Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 1050 The Perfect Ruby

"Xu Feng, can your method of completely killing demon souls be taught to others?" Kane finally asked this question.

"Okay!" Xu Feng nodded affirmatively and said: "My skill is called Concentrating Demon-Slaying Sword. It can be taught to others, but it may not be as powerful as mine. To deal with high-level demons like just now, At most, it can only harm its soul, but it cannot completely kill it!"

The level of the Concentrating Demon-Slaying Sword is not high. If it is just a pure Concentrating Demon-Slaying Sword, it can only cause damage to high-level demon souls at most, but it cannot completely eliminate it. The key to the reason why it is so powerful is that it is fused into With the "Indestructible Devouring Technique", the skill power can continue to increase as the calamity level increases.

Without the blessing of five thousand levels of calamity power, the Concentrating Demon-Slaying Sword would not be able to exert such terrifying power!

"Can't it be completely killed?" Kane showed a look of disappointment on his face. If Xu Feng alone can kill the demon soul, then it doesn't mean much to the entire human camp. Once Xu Feng dies, Just like Karasha, humans will once again be enveloped by the darkness of the devil and fall into the previous cycle of despair.

Only if human beings can continuously learn this skill of killing demon souls can all demons be killed one day in the future, and then human beings can achieve true peace.

"But I also have a way to imprison the devil's soul in a paper talisman, and use the devil's soul to forge equipment..." Xu Feng said with a smile.

Prison Talisman!
This is a fairy-level talisman in "The True Explanation of Ten Thousand Talisman". It is a talisman specifically targeting the immortality of demons. It can imprison the demon's soul in a talisman, and it can also use this talisman to imprison the demon's soul. Use talismans to create equipment. Although the equipment created are all magic weapons and will have certain side effects when used, every time you use the prison talisman to create equipment, a certain amount of demonic origin power will be consumed. If an ordinary demon's soul is imprisoned, creating a After equipping it five or six times, the original power will be exhausted, which is equivalent to complete annihilation.

After saying that, Xu Feng took out a piece of talisman paper, talisman ink and talisman pen, and drew a magic prison talisman in front of Kane!

Kane watched Xu Feng simply draw a strange symbol with red talisman ink on a piece of rough yellow paper, saying it was made of the Demon Prison Talisman, and a look of confusion appeared on his face.

"Can such a simple talisman trap a demon's soul?" Kane stared at the talisman in Xu Feng's hand and murmured to himself, clearly doubtful.

Xu Feng couldn't help but laugh;

If the talisman-making level of this prison magic talisman has not reached level ten or above, there is no hope that it can be successfully drawn. Moreover, it is not an easy task for humans in this world to draw this talisman. At the very least, it is necessary to Know how to make talisman paper, talisman ink and talisman pen, and then you can learn how to make the magic talisman.

At this time, the cursed treasure chest has turned into light blue, and circles of light spread, giving people a warm feeling. It seems that all the ghostly atmosphere in this treasure chest has been released, and it can be opened. .Xu Feng handed the demon prison talisman in his hand to Kane and said: "As long as you kill the demon and then throw this talisman out, you can trap the soul of the demon you killed inside. When you encounter the demon, Now, you can try it yourself!”

"Can ordinary humans who have not inspired the Nephalem bloodline use this talisman?" Kane couldn't help but show a look of surprise on his face.

"Haha, this kind of talisman is specially used by ordinary people!" Xu Feng said with a smile. After saying this, with a thought, one talisman after another appeared in front of him and showed it to Kane.

"It's amazing!" Kane exclaimed.

If this kind of talisman can really be used by ordinary people as Xu Feng said, then ordinary people in human camps can also follow the professionals to explore the wild and become followers of the professionals, specifically for the professionals. They trap demon souls. Perhaps because of this small talisman, the human camp can support tens of thousands or even 10,000+ humans;
Xu Feng first collected a dozen soul crystals on the ground. These are good things that can increase the success rate of the spiritual enlightenment ceremony. They are also the hard currency in the human camp besides gold coins. For those who have not yet participated in the spiritual enlightenment ceremony and For ordinary humans who have failed the spiritual enlightenment ceremony, the value of soul crystals is much greater than gold coins. Even for professionals, soul crystals are also the best additives for forging equipment, which can increase the success rate of forging magic equipment.

Putting away the soul crystal, Xu Feng walked towards the ashes that the demon turned into after his death. At this time, a few rays of light were faintly revealed in the pile of ashes. Xu Feng kicked towards the pile of ashes, and immediately buried in the ashes. The loot is revealed.

Two pieces of blue quality equipment, a ruby ​​the size of a fist, a crimson crystal that looks like a drop of water, and finally a whistle that seems to be made of bones;
Among the blue equipment, one of them happened to be cloth armor pants. Xu Feng threw it to Kane. During the battle, the atmosphere of the netherworld was overflowing, and the surrounding temperature dropped by at least twenty or thirty degrees. For Xu Feng, it only felt a little... It's a bit cool, but for an ordinary old man like Kane, the cold is like a knife piercing the skin, cutting into the bones and hurting. With these cloth armors on the body, at least he can resist the cold and make himself feel better.

These equipments in the dark world have almost no value to Xu Feng; there are only two types of equipment in the dark world that are valuable to Xu Feng. One is equipment of gold quality or above, including dark gold, green suits, etc. , these equipments contain the power of laws, and can automatically decompose, releasing the power of laws for people to absorb. For king-level powerhouses, this is simply an irresistible temptation, and the other is like "shattering" "Skeleton" is an item that can automatically decompose and release the origin of heaven and earth;
In addition to the two pieces of blue-quality equipment, the other ruby ​​is an inlay with the same properties as the "Shattered Skull". It is also a unique item in the dark world, and its grade is obviously much higher than that of the "Shattered Skull". , the name is "Perfect Ruby"!
Xu Feng looked at the ruby ​​in his hand and couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He subconsciously used the Eye of Discrimination to see if it could be decomposed and if it also had the origin of heaven and earth;
Sure enough, at the bottom of the ruby's attributes, a few lines of gray attribute introductions suddenly appeared. These were attribute descriptions that were not available when viewing it before;
"Sure enough, this ruby ​​can also decompose by itself, but what is obtained after decomposition is not the source of heaven and earth, but the power of the nine laws..." Xu Feng couldn't help but reveal a look of joy in his eyes. The key is the power of these nine laws. Xu Feng can absorb them all, which is much better than being able to choose only one to three green suit belts from several kinds of law power;
"This ruby ​​is almost equivalent to three to five pieces of green suit equipment. Among these nine laws, except for the law of fire, which I have mastered, the power of the other eight laws is something I have not yet mastered..." A look of joy appeared on Xu Feng's face. Now he has mastered the power of eleven kinds of laws. Adding these eight kinds together is equivalent to the power of nineteen kinds of laws;
"Qinglian Heart Sutra" Xu Feng has only cultivated to the fifth level now. When he breaks through to the sixth level, he will be able to master the power of sixty kinds of laws. Adding the power of these nineteen kinds of laws, there are more than seventy kinds. He is far away from breaking through. There are not many powers of one hundred laws required for top-grade ones.

"When I get some more items that contain the power of laws in this secret world, as long as I get twenty more items, and when my Green Lotus Heart Sutra breaks through to the sixth level, my cultivation will reach the top level of the king level. With this cultivation As for the realm, it is not much different from the saints and saints of other Baimai Immortal Sect!" Xu Feng thought to himself.


(End of this chapter)

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