Chapter 153 Mixed Blood
Xu Feng stared at the leopard demon that was pounced on the animal-eared girl, and the power of the sun began to rush toward the finger, but the next moment, Xu Feng dissipated the power of the sun.

Although the Void Talisman is Xu Feng's unique trick to suppress the bottom of the box, it is very powerful, but the power of the Taiyin fluctuates too much during the cast, Xu Feng senses something is wrong, and immediately stops, and takes out two paper symbols completely drawn by the power of the Taiyin from the satchel .

There is almost no fluctuation in the spiritual power of the paper talisman. Only when it explodes after sticking to the target, will all the spiritual power be released.

"These are the last two soul fire talismans completely drawn by the power of the yin. The rest are mixed with the power of the yin, and their power is far inferior to these two. If these two cannot seriously injure the opponent, the consequences... ..." Xu Feng thought of the beast-eared girl and the sheep demon Murman attacking the leopard demon before. He thought he had killed the other party, but he didn't expect that it was only a phantom of the other party.

If it is also a phantom this time, all previous efforts will be wasted, and I am afraid that I can only take the last step and hide in the portable secret realm, praying to advance to the secret realm and discover the existence of the portable secret realm later.

"Fight it, I don't believe that its innate supernatural power will cool down so quickly!" Xu Feng's eyes flashed fiercely. Usually Xu Feng always looks very cautious, but when it is time to work hard, he will not be timid .

The wandering experience of more than 20 years in his previous life told him that if he wants to survive, he must fight with desperate determination to gain a chance.

"Little bastard, go to hell." Leopard demon's body was flying in the air, his right paw was opened, and the sharp nails shone like a sharp blade with a cold metal light.

At this time, the animal-eared girl was powerless to resist, and even had no strength to dodge, so she could only close her eyes and wait for death. A happy smile appeared on the ferocious face of the leopard monster. Originally, she wanted to keep the animal-eared girl, and asked The secret of killing the nine shadows, but now with the golden pearl, the secret of killing the nine shadows has become less important.

"Since the little bastard wants to die, I'll send you to meet your dead ghost father." Leopard Demon thought to himself.

At this moment, the leopard demon's whole body tensed up suddenly, and a terrifying threat was approaching rapidly. The leopard demon hesitated in his heart, and his copper bell-like eyes began to scan around. At this moment, two dark purple rays of light flashed across the eyes However, the paper talisman was pasted on the Leopard Demon's body.

Looking at the two paper talismans that suddenly appeared on his shoulders and chest, Leopard Demon had only one thought in his mind: "What is this thing and how did it stick to me."

The next moment, the light of the paper talisman flickered violently, and it exploded with a "boom", and there was a pain like tearing the soul, causing the leopard demon to let out a miserable scream.

Hearing this scream, the monster clan near the rocky beach shuddered in fright, and subconsciously retreated more than ten meters away from the rocky beach.

The previous group of wolf monsters all looked at the one-eyed old wolf Tu Ye. At this time, the backbone of this group of wolf monsters was Tu Ye. Hearing this shrill scream, the group of wolf monsters trembled with fright.

"It seems to be the voice of the lone leopard Sutu..." Master Tu frowned, the eyeball of only one eye kept rolling, and waved at the wolf demon: "Let's stay away, too. Send a few people to watch around, don't let people sneak up to us, and send two people to watch the bodies of those water goblins..."

The leopard demon Sutu's right arm has been blown off, and the shoulder is broken at the root, and blood gushes out, but this is not the most serious injury, the other injury is even more serious.

A big hole has been opened in the chest, the sternum is completely shattered, and the heart inside has been shattered. If it were someone else, such a serious injury would have killed him long ago, but the vitality of the monster race is strong, even if the heart is already shattered, but the leopard demon was still alive.

The ferocious leopard demon stared at the stone not far away with wide eyes, and the two strange paper symbols flew out from behind the stone.

At this time, the leopard demon couldn't even speak except for panting quickly, but it kept staring at the stone unwillingly, wanting to see who killed it.

However, what the Leopard Demon didn't expect was that the person who killed it never showed up.

"Hehe, hehehe, Sutu, my majestic phantom leopard, died at the hands of such a young man, I really can't bear to die!" The leopard demon was full of sarcasm, his eyes widened, and finally he didn't make a sound.

"Dead, dead?" The animal-eared girl couldn't believe her eyes. She thought she was going to die and could be reunited with her father. Unexpectedly, this vicious leopard died in front of her.

"Aww~" the beast-eared girl screamed and burst into tears, her father's revenge was finally avenged, and the spirit in the sky could rest in peace.

"Stop howling, run!" Xu Feng noticed that the leopard demon Sutu had lost his breath, and immediately rushed out from behind the rock, and directly threw the bodies of the leopard demon and sheep demon into the personal secret realm, and then watched The water goblin that the goat demon killed was also thrown in.

Taking out the motorcycle, Xu Feng stepped on the accelerator hard after riding on it.

"Buzz, buzz~"

The motorcycle roared like a beast, and rushed forward. However, the moment Xu Feng started the motorcycle, he suddenly felt something jump up from the back seat of the motorcycle, hugging his waist tightly. .

At this time, the motorcycle also rushed out, Xu Feng looked in the rearview mirror, it turned out to be the girl with animal ears.

"Little guy, I'm a human being. If you follow me, you won't have any good fruit!" Xu Feng said viciously, and at the same time kept looking around, lest he would attract the attention of other monster races.

But at this time, the nearby monsters had already left more than ten meters away, even if they saw someone riding a motorcycle, they didn't dare to go forward to catch up.

This is a master who can hunt and kill the lone phantom leopard alone. If they catch up rashly, wouldn't they be dying with the upper pole?

Xu Feng didn't expect that the leopard monster Sutu's last scream would create a chance for him to escape, which was a surprise.

"What's wrong with humans, my father is also a human being!" the animal-eared girl shouted unconvinced.

Xu Feng's body shook violently, he couldn't even drive the motorcycle steadily, and he almost fell off with the car.

"You, what did you say, your father is human?" Xu Feng stared at the rearview mirror again, confirmed that the ears of the girl behind him were indeed real animal ears, not decorations, and asked in disbelief .

"My father is a human being, and my mother is a cat demon, what's wrong?" the animal-eared girl said angrily.

"Then aren't you...a half-breed?" Xu Feng asked in surprise.

It is not the first time Xu Feng has seen the mixed-blood demon clan, not to mention the mixed-blood demon clan, even the mixed-blood demon clan, he has seen the mixed-blood elves in his previous life, but almost all of those hybrids have mothers who are human, but today, he met A half-blood demon whose father is human.

Thinking of the animal-eared girl's mother being a beautiful woman with a cat's face, Xu Feng couldn't help admiring the animal-eared girl's father.

"This old boy, the taste is really strong, even the monster race can handle it, it's just..."


(End of this chapter)

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