Chapter 225 Spider Eggs
The poisonous spider mother died strangely, her entire body shattered like a stone sculpture, turning into countless fragments, not a single drop of blood flowed out.

The surface of the soul-appearing mirror has also become warm and moist, glowing with a little bit of fluorescence. The soul-appearing mirror has the effect of devouring souls, which can devour souls to advance. Response, now it seems that the soul mirror needs the soul of a boss-level monster to swallow it.

"Looking forward to the day you advance to the holy rank." Xu Feng thought to himself while rubbing the soul mirror.

After collecting all the soul mirrors, Xu Feng opened the task panel and began to check. The content of the final secret task changed again.

[After killing the poisonous spider mother, look for the spider eggs.Use your blood to hatch the spider eggs, and the hatched spider is the core of the secret realm!Hint: there are a lot of spider eggs, you have to find the right one!You have a total of three choices. After three wrong choices, the mission will fail, and you will no longer be able to obtain the secret core of the secret realm. 】

After reading the mission content, Xu Feng found that deep in the cave, a faint light suddenly bloomed. He stepped forward and saw that it was a pile of fist-sized spider eggs. Looking at the densely packed spider eggs in front of him, Xu Feng's face showed Gave a sluggish look.

"So many..." Xu Feng said in surprise: "I thought I would choose among five or ten, but the number of these spider eggs in front of me must be at least a few hundred, and there are only three chances. How, how do you choose?"

Xu Feng randomly picked up two spider eggs, and began to observe carefully. The two spider eggs were almost identical in appearance, weight, and all details, without any difference. The correct one, unless there is a special way, otherwise...

Xu Feng recalled the apostle who obtained the core of the Beast Disaster Mystery Realm in his previous life, a beast master. I am afraid that only the profession of a beast master can choose the correct one among the hundreds of spider eggs. There is no corresponding skill or ability for the profession. If you rely entirely on guessing, the chance of being selected is very small.

"The appearance is exactly the same, but the soul is not necessarily the same. Maybe, the spider egg that can become the core of the secret realm, what is special about the soul of the spider bred inside?" Xu Feng's mind flashed, and he immediately thought of a way.

For Xu Feng now, this is also the only way. In fact, whether it is the soul of a boss or an ordinary monster, there will be no difference in essence, but the soul of each creature is unique, which involves The difference between soul fluctuations and strength.

The only difference between the soul in the spider egg and the soul of an adult spider may be the strength, but there will be no difference in essence between the two.

With the idea of ​​using a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Xu Feng took out the soul mirror and took a photo of the spider egg in his hand.

It takes one hundred points of mental power to use the soul mirror once. Xu Feng's current upper limit of mental power is 970 points. Counting the [-] points of the power of the sun, he can check the souls of twelve spider eggs at a time, but for the hundreds of points in front of him, As far as a spider egg is concerned, it is like a drop in the bucket.

But things have to be done, even if there are hundreds of spider eggs, there will always be a day when the photos are finished.

After the first spider egg was photographed, it showed a small spider the size of a fingernail, with its body curled up and curled up into a ball, exuding a faint gleam.

Xu Feng didn't know if this spider egg was the core of the secret realm, but if it was the spider egg at the core of the secret realm, there would always be something strange.

Putting the soul-manifesting spider egg aside, Xu Feng picked up the second spider egg and photographed it...

Just stop and stop like this, use the power of Taiyin when the mental power is exhausted, and restore the fundamental method of cultivation when the power of Taiyin is exhausted. After taking photos of more than 100 spider eggs, Xu Feng did not find any special spider souls, most of them were like spider souls. The first one is so thin and small, like a flame, it will be extinguished with a slight blow.

Without finding the core of the secret realm, Xu Feng's fundamental method "Yuqing Yuehua Spiritual Movement Chapter" has been upgraded, reaching level 1. Upgrading to the fundamental method of level 200, the upper limit of the power of the sun has increased by 1 points, and the four-dimensional attribute has also increased by [-] point.

For the upgrade of the fundamental method, the upper limit of the power of the sun will increase. He expected it, but he didn't expect that the four-dimensional attribute could be improved a little. This is a surprise.

From this point, Xu Feng can conclude that the fundamental method "Yuqing Yuehua Lingdong Chapter" is definitely not an ordinary method. It is much better than the meditation methods he obtained as a magician in his previous life. Counting all of them, "Jade Qing Yuehua Lingdong Chapter" can also rank among the top fundamental laws.


When Xu Feng was looking for the core of the secret realm, He Bing, carrying Qian Li on his back, left with Zhang Chao through the entrance of the secret realm. The three who left were immediately put in an ambulance and sent to the nearest hospital for treatment.

He Bing and Zhang Chao are fine, but Qian Li is in some danger. The medical department of the city guard office has no way to treat him, so he can only be sent to the nearest hospital for emergency treatment.

Outside the operating room, many people from the City Guards Department were waiting patiently.

Zhou Zhi frowned, staring at He Bing and asked, "Have you gone to the poisonous spider's lair?"

"Yes, deputy director..." He Bing showed regret on his face. The combat team entered the secret realm of the disaster of beasts. The most important task was to find the core of the secret realm. Apart from this task, the regular task of the combat team was to kill the secret realm Those dangerous large creatures in the middle, prevent them from rushing out of the secret realm and causing harm to the real world.

The poisonous spider's lair has been evaluated by the city guard department, and the danger is extremely high, but the spiders in this lair, not to mention leaving the secret realm, seldom leave even the cave where they are nested, so in the evaluation, the poisonous spider The monsters in the lair are low-hazard creatures, and the combat team that usually patrols does not need to go inside to explore.

"Deputy director, mainly Wang Jun..." Zhang Chao wanted to defend himself.

"Zhang Chao, stop talking, this is my captain's dereliction of duty, I ask for punishment!" He Bing said with his head down.

"What's the matter with Wang Jun?" Zhou Zhi frowned and said, "How could he be an undercover agent of another organization, and what organization is the Ring of Silver Soul?"

"Deputy Director, listen to me slowly, I suspect that the Gintama Ring is a terrorist organization just like the Mist Organization, they..." He Bing began to explain in a low voice.

At this moment, a nurse ran out of the operating room and said to Zhou Zhi: "The patient is in critical condition. The toxin has spread to the whole body. He needs a special detoxification serum. Now the serum in the hospital can only temporarily control it, and there is no way to eradicate it..."

"Deputy Director, the primary antidote is useless. We have tried it. Even Xu Feng's healing talisman can only temporarily suppress it, and there is no way to eradicate it. If you want to save Qianli, you need at least an intermediate or even advanced antidote. !” He Bing said hastily.

"I'm going to apply right now!" Zhou Zhi took out his phone and started making calls.


(End of this chapter)

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