Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 1042 The true use of the Dinghai Divine Pearl

Chapter 1042 The true use of the Dinghai Divine Pearl

Xu Feng followed Kane and walked towards the depths of the cathedral. At the same time, in the abandoned city of Tristram, the soul-eating troll troll held a weapon that looked like a human leg and slowly walked Walking down the street.

"This city is full of the aura of hellish demons, but along the way, why didn't I find many traces of demons?" The Soul-Eating Troll squinted his eyes and looked around at the city. The city was very big, but it was... As we walked, we encountered very few demons, and most of them were low-level demons with relatively weak strength.

"Where have all those powerful demons gone?" The Soul-Eating Demon said to himself: "Could it be that they were all summoned by the demon lord of this city?"

According to the laws of survival of monsters, in such a city, there must be a demon lord who is similar to a city lord, commanding the demons in the entire city, and all demons in the city must obey his orders.

Just when the Soul-Eating Troll was puzzled, a large group of zombie demons slowly walked over from across the street;
"Is this... the meeting over?" the soul-eating troll whispered.

When this group of zombies approached, the Soul-Eating Troll discovered that, as expected, these zombies were much stronger than the demons they had encountered before. Moreover, these zombies looked excited and excited at this time, obviously after eating. appearance.

"The smell of blood..." The soul-eating troll noticed the smell of human blood from these zombies, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth;
"Sure enough, there is a city lord in this abandoned city, and he is actually feeding the demons in the city with human blood..." The soul-eating troll said to himself: "Is this planning to cultivate its own power? "

Using one's own blood to train subordinates is a very common method among demons. As a monster of the same kind, the Soul-Eating Troll is naturally aware of this method. This method is also often used among monsters, but the Soul-Eating Giant The devil disdains this, it has a more convenient method!

When this group of zombie demons saw the Soul-Eating Giant, they first showed a ferocious look, as if they were about to pounce on it and tear it into pieces at the next moment. However, when they got closer, the group of zombie demons were attacked by the Soul-Eating Giant again. Frightened by the aura of the demon, a look of fear suddenly appeared on his face, and he trembled and did not dare to approach.

"Come here!" The soul-eating troll's eyes glowed red, and he waved to the zombie demon headed by him. It can be seen that this zombie demon is afraid of the soul-eating troll, but under the order of the soul-eating troll, , still walking towards it tremblingly.

"Very good!" The Soul-Eating Troll grinned and reached out to place a hand on its head.

"Let me see what your city lord looks like..." The Soul-Eating Troll closed his eyes slightly and murmured to himself.

Soon, the Soul-Eating Troll extracted a large number of memory fragments from the zombie demon's mind. These memory fragments were like slides, flashing in the Soul-Eating Troll's mind. At the same time, they were extracted The zombie demon with memory fragments had a ferocious expression on his face, and he kept roaring in pain. His body seemed to be electrocuted, shaking constantly...

Soon, the soul-eating troll suddenly opened his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and whispered: "So you are the demon lord of this city, and you don't seem to be very powerful..."

"I want your demon blood!" The soul-eating troll let go of his hand, pushed the zombie demon in front of him aside at will, and followed the route obtained from the memory fragments of the zombie demon, heading straight towards the direction of the cathedral. Go.


In the eyes of the Soul-eating Troll, the demon who can rule such an entire city must be the most powerful demon in the city with the noblest demon blood. It would never have thought that this demon could be seen from the zombie memory fragments. The fallen blacksmith Griswold is not the most powerful demon in this abandoned city. In front of the real Skeleton King, Griswold's strength is simply not enough. As for demon blood, an ordinary blacksmith has fallen into There is no comparison between the demon and the Skeleton King who became a king.

At this time, Xu Feng followed Kane and had reached the depths of the cathedral. Although Xu Feng knew in the game that there was a huge underground palace in the cathedral, which was like an underground city and was filled with all kinds of things. The demons are far more powerful than the demons in the abandoned city of Tristram on the ground.Soon, under Kane's guidance, Xu Feng and he entered the underground level of the cathedral. As soon as they entered, a cold netherworld ball was shot towards the two of them;

Dragon tooth shield!
With a thought in Xu Feng's mind, a kite shield glowing with pale golden light stood in front of Kane;

The Nether Ball hit the Dragon Tooth Shield and exploded immediately. The cold and biting Netherworld atmosphere was rampant. Kane, who was behind the Dragon Tooth Shield, couldn't help but trembled and subconsciously took two steps back;
Dinghai Divine Pearl!

With a thought in Xu Feng's mind, 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls whizzed towards several skeletons at the entrance. These skeleton soldiers all had king-level strength. Under the bombardment of the 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls, all the bones in their bodies were cracked. Cracks all over.

Xu Feng made a casual move, and 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls flew back again. Under Xu Feng's control, they smashed towards the skeleton soldiers again and again;

Boom, boom, boom~
After smashing it three times in a row, the skeleton soldiers guarding the door finally turned into a pile of bone fragments, and several pieces of white-quality equipment exploded;

Xu Feng recalled the 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls, and instead of taking them back to the sea of ​​consciousness, they slowly rotated around him.

"Just take this opportunity to see the true use of these Dinghai Divine Pearls!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

As soon as he gained the vision of discernment, Xu Feng wanted to check the true use of the Dinghai Divine Pearl, but was delayed because Kane issued a mission to find an angel. Now that the Dinghai Divine Pearl has been summoned, he might as well take the opportunity to see it. Take a look.

The eye of discernment!

A ray of purple light flashed in Xu Feng's eyes, and the attributes of the 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls suddenly appeared in his eyes. In addition to the previous attributes, a few lines of gray attribute introductions appeared at the bottom;
"Using the source energy of heaven and earth as a guide, open up the chaotic space in the Dinghai Divine Pearl. Based on the four laws of earth, water, fire and wind, and using a spiritual plant of heaven and earth as a root, it takes root in the void, absorbs the breath of chaos, releases spiritual energy, and forms a stable space! "

"Integrate the portable secret realm and the realm, and transform it into the secret realm! Focus on the secret realm, and integrate 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls to open up a stable space! The moment the secret realm is promoted to the Xiaoqian World, the 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls are promoted accordingly It is the Small Thousand World, the secret realm is promoted to the Middle Thousand World, the 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls are subsequently promoted to the Middle Thousand World, the secret realm is promoted to the Great Thousand World, and the 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls are subsequently promoted to the Great Thousand World!”


After seeing the true usage of the Sea God Pearl, Xu Feng couldn't help but open his eyes wide and couldn't help but murmur to himself: "The 36 Great Thousand Worlds, plus his own secret realm, are 37 Great Thousand Worlds! Oh my god, ordinary emperor level A strong person can only have one Small Thousand World at most, and then be promoted to the Great Thousand World, and once I successfully enter the Emperor Level realm, I will have 37 Great Thousand Worlds. With such terrifying strength, how can other Emperor Level powerhouses be my opponents!"


(End of this chapter)

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