I am Bai Feng

Chapter 88 Blood Replacement

Chapter 88 Blood Replacement

Star Sea, the Great Ming King on the outskirts of the Great Xia Dynasty surrendered.

Thank you so much!
This time, if it weren't for the great help of the Daming Mansion, the Great Xia Mansion would probably be destroyed.
His son was going to die, his grandson was going to die, and his great-grandson might not survive.

Daxia Mansion will probably be completely emptied!

King Daming smiled, nodded, and turned his head to look at the tunnel of the heavens.

My son... can really kill invincible?Why am I so unbelievable?Scary!

Forget it, it’s okay, at least it can scare some people.

Even if everyone doubts in their hearts, they have to send someone to watch him, lest he prove the truth.


King Daming sighed,
It's just that Zhu Tiandao, proving the way is difficult!

No chance this time, no chance next time.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, can these people feel at ease if they don't kill their own sons?
As miserable as Xia Longwu!


at the passage,
Looking at the three invincibles who came to kill,

Zhu Tiandao laughed, feeling extremely depressed.

Got it!Be a quasi-invincible!
Invincible, there is nothing to hope for.

It is impossible for Wanzu to allow a quasi-invincible who can kill invincible to prove the way!
Now, I can only help lead away a few invincibles.

Zhu Tiandao sent a voice transmission to the Great Song King who was guarding the passage: "Uncle Song, you've been staring at him. As soon as you call, I'll withdraw. Let me know in advance."

"Okay, okay! Didn't you kill an invincible? Try it later and see if you can kill another one."

The King of Song made a joke, Zhu Tiandao was speechless, forget it, and didn't bother to pay attention.

Kill another invincible?Do you want him to die?
Looking into the distance, Zhu Tiandao felt helpless,

Xia Longwu, your uncle and I have also tried our best, whether we can succeed or not is up to you.

Just as he was thinking, a person walked out of the passage, glanced at him, cursed in a low voice, and walked back in an instant, returning to the human realm.

When he left, he cursed and said, "Isn't you over there? Why did you come here?"

It was none other than Niu Baidao.

After killing a quasi-invincible, he finally got together two pieces of carrying objects.

Next, it is time to prove the truth.

He wants to come here to fish in troubled waters and prove himself!As soon as the result came out, I saw several invincibles coming here.

Forget it, not here to testify.

I'm going to go to another place, to go to the passage where the Great Han King and the others went out just now to prove the Tao!

Zhu Tiandao, this guy, obviously ran over there before!In the end, he was afraid of death, so he ran over again!

He's going to run over again!

Proof, you still have to be in a safer place.

As for whether it will be successful, it's hard to say, it depends on luck.However, his luck has never been very good.


Not long after, Niu Baidao dived out from another place.

Too lazy to talk nonsense, he instantly merged with the body of the third life and began to escape.

If you are lucky, you will succeed, if you are not lucky, you will be finished. There is nothing to say.

At the same time, Yun Chen and Nan Wujiang were looking for a place to testify, and if they were attracted, they counted as one.

Except for Master Xia Hou, several quasi-invincibles began to testify one after another.

Among all races and invincibles, there are indeed a few invincibles who went out to chase and kill them!


sea ​​of ​​stars.

Xia Longwu is still brewing.

A Wanzu Wudi couldn't help shouting: "He's delaying time! Xia Longwu, at this point, is there still a need to delay? Do you think other people have the hope of successfully proving the Dao?"

You Wudi said coldly: "Go to a few more people and kill those demonstrators! Xia Longwu, delaying is useless! Give up proving the Tao, and there is still a glimmer of hope. If you want to delay, we will attack by force!"

I can't let him drag on!

Xia Longwu looked at the crowd, took a deep breath, and said, "What's the hurry! If there are fewer people, can you kill me? Be careful, you can't kill me. I succeeded in proving the Tao, and I'll kill you one by one!"

He said this very calmly.

But everyone felt cold.

This guy is really capable.

Wanzu Invincible wants to attack by force!But... King Daxia and the others are still there, so they still hesitate.

At this moment, the void shattered, and a figure walked out of it, overflowing with devilish energy, and the long blood-red hair fluttered in the wind, extremely powerful!
Many people's faces changed.

"Blood Fire Demon King!"

The demon king with the name of blood and fire!The Lord of the Blood Fire Demon Clan!
The leader of the Bloodfire Demon Clan who is the best at fighting, the most able to fight, and the most daring to fight among the Demon Clan, the Blood Fire Demon King!Incomparably powerful!

The Blood Fire Demon King looked at Human Race Wudi, and calmly said: "Qin Guang, Xia Wushen, come one of the two, let's compete!"

King Daxia's eyes were stern, and he said coldly: "Bloodfire, if you want to seek death, then I will help you!

The void was torn apart, and the two disappeared instantly.

Many invincibles breathed a sigh of relief, King Daxia was taken away!

What they are most worried about is King Daxia!Worried about his death!For Xia Longwu, his grandson!

The next moment, a god king and a fairy king came together.

"The King of Thunder!"

"Nine Heavens Immortal King!"

Quite a few invincible hearts moved, this is... a strong attack is about to take place!
King Da Qin sighed, walked out, and said coldly: "Since you two are here, let's play together!"

The void shattered, and the three disappeared in place.

Great Qin King, Great Xia King!The two invincibles most feared by the invincibles of all races are gone!

On the periphery, those Ten Thousand Race Invincibles breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Human Race Invincible, ready to move.

Now, they are not afraid.

And at this moment, there is still a strong man coming.

"God King Tianyi!"

God King Tianyi descended, looked at King Daming, and said indifferently: "King Daming, let's compete!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

The void shattered, and the two invincibles disappeared.

After a while, three invincibles descended, weaker than the previous ones.

An invincible said calmly: "Great Zhou King, there are two people in your Zhou family who have proved the Tao, and one sect has four eternities. Shouldn't you be satisfied? Don't meddle here, come here!"

King Da Zhou was extremely calm, looked around, stepped out with one step, and disappeared into the void, and the three invincibles also disappeared.

All the powerful invincibles of the human race were taken away. At this time, an invincible shouted: "Cut the battlefield!"

The void oscillated, one invincible of all races took away the invincible of human race.

In the blink of an eye, almost all the invincibles around Xia Longwu disappeared, leaving only a few invincibles.

On the periphery, there are more than 30 people who are invincible from all races.

Xia Longwu said calmly: "Seniors, let's go!"

If you don't leave, you will be besieged and killed!
Tianzhu Wang and the others are also helpless, with them, they can't do so many invincibles!
Looking at Wanzu Wudi, King Tianzhu said coldly: "Come on, come with us!"

The next moment, seven or eight invincibles, followed by several human invincibles, disappeared in place.

At this time, there were more than 20 invincibles in all directions.

At this moment, those invincibles all laughed.

Xia Longwu must die!
An invincible laughed and punched out.

But at this moment, the void fluctuated, the sky and the earth reversed, and many people changed their colors slightly.

The next moment, ancient cities emerged one after another.

7 seats!
Originally there were 9 seats, but under the influence of Bai Feng, Yun Xiao and the city lords of the ancient city of Tian Mie were no longer trapped by death energy, so naturally they would not come here.

Xialongwu is surrounded by seven ancient cities.

In the blink of an eye, nine city lords floated in the air and appeared above the ancient city.

Invincible said angrily, "Is the ancient city also participating in the war?"

The strength of the ancient city side cannot be underestimated!

Once the ancient city joins the battle, then Xia Longwu will almost certainly succeed in proving the Dao.

At this time, the void fluctuated, and a voice came.

"You guards... want to make a move?"

That was the voice of the Demon Emperor.

The next moment, another voice came out, "This is the personal grievance of the Lord of the Holy City, and has nothing to do with guarding! As long as the city and the rules are not broken, we don't care!"

The Demon Emperor was silent for a moment, and said in a voice: "Don't pay attention to the ancient city, the city lord will block it, just kill it!"

Now that the stone carving said so, the Demon Emperor didn't want to say anything more.

A city lord said helplessly: "Xia Longwu, you bastard, you are going to kill us!"

They knew there would be invincibles, but they didn't expect there to be so many invincibles, more than 20!

The masters of the ancient city are basically the Sun Moon Nine Levels or quasi-invincible, so they can fight against invincible in the ancient city.

This time a total of seven cities came, and the opponents were more than 20 invincibles, so what a fart, isn't this courting death?

The nine city lords were all helpless.

Xia Longwu was too lazy to talk, and quickly began to preach.

In the blink of an eye, most of the three bodies merged!On the periphery, those invincibles are no longer afraid.As long as the stone carvings don't move, a few city lords can't stop them!

Several invincibles came in front of several city lords and blocked them instantly.

In the center of the ancient city, four or five invincibles broke through the blockade and headed towards Xia Longwu!
Xia Longwu's face was calm, and he slashed out with one blow!

"Open the sky!"

Out of the knife!The sword is soaring!

With a soft sound, an invincible suddenly stepped back a few steps!On the forehead, a bloodstain appeared, showing blood.

"Xia Longwu!"

The invincible eyes were shocked, so strong!One move hurt him!
Xia Longwu raised his long saber, and the aura of the saber turned golden.

Countless sword shadows overlapped, and the sky-reaching sword shadow appeared, slashing at another invincible.

That invincible sword, a sword to kill,
In an instant, that invincible was repelled!

At this time, in all directions, several invincibles appeared and killed him at the same time!
Xia Longwu is indeed powerful!Not weaker than invincible!
Xia Longwu snorted coldly, wrapped his sword around, and slashed at everyone!

Murderous rush!
In an instant, Xia Longwu slashed seven swords, one sword stronger than the other!

Those invincibles also shouted violently, punching, palming, knives, and swords...

The void was shattered, Xia Longwu kept fighting several invincibles!There is a reflection of rays of light on the body, which is the vision at the beginning of enlightenment.

Xia Longwu is very strong, with one enemy, many are invincible!
However, there are too many invincibles!

The next moment, a palm penetrated Xia Longwu's chest.

Invincible said with emotion: "Xia Longwu...unexpectedly, you are very strong, does Daxia Mansion only produce monsters?"

A quasi-invincible who specializes in invincible?
When an Invincible alone meets Xia Longwu, it's hard to say who will die.


Yunxiao Ancient City,

The apse of the city lord's mansion,
Bai Feng looked at Xia Longwu calmly.

"You want to save him?"

The voice of the sky.

Bai Feng nodded,

Yun Xiao said calmly: "You should know that we all have our own responsibilities to guard! It is okay to save you. It is impossible to save him!"

Bai Feng nodded again, and said with a smile: "Master Yunxiao, if I ask Master Hongmeng to suppress a half-emperor for me for a while... Do you think he will be willing?"

"You still want to make a move?"

Yun Xiao thought for a while and said, "If it's just suppression and no killing...the boss should agree."

Bai Feng nodded slightly, didn't say anything, and looked in one direction.

It's almost time. Next, let's see Master Xiahou.


Beside a passage,
Lord Xiahou sat on the ground, silently looking over there, and tapped his fingers lightly.

He didn't know if Bai Feng was reliable or not,

However, it doesn't matter!He was going to save Xia Longwu.

Looking at Xia Longwu, Master Xiahou felt calm,
My eldest nephew, your uncle is leaving, no one will take the blame for you in the future...

Speaking of which, I have taken so many scapegoats for you father and son, I even brought you up... You still hit me!
What the hell is not a thing!

Throw your son into my care too.I don't know, I thought it was my son!

Master Xiahou seemed to be crying and laughing, my old friends!
Hong Tan, Liu Wenyan, and the others have all left, Lao Wan has run away, Daxia Mansion has scolded me for many years, vampires, unscrupulous businessmen, Gou Xiaoer...the blame is all on him!
From now on... no one will take the blame for you.

My eldest nephew, you are always so disobedient, it's time to be obedient.

Master Xia Hou thought for a while, stood up, looked into the distance, feeling a little helpless,

"Eldest nephew... you've run too far..."

After scolding Xia Longwu a few words, Master Xia Hou said helplessly: "I have nothing to do when I meet you, forget it..."

Inside the body, drops of blood began to burn.

In front of him, a long river of time and space opened.

Success or failure, in one fell swoop!
Whether you can succeed or not depends on your luck.Your uncle and I can only do this kind of thing.

Hope...you succeed.

Lord Xia Hou became thinner and weaker.

With the burning of blood essence, the long river is getting wider and wider!
Looking at Xia Longwu, Master Xiahou smiled.

Wait, wait a little longer!
Let the elder nephew's three bodies be more integrated, and he can prove the Tao faster after the transfer.

Master Xiahou felt silently,

Wait until Xia Longwu's aura begins to decline.

Master Xia Hou started to fly away, far away from Xia Longwu.

Try to buy him some more time!

He can't die!I took care of him for so long and he died, what should I do?
Lord Xiahou flew farther and farther, his essence and blood had been burned out, and the long river of time was also opened up bigger and bigger.

Not far away, an Invincible who was chasing and killing Niu Baidao suddenly looked at him.

Xia Xiaoer wants to testify?

That invincible is a little puzzled, it doesn't seem like preaching?Looking so weak, is he going to commit suicide?

Niu Baidao, who was being hunted down, also looked at Lord Xia Hou in the distance, very surprised.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and wanted to speak, but he hesitated...

Master Xia Hou looked over there, and said with a smile: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to prove the Tao! I'll go farther, you continue to kill cattle, he's going to prove the Tao..."


Niu Baidao is speechless, are you speaking human language?
never mind!

Niu Baidao sighed softly in his heart, forget it, forget it, I will give you a mouthful when you are dying.


sea ​​of ​​stars,
At this moment, Xia Longwu's three bodies merged into one, and Xia Guang was in full bloom.

Momentum continued to decline.

He kept swinging the knife, one knife after another, but the injury continued to worsen.

Those invincibles were not in a hurry, and slowly worn him to death.

Several ancient city masters are already preparing to evacuate.

Because, Xia Longwu... is going to die.

But at this moment, Xia Longwu's face suddenly changed, and he said angrily, "Get lost!"

Xia Longwu's expression was very angry and painful!
"Go away!"

"Xia Xiaoer, get out!"

At this moment, the void trembled, and a tiny passage of time appeared on Xia Longwu's body.

Master Xia Hou came with a crying voice, "Stop scolding, nephew, I'm in pain, I'm going to die... In my next life... don't hit me... I'm your uncle..."

"We... are blood relatives... Be decisive, hurry up..."

Xia Longwu roared furiously, extremely crazy.

The next moment, he tore through the time channel and quickly got into it.

At the same time, Lord Xiahou, who was thousands of miles away, instantly turned into a phantom and disappeared in place.

The next moment, Xia Longwu appeared here.

And Lord Xiahou instantly appeared in the place where Xia Longwu was before.

This is the technique of blood vessel replacement!
In the distance, Xia Longwu roared furiously, madly killing the invincible person near him!
"Xia Xiaoer! Fuck your ancestor!"

Xia Longwu cried blood and roared, that was his own uncle!
He reversed the positions of the two!

Just to buy him some time, just to let him escape from the encirclement!


"Hey...my ancestor...is also your ancestor!"

Master Xia Hou appeared in the place before Xia Longwu, very thin and weak, like a candle in the wind.

Even with the same blood, he is only quasi-invincible.

Reversing the distance of thousands of miles, even if he and Xia Longwu are quasi-invincible, he has burned almost all of his blood.

If Xia Longwu is invincible, he still has no way to reverse it.

Master Xia Hou smiled, and he could vaguely see what he looked like when he was young.


Those invincibles who were attacking and killing Xia Longwu changed their colors one after another.


With one punch, Master Xiahou's body exploded instantly.

Master Xiahou didn't care, he laughed and said, "Are you angry? Are you angry? Come and hit me! My eldest nephew...will succeed! What the hell, it just hurts...Daddy...It hurts... ..."

Master Xia Hou broke his power in an instant, screaming continuously, it really hurts.

Eldest nephew, no one will take the blame for you, you must succeed!
In a trance, he seemed to see the scene of the past.He saw the scene where he was rejected by those bastards when he went to propose marriage!

The old lady of the Wu family, General Zhao, and Manager Hu all rejected his marriage proposal!
Isn't it just to propose marriage to three families at once?

Why do you refuse, who am I, the son of King Daxia, Master Xiahou, I proposed marriage, but you actually refused!

"Liu Wenyan...fuck your ancestors!"

With the last resentment, Master Xia Hou uttered this sound with all his might.

Like you, all I like!

If you don't want it, give it to me.

I want it!
I used to be very handsome!
"Really, I didn't expect you to think of me, Uncle Liu, at such a time? The truth! I support you!"

With a smile on his face, Bai Feng swung away the invincibles with one sword, grabbing Lord Xiahou's sea of ​​will.

Next to it, a long river of time stretching to the sky appeared, and Wan Tiansheng pulled Liu Wenyan out of the long river of time.

"Master, are you here too?"

Wan Tiansheng nodded, and said helplessly, "Why are you here?"

Liu Wenyan stared at Bai Feng, and said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about? Xia Xiaoer and I don't have that kind of relationship!"

"Don't worry, I won't laugh at you. After all, true love is gender-neutral!"

Liu Wenyan's face turned black, what do you mean?If those tigresses know this...

Liu Wenyan shivered, and quickly said: "Don't talk nonsense! I like women!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Bai Feng was perfunctory, looked at Wanzu Wudi on the opposite side, and said indifferently: "Everyone, why don't you go after Xia Longwu and look at me?"

In the distance, Xia Longwu was insanely crazy, his three bodies merged into one, almost beating that invincible to death!
Needless to say, seven or eight people flew there in an instant.

The rest of the dozen or so invincibles all looked at Bai Feng with covetous eyes.

Wan Tiansheng, Liu Wenyan, Xia Xiaoer, and most importantly, Bai Feng!All here, now, is a good chance to kill them all!
(End of this chapter)

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