Chapter 126 Clues
Internal and external troubles, for the city guard office, the pressure has been too great recently. Although the fog organization has the police station to assist in the investigation, after all, it involves the apostles, and the police station is also powerless. In the end, the city guard office has to take action.

As for the secret realm outside the city, the city guard must explore it to determine the degree of harm. If there is a chance, get the core of the secret realm.

Only secret realms with a particularly high degree of danger will apply for the army to assist in the defense like the "Beast Calamity" secret realm, but the exploration of secret realms can only be done by the city guards themselves.

A few days later, the suspect in Wang Bo's case was finally locked on Zhang Zibing. After all, his initial occupation was too special. He was an axe-thrower, and the weapons he used were relatively small. He was locked in a few days, and after comparison, The marks on the wounds of the deceased perfectly matched Zhang Zibing's usual weapons, and based on this alone, Zhang Zibing could be summoned.

City Guards Department, in the conference room.

Wu Jie explained while playing the slideshow.

"Zhang Zibing, a native of Songtao City, whose parents died three years ago, left Songtao City and joined his uncle Zhang Guotao in Haihua City next door. One year later, he became an apostle of the secret realm. He started out as a professional axe thrower, using five hatchets and a A one-handed double-edged ax..."

On the projection screen, pictures of Zhang Zibing using weapons appeared, as well as some previous battle scenes, as well as 3D simulation pictures of the wounds and weapons of the deceased, which almost perfectly matched.

"Three months ago, Zhang Zibing and his apostle team returned to Songtao City. The specific reason is unknown. During the period, they went to explore the secret place outside the city together. A few days ago, Zhang Zibing suddenly disappeared. Now there are only four people left in the apostle team..."


At the end of the meeting, the City Guard Office issued a notice to apprehend Zhang Zibing, and at the same time summoned the other four members of Zhang Zibing's apostle team.

Zhang Zibing's participation in the Misty Organization is a personal act, and he did not disclose it to other members of his team. On the one hand, it is for the sake of confidentiality, and on the other hand, it is also because Zhang Zibing knows that no matter how many people go, only one person can inherit the Misty number in the end. , he alone has a greater grasp.

In the city guard office, in the summoning room, the other four members of Zhang Zibing's apostle team were all arranged in a separate room. On the monitoring screen, all four of them seemed a little restless, with nervous expressions on their faces.

"It seems that they don't know anything about Zhang Zibing!" Li Dong lowered his glasses and frowned slightly.

After the four were summoned to the City Guards Office, they were detained separately for more than an hour on purpose. Judging from the expressions and micro-movements of the four, they seemed to be unaware that Zhang Zibing had any connection with the Misty Organization.

"Let's start asking and see if we can find other clues..." Li Dong sighed and said to the staff beside him.

In the four interrogation rooms, two staff members began to question the four apostles respectively.

If it is in a secret realm, or even in the wild, many apostles of the secret realm don't take the city defense department seriously at all, and some are even full of malice towards the city defense department, and will actively attack the apostles of the city defense department.

But in Songtao City, the City Guard Office has absolute authority. As a state machine, it is not something that one or two apostles, or one or two teams of apostles, can resist.

In the summoning room, two staff members of the City Guards Department walked in with no expression on their faces, and began to question Zhang Zibing's apostle team.


"Zhao, Zhao Hu!"




After some simple inquiries, a staff member asked directly: "As a member of Zhang Zibing's apostle team, do you know what Zhang Zibing did when he returned to Songtao City?"

"Bingge, no, Zhang Zibing took us back to Songtao City, saying that there is a secret place here, which can quickly improve our apostle experience, but we have been in Songtao City for several months, and we have been searching in the wild, but we have not found Zhang Zibing. The secret place he was talking about..." Zhao Hu stuttered at first, but the more he spoke, the more fluent he came to understand, probably Zhang Zibing did something to implicate them.

"Leader, we really don't know about Zhang Zibing's affairs. That kid is very mysterious. He's been very mysterious recently, and he always goes out alone..." Zhao Hu felt resentful and racked his brains to recall all Zhang Zibing's actions.

More than a week ago, Zhang Zibing disappeared inexplicably. Several people felt strange, but thought that Zhang Zibing had some personal business and it was inconvenient to tell them, so they didn't care.

Unexpectedly, people from the city guard office were provoked, and all four of them were "invited" back to the city guard office.

"By the way, leader, Zhang Zibing has a strange smell on his body when he comes back recently. That smell is very special, like the smell of burning secret monsters..." Zhao Hu's eyes lit up, and he said suddenly.

"Oh, the smell of burning secret monsters?" The two investigators looked at each other, with an imperceptible smile on their faces, and said to Zhao Hu in a gentle tone, "Tell me carefully."

"Hey, yes, yes, leader!" Zhao Hu also got a little excited, and continued: "The smell is very mild, and ordinary people will definitely not care about it, but after I became an apostle of the secret realm, my sense of smell has increased a lot, and I can smell it. Smells that many others can't smell..."

"Zhang Zibing was mysterious a week ago. He often went out alone for a long time. Every time he came back, he had that smell on his body..."

"The burning of monsters in the secret realm is different from the burning of ordinary beasts. It has a special strange smell, not a bad smell, but a strange..."

"Are you sure it's the smell of burning monsters in the secret realm?" A case investigator couldn't help asking.

"Sure, it must be the smell of burning monsters in the secret realm!" Zhao Hu said firmly: "I have smelled that smell before. Someone in the secret realm has used fire magic to attack the creatures inside, whether it is wild beasts or natives, or even flowers and trees. , When burned, there will always be that strange smell, which is the same in any secret realm, but in the real world, burning anything will not have that smell..."


A few hours later, the investigators handed in the interrogation records of several people, especially putting Zhao Hu's interrogation records at the top.

"Director, I found something!" Wu Jie came to the meeting room with Zhao Hu's interrogation record, and said, "According to Zhao Hu's interrogation statement, the location where Zhang Zibing and the Misty Organization came into contact can basically be confirmed, and it's here!"

As she said that, Wu Jie turned on the projector, played a map of Songtao City, drew a red circle on the southwest corner of Songtao City, and said, "Gang Lane, preliminary judgment shows that Zhang Zibing and the Misty Organization will meet in Gang Lane every time! "

"Gangxiang owns a secret biological refinery factory, Yuansheng Oil Industry! Its main business is to purchase biological corpses in the secret realm for refining to produce an industrial lubricating oil. During the manufacturing process, it will cause some air pollution and produce a strange smell. , This strange smell is caused by the power of the world dissipated during the refining process. It is the unique smell of monsters in the secret realm. It will not cause any damage to the human body, but the smell is very sticky, and it is difficult to get rid of it..."


(End of this chapter)

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