Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 221 Inheritance Altar

Chapter 221 Inheritance Altar
Cloak weaving is also a kind of forging technique. The first time Xu Feng used forging technique was to make a spiritual cloak. It was quite difficult, and it was almost impossible for other blacksmiths who just started.

However, Xu Feng had learned forging in his previous life, and he had practiced it to perfection, but because of his combat profession, he couldn't continue to break through. Compared with alchemy, which has no talent at all, Xu Feng still has some experience in forging.

Under the control of mental power, each fluorescent spider silk floated up and began to weave and intertwine with each other. In a short while, most of the cloak had been woven.

Without using any forging tools, simply using spiritual power to manufacture a piece of spiritual power equipment consumes a lot. The further you go, the greater the consumption, and the speed of spider silk weaving slows down very quickly.

The originally soft cloak suddenly curled up and wrinkled into a ball, and all the spider threads were entangled together, like a mess.

Xu Feng took a deep breath, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to perform the fundamental method, slowly recovering the exhausted mental power.

"It's still too reluctant. Although the mental power is more than most of the first-level apostles, the consumption is still too great. In the end, it is powerless, which leads to failure!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

The recovery speed of "Yueqing Yuehua Spiritual Chapter" was very fast. In just ten minutes, Xu Feng's exhausted mental power had recovered. He took [-] fluorescent spider silks again, and Xu Feng started the second attempt.

This time, Xu Feng began to combine the power of the yin and the power of the spirit, and several fluorescent spider threads flew up, weaving and intertwining each other, and soon the woven part of the cloak also began to emit a faint purple halo.

This time the weaving was very successful, with one third of the mental strength remaining, the entire cloak was already woven.

Seeing the light cloak in his hand, Xu Feng frowned slightly: "Top-grade ordinary rank?"

Using all spiritual-level materials, the equipment produced is only ordinary-level.

"It seems that there are some important details that I have overlooked!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

But now is not the time to study how to improve the forging level. Although this fluorescent cloak (high-grade mortal rank) only has the property of increasing the magic resistance by 5%, its main effect has not been weakened in the slightest.

Successfully made a fluorescent cloak, although it is only a top-grade mortal, but Xu Feng's blacksmithing experience has also improved a lot.

Soon, Xu Feng made two more fluorescent cloaks, each of which was of the highest rank. In addition to the most important function, one of them increased the tenacity attribute by 1 point, and the other increased by 3%. poison resistance.

"Captain, it's okay." Xu Feng showed a tired look on his face. Although performing the fundamental method can restore mental strength, the psychological fatigue cannot be relieved.

The three spiritual cloaks made Xu Feng feel physically and mentally exhausted, but at this time the toxins in Qian Li's body began to attack again, and he must be sent out of the secret realm for treatment as soon as possible.

"Xiao Feng, let's send Qian Li out first, and we will report back immediately when we get back. Then we will send other team members in to help you complete the main task..." He Bing put on the cloak, carried Qian Li on his back, and said to Xu Feng.

"Captain, no need, my main task has been completed, I can leave at any time!" Xu Feng shook his head and said: "But I got a professional task and want to complete it."

"Professional mission?" He Bing was taken aback for a moment, with a look of envy on his face: "You are so lucky...then you should be careful!"

Xu Feng nodded, watched the three leave, and began to search for the dead body of the poisonous giant spider in the cave.

The ultimate secret of the random mission. After obtaining the fluorescent cloak, the mission content has changed again. It is necessary to enter the deepest part of the poisonous lair and kill the poisonous spider mother. After killing, the mission reward is the core of the secret realm.

The poisonous spider mother is a first-order pinnacle creature, and has a leader boss template, even if it is a second-level secret apostle, it may not be its opponent.

After obtaining the fluorescent cloak, Xu Feng will not be besieged by other spiders, which greatly reduces the difficulty of hunting the poisonous spider mother. However, the poisonous spider mother of the leader boss template is not so easy to deal with even if it is only a single creature, and The leader creature controls many "little brothers", the mental attribute must not be weak, the resistance to the soul fire talisman is estimated to be very high, coupled with the high health value of the leader boss template, with Xu Feng's current strength, it may not be its opponent .

"First complete the inheritance of the Tianfu master, maybe you will master some new talismans..." Xu Feng thought to himself: "If you can master some powerful talismans, you will be more sure of killing the poisonous spider mother."

The main attack method of a talisman master is also a talisman. If you are lucky, you may inherit one or two spiritual-level talismans. As an S-level talisman master, you don't even know how to use spiritual-level talismans. It would be shameless to say so.

"There are still a few thorn tubes in the mouthparts of the big spider missing!" Xu Feng said to himself, and began to search in the cave.

In order to have a safe temporary camp, He Bing and the others cleaned up all the monsters in the entire cave, and there were spider corpses everywhere on the ground.

Xu Feng selected the large poisonous spiders and began to collect them. After a while, he split open the heads of all the large poisonous spiders he found, and took out the one-foot-long thorn tubes in the mouthparts.

After collecting the ten thorn tubes, Xu Feng chose to complete the task. Soon, the content of the Tianfu master's inheritance task changed again.

"Find the inheritance altar in the highly poisonous lair, sacrifice the poison glands and thorn tubes, and you will randomly get 1 to 3 skills mastered by the celestial talisman master..." Xu Feng looked at the task content with a joyful look on his face.

"I didn't expect that there is an inheritance altar here, but I don't know if it is a one-time or permanent one. It would be great if it is permanent." Xu Feng thought to himself.

In his portable secret realm, there is a sacrificial altar, through which he can obtain some treasures, skills and even talents he wants.

The same is true for the inheritance altar. You can obtain certain inheritance skills by offering sacrifices. The inheritance altar mentioned in the mission should be the inheritance altar of the Tianfu master. For Xu Feng, this is simply the most suitable altar for him up.

After carefully studying the map given by the mission, Xu Feng found that the altar of inheritance was actually in the cave where he was. Surprised, Xu Feng searched the cave carefully, and finally found the altar of inheritance in the deepest part of the cave.

When searching for the dead body of the poisonous giant spider before, Xu Feng searched here. Except for a stone pestle, this dark area did not contain any other items. Xu Feng also passed it by. Finally discovered the abnormality of this stone pestle.

Remove the stones scattered around, and what is buried inside is indeed an altar made of rocks, with a height of no more than one meter. This altar is only two floors high, and the bottom floor is a whole round It is composed of rocks. On this round rock, several triangular stones are placed. There is nothing unusual. It looks like some boring people who randomly put a few rocks together.

If it wasn't for the guidance of the mission map, even if Xu Feng found out, he probably wouldn't regard the small stone pestle in front of him as an inheritance altar.

Blood is needed to activate the altar. Xu Feng took out the tearing tooth dagger, held the blade with his left hand, and swiped hard, blood gushed out and sprinkled on the altar.


(End of this chapter)

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