Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 223 The Poisonous Spider Mother

Chapter 223 The Poisonous Spider Mother
Xu Feng finally came to the cave where the poisonous spider mother was located. It had gone deep into the ground. Xu Feng even heard the sound of rushing water. There seemed to be an underground river deep in the cave.

The cave is very large, and there are many spiders. The surrounding rock walls and the top of the head are covered with a thick layer of spider silk. There are many large white cocoons on the ground that are as tall as a person. Some of the white cocoons are still slowly wriggling, as if wrapped in Something alive.

There is also a thick layer of spider silk on the ground, stepping on it is like stepping on a carpet.

There are spiders everywhere in the cave. Some spiders lie on the white cocoons and suck continuously, and some crawl on the surrounding rock walls. In the deepest part of the cave, a terrifying figure almost three meters high is lying on a huge Nothing on the net.

It was a huge spider, as big as a family car, covered in black and blue, covered with a hard bony shell, with eight curled legs covered with tiny hairs and barbs.

The moment Xu Feng entered the cave, the six eyes of the poisonous spider mother suddenly opened. In the dim environment, like six ghost lamps, they emitted a faint green light.

"Can it see through the aura emitted by the fluorescent cloak?" Xu Feng frowned slightly. Since it is the boss of the leader template, it is not unacceptable to have high intelligence. Although Xu Feng exudes the same aura, his appearance is completely different from them. With wisdom, I am afraid that it is impossible to treat Xu Feng as his own kind.

The Venomous Spider Mother began to move slowly, and at the same time, a light green mist began to rippling around her body, and the surrounding spiders also began to move away from the Venomous Spider Mother as if the tide was ebbing. Xu Feng's face changed slightly, and he felt a little distressed in his chest .

The poisonous gas emitted by the poisonous spider mother is so fearful even to other spiders. Once you let yourself be contaminated, you may not need to fight at all, and you will be poisoned to death by the poisonous spider mother.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng's fingers began to slide gently in the void, and after a while, a talisman emitting dark purple light appeared in front of Xu Feng out of thin air.

Detoxification Talisman!
Xu Feng put the detoxification talisman on his body, and immediately felt a burst of refreshment, and the distress in his chest disappeared.

"This is the first time I've used it. I don't know how long the immune toxin effect will last. I still have to make a quick decision!" Thinking of this, Xu Feng directly pulled out two Soul Fire Talismans and threw them at the poisonous spider mother.

Boom, boom~
Two groups of flames burst out from the huge body of the Venomous Spider Mother. This flame is the fire of the soul. Although it will not ignite the surrounding objects, it can cause severe mental damage to the Venomous Spider Mother.

The poisonous spider mother opened her mouthpiece and let out a heart-piercing neigh. Her eight spider legs swung quickly, like a heavy tank rushing towards Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's face changed, and the poisonous spider mother was extremely fast, rushing to him in an instant with a distance of tens of meters.

The two front spider legs stabbed towards him like spears, and a sharp whistling burst out in the void.

Xu Feng stepped back quickly, and the two spider legs almost touched the tip of Xu Feng's nose and pierced into the ground, tearing apart the spider web on the ground, exposing the rock formation below.

Xu Feng broke out in a cold sweat. The speed and size of the giant spider in front of him did not match at all. With such a huge body, the speed was so fast. I didn't notice it for a while, and was almost penetrated by the two spider legs of the poisonous spider mother.

"I just got three kinds of talismans, especially one of the spirit-level talismans, which made me a little bit drifting..." Xu Feng immediately reflected.

The figure retreated quickly, and Xu Feng got into the narrow passage behind him. The poisonous spider mother had a huge body and could only move around in the previous underground cave. It was simply impossible to enter the passage.

Soon, the poisonous spider mother rushed to the entrance of the passage, but it couldn't get in. It could only penetrate two spider legs and kept grabbing the rock walls on both sides.

Looking at the hard rock walls on both sides of the passage, under the two spider legs, they were scratched like tofu, and the broken stones fell like rain. Xu Feng couldn't help clicking his tongue. The spider legs of the poisonous spider mother, It was comparable to a spiritual weapon. Fighting it in an open place was like fighting with eight master spearmen at the same time.

Soon, the light green mist spread from the underground cave and entered the passage. Xu Feng quickly held his breath. After a while, the poisonous mist completely enveloped Xu Feng, but at this time Xu Feng, There seems to be a transparent film on the surface of the body, isolating the poisonous mist.

Soul Fire Talisman!

Xu Feng threw out two more paper talismans. He was in the passage, and the poisonous spider mother could not enter. He was almost invincible. As long as the damage was enough, it was only a matter of time before the poisonous spider mother was killed.

Boom, boom, boom, boom~
The poisonous spider mother continued to emit flames, and the damage of the soul fire talisman was extremely high. Each hit could knock out [-] or [-] points of life of the poisonous spider mother.

However, the highly poisonous Zhudan with the boss boss template has more than 100 points of health. Even if he can cause more than [-] points of damage each time, he has to swing his arms [-] times non-stop, consuming about [-] Soul Fire Talismans.

Soon, the poisonous spider mother's health dropped by one-fifth. After realizing that the poisonous mist had no effect on Xu Feng, the poisonous spider mother suddenly became angry and let out a heart-piercing neigh.

After a while, the densely packed spiders in the cave rushed towards the passage like a tide. As a leader-level monster, the poisonous spider mother can naturally control all the spiders in the poisonous spider's lair.

After the spiders swarmed into the tunnel, they immediately ran around like headless flies. Xu Feng exuded the same aura as them, making these ignorant reptiles regard him as the same kind.

Although the poisonous spider mother can control these spiders, she can't give them too complicated instructions. She can only let the spiders attack all alien creatures. The order to kill each other made it possible for the surrounding spiders to attack Xu Feng.

Looking at the densely packed spiders around, some even crawled onto his body, face, and head along his trouser legs, Xu Feng could only bear with himself and threw one after another at the poisonous spider mother in the cave. Soul Fire Talisman.

Soon, the poisonous spider mother's health dropped to two-thirds. If it were replaced by other bosses, it would be impossible for her to have more than a thousand health points. Xu Feng had already killed her, but the people in the cave The highly poisonous spider mother was still alive and kicking, and the cave passage was even dug by it to a depth of more than one meter.

Xu Feng slowly retreated while attacking. The soul fire talisman has a wide range of attack. As long as he can see the poisonous spider mother, there is no situation where he cannot be attacked.

However, at the next moment, when the HP of the poisonous spider mother fell below half, the poisonous spider mother who was frantically scratching the rock wall of the passage turned around and ran towards the depths of the cave.

Seeing the Venomous Spider Mother running away, Xu Feng was taken aback for a moment, but he quickly realized that, holding two Soul Fire Talismans, he rushed into the underground cave and chased after the Venomous Spider Mother.


(End of this chapter)

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