
When he auctioned those geniuses and the sun and the moon before, he took away their storage rings, and these were only part of it.

Wan Tiansheng sighed: "You kid is really extravagant! But in this way, it is indeed possible to create a relic that is fake."

Bai Feng said seriously: "That's the way to go. Governor, time waits for no one, let's start working!"

Wan Tiansheng nodded,
Bai Feng sat aside, watching Wan Tiansheng raise his hands to tear apart the space and build new ruins.

Wan Tiansheng said while making it: "Aren't you dying? Come here and corrode this side."

Bai Feng nodded, listened to Wan Tiansheng's command, and started to fight.

at this time,


There were footsteps coming from outside.

The next moment, Su Yu pushed the door open and entered.

"Teacher, are you looking for me?"


Bai Feng smiled and said: "Come on, sit down and wait for a while, just in time to see the relics made by the governor."

"Making relics?"

Su Yu found a chair and sat down, and said casually: "Hasn't the Xia family already prepared a ruin?"

"Their one is too crude, so I redo it. The more authentic this kind of thing, the better."

Su Yu nodded and agreed: "Indeed, it is the right way to counterfeit such things and confuse the real with the fake!"

Bai Feng laughed,

He had forgotten that Su Yu was also a strong counterfeiter.

"Teacher, then you asked me to come here, do you need anything?"

Bai Feng said directly: "That's right, I need a lot of Tianyuan Qi to make Tianyuan Qi fruit trees, this is up to you."

Su Yu nodded, it's hard to say anything else, but there is nothing wrong with Tian Yuanqi.

"Also, didn't I give you the divine text and combat skill tablet last time? Take it out too."

Su Yu nodded, took out the divine text and combat skill tablet, and handed it to Bai Feng.

On the side, Wan Tiansheng felt a headache looking at it, "Are you even going to put the stele of divine writing and combat skills in?"

"Of course!"

Bai Feng nodded and said: "If you want to link the ruins with multiple divine texts, how can you do it without the divine text combat skill tablet? Only in this way can the people of all races pay more attention to it. Of course, if you have a way, the governor, you can't use the divine text combat skill tablet." That's fine too."

Wan Tiansheng sighed, and said, "This is the foundation of the multi-divinity system, so you plan to throw it in directly?"

Bai Feng said with a smile: "Master, then I can only trouble you and create a fake stele of divine writing and combat skills."

Wan Tiansheng laughed and said, "You have confidence in me. Well, let me handle this."

While Wan Tiansheng was speaking, he didn't stop working.

At this time, Wan Tiansheng let out a low cry, and went all out, his breath exploded in this room, and cracks appeared continuously in the pinched load.

After a while, there was a bang, the load shattered, and an extremely powerful force burst out!

Wan Tiansheng controlled those powers and integrated them into the space, forming a huge space in his palm.

"Heavenly vitality!"

Su Yu quickly took out a lot of Tian Yuan Qi.

Wan Tiansheng gathered a large amount of Sun Moon Profound Yellow Liquid to form the Sun Moon Profound Yellow Pool,

Together with a large amount of Tian Yuan Qi, and some other treasures and ancient items, they were stuffed into the ruins.

Finally, put the two loads in.

With a thought of Wan Tiansheng, a river appeared, constantly washing away the space of the ruins.

Gradually, as if after countless years, something that was brand new just now becomes old.

"You two come in and see the effect!"

Bai Feng and Su Yu glanced at each other, and stepped into the space together.

in space,
The sky was full of vitality, and quaint houses and courtyards appeared before their eyes.

Su Yu thought for a while, and said, "Should there be some powerful exercises in the ruins?"

Bai Feng smiled and said, "I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me, don't you have a lot of exercises? Get some exercises and put them in."

Su Yu nodded, and immediately began to write the exercises.

Bai Feng wandered around in the space, looking for loopholes in the fake ruins.

Suddenly, Bai Feng touched his chin, and suddenly said: "I just said that there is something missing, formations, how can there be no formations in the ruins!"

Wan Tiansheng glanced at him, and said lightly: "The formation in the ruins is used to cover up the light of enlightenment. Anyway, no one will prove the Tao in it, so it doesn't matter if there is one or not?"

"You can't say that, Governor."

Bai Feng smiled and said: "Think about it, no one would guard against the formations in the ruins, right? Then I can set up a lot of killing formations inside, and beat those invincibles by surprise!"

When the invincible of the Wanzu overcame many difficulties and finally entered the ruins, what awaited him was a lot of killing array!Thinking about this feeling, Bai Feng felt sour!
Wan Tiansheng was speechless, and quickly said: "It's no problem for you to arrange the formation, but can you make the formation fit the relic?"

Bai Feng said to himself: "Of course, it's very simple."

"Then it's up to you."

Bai Feng nodded, took out a lot of materials, and ran around in the ruins.

He wants to arrange a formation that covers the entire space!


after an hour,

Bai Feng wiped the sweat from his brow, and shouted to Wan Tiansheng: "I've done it here. Governor, have you done it yet?"

Wan Tiansheng threw a white jade tablet in and said calmly: "It's almost ready, you come and name the ruins."

Bai Feng looked at the stele of divine writing and combat skills in his hand, and then at the white jade tablet engraved with the word "wen tomb".

Feeling in his heart, Wan Tiansheng is really a master faker, he can't feel the difference between the two.

"Hmm...too lazy to think about it, let's call it the Mansion of Civilization."

"Nice name!"

Wan Tiansheng smiled, and carved two big characters on the gate tower outside the ruins - civilization!
Under the scouring of the long river of time, everything in the ruins has a vicissitudes of life.


A light hey made Bai Feng look over.

Wan Tiansheng looked at Su Yu strangely.

Bai Feng looked at Su Yu again, and found that Su Yu's expression was also a little wrong.

"What's wrong?"

Su Yu revealed a divine script and said, "I seem to have outlined another divine script. Governor, what is the use of this divine script?"

Bai Feng said casually: "You can try to combine this divine script with other divine scripts."

Wan Tiansheng was stunned for a moment, and asked strangely, "How do you know?"

Bai Feng was startled, he subconsciously answered Su Yu just now!

"Hahaha, I just guessed randomly. Looking at the governor's appearance, am I guessing right?"

Wan Tiansheng took a deep look at Bai Feng, guessing casually?So accurate?

There is definitely something wrong with Bai Feng,

Not only his divine character, but also the matter of Fenhai, Bai Feng can always know something that he shouldn't know.

At this time, Su Yu also finished trying, and said in surprise: "This divine script, isn't it just a divine script power amplifier!"

Looking at Wan Tiansheng, Su Yu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and asked, "Master, is your divine writing also like this?"

Wan Tiansheng nodded, and calmly said: "I just wrote two words casually, I didn't expect you to understand it."

Bai Feng smiled and said: "This shows that you two hit it off. Okay, let's not talk about this. Governor, let's put the ruins in Nanyuan."

"Prefect, teacher, take me one!"

Su Yu ran over and said, "I am now the overall person in charge of Lietian Pavilion Daxia Mansion. I have to be the first to discover the remains of Nanyuan."

Bai Feng was speechless, is Su Yu giving a reason?How does it feel like showing off?
"I won't go. Governor, take Su Yu there."

Wan Tiansheng nodded, grabbed Su Yu, and disappeared in Xiuxin Pavilion in an instant.

Bai Feng packed up his things, and left Xiuxin Pavilion before Wan Tiansheng came back.

Are you going to Nam Won?I'll go later and stuff this thing into the interlayer of Nanyuan space.

(End of this chapter)

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