Chapter 143
More than ten kilometers outside Badu City, three men in black gowns were leaning against an off-road vehicle to smoke. They carried long swords and had pistols in their waists. Looking into the dark wilderness in the distance.

This is the only way to go back to Badu City. No matter which direction you want to enter Badu City, this is a section that you can't avoid.

"You said, can Xu Xiangqian escape back? With his strength, he can face at most two or three demon clans at the same time. This time, there are nearly twenty demon clans, and he completely crushed his team?" The slanted middle-aged man exhaled a smoke ring and said in a low voice.

"Heh, even if his master Master Wuxiang encounters such an ambush, he may not be able to come back alive, Xu Xiangqian? That kid is lucky, maybe he can save his head or arms and legs..." Another person said disdainfully.

"No one knows if Xu Xiangqian has any secret treasures on him. We're not afraid of [-], just in case. We'll wait until midnight, and if we don't see him, we'll go back!" Another older man said in a deep voice.


At this time, Xu Feng and Xu Xiangqian did not flee in the direction of Badu City, but kept running in another direction. The monster clan behind them bit them tightly and refused to relax, especially those few pythons. Demon, wishing to tear the two of them into pieces.

"They killed Xipu, I can't spare them, I will grind their whole bones into powder!" a python demon roared loudly.

"They took Sip's body, they must want to dig out Sip's demon pill, hateful human monk!"

"Revenge for Xipu, we can't let them leave alive!"


The roar from behind made the two of them shiver uncontrollably, and their speed subconsciously increased a bit. If they were caught up by the monster clan behind them, it would be impossible for them to die happily.

"In front is an abandoned city, which has been occupied by the monster clan and has become a gathering place for the monster clan. However, the city is huge. If we can escape there, there is still a chance of survival..." Xu Xiangqian took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

"Are we throwing ourselves into a trap?" Xu Feng had a strange look on his face.

"The wilderness is the territory of the monster race. Here, we can't fight or escape. Only by entering that abandoned city can we survive!" Xu Xiangqian cast an "acceleration technique" on himself and Xu Feng, and the speed of the two Immediately improved a lot.

The monster clan behind them chased them very quickly and persevered. This area is also occupied by the monster clan. No one knows if other monster clan will be attracted to join in the pursuit of them.

The motorcycle captured by Xu Feng has been in the secret realm. He is not willing to expose the existence of the secret realm in front of others, and if he is really in danger, he can temporarily enter the secret realm to escape.

However, the portable secret realm is not omnipotent. Hiding in the portable secret realm will cause the current secret realm to erode the portable secret realm. Once the erosion is successful, the two secret realms will merge into one. At that time, Xu Feng will also become a secret realm native , can never leave from the secret realm.

Along the way, Xu Xiangqian used the acceleration technique more than a dozen times in a row. The consumption was too high, and his face turned pale, but the outline of a city appeared in front of him. Compared with the whole city, this light is really insignificant.

"It's right in front, as long as we go in, we have a chance to survive!" Xu Xiangqian coughed twice.

"Stop talking, try to maintain your strength..." Xu Feng glanced at his companion, hesitated for a moment and asked, "How many times can you perform the acceleration technique?"

"Four, three times, up to three times..." Xu Xiangqian took a deep breath and said.

"This is not enough for us to go to the city." Xu Feng shook his head and said.

Although the abandoned city is close at hand, there is still at least a dozen kilometers away. With their speed, it is impossible to run to the city within the time of two acceleration spells.

The acceleration technique can only last for a quarter of an hour at a time. After running for so long, the two of them would have been overtaken by the monsters behind them long ago without the blessing of the acceleration technique.

"You keep running, I'll stop them for a while..." Xu Feng stopped suddenly and said.

"What, you..." Xu Xiangqian's body shook, with a look of surprise on his face, there were more than a dozen monsters behind him, Xu Feng chose to die at this time, it was no different from sending him to death.

"Run, you can escape to that city without my dragging you down!" Xu Feng pushed Xu forward, turned around and rushed towards the group of monsters behind him.

Xu Xiangqian looked at Xu Feng's back with a face full of shock. He couldn't believe it. Xu Feng made this choice, which was simply sacrificing his life in exchange for a glimmer of life for himself.

Even the brothers of the same clan would probably not make such a choice under such circumstances. For a while, Xu Xiangqian didn't know what to say, and his eyes turned red.

"You must survive!" Xu Xiangqian yelled at Xu Feng's back, then turned around and accelerated towards the abandoned city in the distance.

The reason why Xu Feng did this was not only to keep Xu Xiangqian alive, but if they continued to escape like that, neither of them would be able to escape into the abandoned city, and Xu Xiangqian would definitely die if they were overtaken by the monster clan behind them.

The reason why Xu Feng accepted Xu Xiangqian's invitation was simply to find a backer in Badu City to hold a thigh. Only in this way, the chance of surviving would be higher. If Xu Xiangqian died here, he would be the only one in the entire team to survive , the people of Xuantianzong will never let go of this opportunity to frame him.

Zhengchou can't explain the cause of Xu Xiangqian's death. Xu Feng is simply the reason for sending it to his door. A homeless person who just came to Badu City. The details are unknown. At that time, Wang Biao and others may be involved to prove Xu Feng's There is a problem with the origin, this pot will definitely be buckled firmly on Xu Feng's head.

At that time, a few friends of Xu Xiangqian's sect would jump out, crying and shouting to avenge Xu Xiangqian, and if Xu Feng was slashed with a sword, no one would say a word for him, and death would be in vain.

Therefore, Xu Xiangqian must not die. After Xu Feng died, it would be very difficult for Xu Feng to survive in this secret realm, and even Badu City would not be able to take a step forward.

As for the face of more than a dozen monsters, it's not that he should kill them all, it's just delaying for a while, with the acceleration effect of the wall piercing talisman, the void drawing talisman, the Dao soldier talisman, and even if it's not good, there will be a secret realm with him, the chance of survival is higher. Much older than Xu Xiangqian.

Looking at the dozen or so monsters who were getting closer, Xu Feng took a deep breath and said to himself: "It seems that this time I will go all out..."

As he spoke, he took out a paper figurine from his backpack, and began to move his fingers quickly in the air. After a while, a talisman with a dark purple halo appeared in front of him.

"Yellow Turban Warrior, come out!" Xu Feng slapped the void talisman towards the paper figurine. The next moment, a stack of thick paper talismans appeared in Xu Feng's hands. These paper talismans were only drawn with spiritual power , the level of the soul fire talisman has been raised to the third level by Xu Feng, the damage is 48-60, plus the talent is increased by 15%, the maximum damage is close to 70 points, with double casting, one hit can take away more than 150 points from the target If someone on the other side rushes too fast, Xu Feng doesn't mind using a set of "Storm Throwing Talisman Technique" to take away one or two monsters.

A dense golden light burst out from the paper figurine. A burly man wearing a yellow robe, a leather armor, and holding a steel knife appeared in front of Xu Feng. He bowed and shouted in a muffled voice. : "Meet Qu Shuai!"


(End of this chapter)

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