Chapter 108 Mining
Xu Feng thoroughly inspected this dark hole that looked like a residence, only found some food and water, and threw these things into the portable secret realm, Xu Feng took Zhao Xin and the three out of here.

The main task 2 is to explore the secret realm. Now there is only the main task 1 and there is still some kobold candles. The main task 3 is a piece of any ore with a purity of 15 or more. This zero-level secret realm can be cleared.

"I have completed a hidden mission, a side mission, and obtained the core of the secret realm. After clearing the level, I may be able to directly upgrade to the first-level apostle without using the energy crystal core!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

For a secret realm of the same level, you will get 5% to 10% of the apostle experience after clearing the level. Xu Feng's clearance evaluation this time is at least A-level, and he can get 10% of the apostle experience, plus completing a hidden task, a side task, It is estimated that another 10% of the apostle's experience can be obtained, and finally the core of the secret realm can be obtained. This should be able to obtain more than 15% of the apostle's experience.

Xu Feng is now 70% level zero, and only needs 30% apostle experience to be promoted to level one apostle. This kind of upgrade speed is terrifying.

"Okay, the three of you stay on the second floor and continue your previous work!" Xu Feng tidied up his backpack and said to the three of them: "I'll go to the first floor, and I will be near the passage. Let me see you appear on the first floor, and you will know the consequences."

With that said, Xu Feng made a threatening gesture towards the three of them, took the kobold supervisor's corpse with him, and walked towards the ramp passage alone.

The three of Zhao Xin looked at each other. At this time, they didn't dare to disobey Xu Feng at all. They could only stay on the second floor of the mine, waiting for the time to end before being kicked out of the secret realm.

In the ramp passage, Xu Feng threw the kobold overseer's body into the secret realm. The locust tree spirit can absorb the flesh and blood of living things to grow, shorten the growth cycle of the locust fruit, and can absorb corpses as long as they have not been dead for too long.

According to the attribute information, it is best to use human flesh and blood, but the kobold supervisor is also a humanoid creature. Except for the head, the body and limbs are no different from humans. Xu Feng tried to throw its corpse in. No, just throw it out again.

Unexpectedly, the Yin locust tree spirit seemed to be very interested in the kobold supervisor's corpse. After throwing it in, he immediately wrapped the corpse with tree roots and dragged it slowly into the ground.

The Yin Huai spirit fruit that originally took 11 months and 23 days to mature has been directly shortened by one month and ten days. It seems that the boss corpse is indeed much stronger than the ordinary human corpse.

Seeing the effect, Xu Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. Since the kobold supervisor corpses are effective, then those ordinary kobold miner corpses must also have an effect. How much worse is the human overseer's corpse.

It's a pity that the corpses of the kobold supervisors on the second floor have been wiped out, so we can only wait until the next refresh.

Xu Feng walked through the sloping passage and came to the first floor of the mine. He randomly found a place close to the passage, took out the pickaxe, and began to chisel hard towards the rock wall.

Other places on the first floor of the mine are crowded with people, but there are not many people at the entrance of the passage.

"Hey, brother, don't get too close to the entrance of the passage. After the second floor is refreshed, those kobold miners may rush up. If you get too close to the passage, they will besieged by them!" A man wearing an old man's shirt with a strong figure and shiny skin The middle-aged man shouted at Xu Feng kindly.

"It's okay, I don't like crowded places." Xu Feng smiled and waved his hand.

"Okay, old cow, he has just become an apostle and is in high spirits. If you don't listen to other people's opinions, don't waste your saliva." The person beside him smiled and comforted him.

Niu Zhigang shook his head, sighed secretly, ignored Xu Feng, and slammed his head toward the rock wall.

Kobold miners on the second floor are refreshed irregularly, sometimes they will not rush to the first floor, but sometimes, once they start to rush up, anyone who is in front of them will be actively attacked by the kobold miners.

In that case, let alone a zero-level apostle, even a first-level apostle, if caught off guard and surrounded by dozens of kobold miners, would suffer a great loss.

At the beginning, it was not that no one wanted to mine near the entrance of the passage, but after several deaths, no one would go to mine within five meters of the entrance of the passage.

Five meters is considered a safe distance. Even if a kobold miner suddenly appears, there is still time to react. At that time, he can make a judgment based on the situation whether to fight or flee.

Xu Feng dug for a while, and soon a piece of ore the size of a human head rolled down from the excavated rock wall. When he picked it up, it was a piece of iron ore with a purity of 12.

There are people from the Black Tiger Gang at the entrance of the secret realm to buy ore, and the price varies according to the purity. Iron ore with a purity of 12 can only be bought for 500 yuan. , the price can be higher.

However, the zero-level secret realm apostle has no space to pack, and the ore dug out, even if the purity is good, is not easy to carry. Most of them are sold to the Black Tiger Gang at the entrance of the secret realm.

Unless they dug up more precious ores, such as secret ores, they would choose to take them back to the city and sell them.

"The purity is only twelve, which does not meet the requirements of the task!" Xu Feng shook his head, casually threw the piece of iron ore at his feet, and continued to chisel towards the rock wall.

Two hours later, more than a dozen pieces of ore were piled up at Xu Feng's feet, most of which were iron ore and copper ore with a purity of three to five. After digging for so long, the one with the highest purity was actually the first iron ore with a purity of twelve. , which made Xu Feng couldn't help sighing.

"Without the skills of mining and prospecting, if you want to be a miner, you can only be the hardest blue-collar miner who earns the least!" Xu Feng sighed and thought to himself.

Prospecting and mining skill scrolls are still very valuable in the early stage, and the price will gradually drop in the middle and late stages. As for wanting to learn by yourself, unless you are an old miner who has worked for decades, ordinary apostles want to dig After a few days of mining, I realized the skills of mining, that is simply wishful thinking.

At this moment, the light in the first floor of the mine suddenly dimmed slightly, and the experienced apostle immediately stopped digging and drew out the weapon he was carrying.

Xu Feng's Taoist soldiers had already turned into a pile of ashes because the time was up, and now there was only Xu Feng alone.

Seeing the actions of other miners, Xu Feng also knew that it was time to refresh the kobold miners, so he stopped mining, took out a stack of paper symbols, and held them tightly in his left hand.

The next moment, a howling sound sounded like a wolf, and a dozen kobold miners spawned. However, for the first floor of the maze-like mine, the dozen kobold miners were almost evenly distributed on the first floor. There should be no more than two or three kobold miners per area.

For the hundreds of secret realm apostles on the first floor, these dozen or so kobold miners are just entertainment in the boring work. Before the howling of wolves is over, it immediately turns into screams. , If you let the dog lovers hear it, they will definitely feel pity, and even shed tears.

(End of this chapter)

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