Chapter 200 Go to
The next day, the city guard office.

Xu Feng went to report early in the morning, and was immediately called to the office by Xu Nantian.

"Have you advanced to the first-level secret realm apostle?" Xu Nantian asked expressionlessly.

"Yes, I reported it to the department yesterday, saying that the headquarters will send someone down to check it in a few days!" Xu Feng nodded.

Xu Nantian nodded, took out a certificate from the drawer, threw it to Xu Feng and said, "Your internship period is over, and from today onwards, you are an official member of the Songtao City Guard Office."

"So fast?" Xu Feng showed a look of joy on his face. He used the healing talisman to save many members of the war department. He made a great contribution and said that the internship period could end early. It seems that there is no news about it anymore. I didn't expect that as soon as I was promoted, I would immediately become a regular.

"Do you still want to stay in the treatment department, or go to the war department?" Xu Nantian asked: "The internship period doesn't matter, but after becoming an official member, you can't be transferred at will."

Xu Nantian originally thought that Xu Feng was a pure healing profession, but after so long, Xu Feng only knew one healing talisman, so it was not suitable for him to enter the medical department, and the combat department was more suitable for him.

"The war department." Xu Feng scratched his head and said.

Xu Nantian nodded. From his point of view, Xu Feng was more suitable in the war department, but Xu Nantian had a headache when he assigned the unit of the war department.

Knowing only a healing talisman is not enough in the medical department, but in the war department, it will definitely become a favorite, and if it is assigned to that team, other teams will be dissatisfied.

"Why don't you let him lead a team by himself?" Xu Nantian's thought was just a whirl in Xu Nantian's mind before he denied it.

A rookie who has just become a full-time member and has not been in the war department before, and he is still his own son. If he dares to let him be alone in another team, the entire war department will probably be turned upside down, and maybe the headquarters will be alarmed.

Xu Nantian smiled and shook his head, thinking to himself: "With this brat's current ability, even a captain-level apostle may not necessarily be his match!"

"Okay, let's go to the sixth team first. They will be on duty in two days, and they will go to the secret realm of the disaster of beasts. You can just go in and complete the customs clearance task to gain some experience..." Xu Nantian said after pondering for a long time.


Xu Feng didn't tell Xu Nantian that the people in the Ring of Silver Soul wanted to assassinate him. He was just a low-level ghost puppet master. If he killed him, he would kill him. The current Ring of Silver Soul is not as powerful as it was in the previous life. Like the Misty Organization, they are all just rats in the gutter, and they cannot see the light. It will take a long time to develop into a behemoth like the previous life.

Knowing that Xu Feng was assigned to his team, He Bing was overjoyed and clamored to hold a welcome party for Xu Feng, but just in the negotiation stage, he received a notice telling them to go to the Beast Calamity Secret Realm immediately. A beast ran out and injured several soldiers.

Sitting on the off-road vehicle, He Bing patted Xu Feng on the shoulder and said apologetically, "This time it was an emergency, and the welcome banquet was postponed. Xu Feng, after entering the sixth team, we will take care of the sixth team. your."

"Captain, with Xu Feng's current strength, we should be taking care of him." Wang Jun couldn't help but said.

The sixth team of the combat department counts the captain He Bing, and there are only five people in total. This is one of the reasons why Xu Nantian put Xu Feng in the sixth team. On the one hand, it is because Xu Feng and the sixth team are more familiar. In the zero-level secret realm, I still want to investigate the matter of the ghost puppet master. Xu Feng has been following the sixth team. On the other hand, it is also because the sixth team is seriously short of personnel. The ordinary team has eight to ten people, and the sixth team has only five people. It already belongs to the bottom.

"Xiaofeng, can you give us a few of your talismans so that we can heal ourselves when we are in danger?" Qian Li, another team member, couldn't help asking.

Talismans can also be regarded as a kind of resource. In the past, Xu Feng was still a member of the treatment department, and Qian Li was embarrassed to ask for it. But now that Xu Feng has become a member of the sixth team, some basic resources can still be shared.

This kind of resource sharing within the team is not free. The more you pay, the more you get. Each team will have a similar point system. Any resource you pay will get a certain amount of points. When you get the loot, Members who have points can use points to buy their favorite items.

"Sorry, my talisman can only be activated with my spiritual power, even if I give it to you, you can't use it." Xu Feng explained.

Fearing that others would not believe it, Xu Feng took out a few healing talismans and gave one to each of them. When the teammates tried to use it but found it was useless, they had no choice but to return the healing talisman to Xu Feng.

"It's a pity, if only other people could use it..." Qian Li had a regretful expression on his face.

Xu Feng smiled slightly and didn't speak, but he began to think about treasure talisman master in his heart. If he could become a treasure talisman master, the treasure talismans he produced could be used by others.

It's just that the prerequisites for being a treasurer of talisman are too difficult. Not only must the drawing of talismans be perfect, but also the forging technique must be perfect.

After being promoted to the first-level apostle, Xu Feng has been looking for the learning scroll of forging. You know, if the apostle of the secret realm wants to obtain a life profession, he must either learn it from the natives in the secret realm, or obtain the learning scroll of the life profession. He wants to learn from a teacher. Art does not exist at all.

Only after using the forging skill learning scroll and the forging skill appeared in life skills, can Xu Feng learn from senior blacksmiths to improve his learning efficiency, but if he doesn’t even have forging skills in his life skills, he wants to learn from other blacksmiths When it comes to forging, it is simply impossible.

In the previous life, there were many apostles in the secret realm. In order to learn life professions, they chose to worship those apostles who had already mastered this life skill as their teachers. After studying for several years, they found that they could not even enter the entry level. There is no way to learn from a teacher.

"You must get a learning scroll of blacksmithing!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

"Here we are, get out of the car!" He Bing shouted loudly, then Xu Feng raised his head and looked forward, only to see a wall like a dam standing in front of everyone.

The fence was made entirely of reinforced concrete, more than [-] meters high. Standing under the fence, Xu Feng felt very small.

When I came here before, the wall hadn't been completely cast. Now that more than half a month has passed, such a magnificent building has finally been completed. Xu Feng doesn't believe that under such a magnificent wall, there will be any beasts that can come out of it.

Two off-road vehicles slowly drove into the fence, and only then did Xu Feng realize that the inside and outside of the fence were completely different. On the inner wall of the fence, there were scratches and traces of impact everywhere, and some engineers were quickly repairing it. Looking around, the inner wall of the wall is full of repair marks of different colors, which look like patches of different sizes and overlapping.

Some soldiers were dragging the bloody corpses of beasts and slowly walking outside the wall. Obviously, they had just tried their best to fight here, but the number of beasts that escaped from the secret realm was not many, only a dozen or so.

"Take a rest for 10 minutes and prepare to enter the secret realm!" He Bing said seriously.

Everyone got out of the car and began to check the equipment and the supplies they were carrying. They didn't need to complete the main task to enter, they just needed to find the core of the secret realm. Xu Feng took a deep breath and began to check the supplies he was carrying, preparing to enter this place for the first time. Level Secret Realm.


(End of this chapter)

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