Chapter 231 Treatment
Grade A monster blood transformation potion!
This is the reward Xu Feng got from advancing to the secret realm. Such a potion represents a future demon king. Thousands of humans died because of it.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Feng still couldn't pass the psychological test. He gritted his teeth and put away the medicine.

"Forget it, there are many opportunities to make money, and you may not need to use this potion!" Xu Feng comforted himself. If he hadn't met the right person, Xu Feng would have decided to put this potion on the shelf forever. Even if it was abolished, it would not be easy. sell.

At this moment, the white jade altar began to glow slightly, slowly absorbing the surrounding aura, the process was slow but continuous.The white jade altar can be traded through sacrifices, and on lucky days, a few items can be randomly picked up for sale at a discount. In addition, a little power point can be accumulated every day to buy items.

It is different from the Portable Secret Realm Taxation, it exists independently and is not restricted by the origin of the Secret Realm. The twilight at this time means that the altar will be opened soon, and the lucky day that Xu Feng has been looking forward to is coming soon.


Songtao City, Haiyuan District, Catholic Church
A priest wearing a black bishop's attire was preaching on the stage. The content of his speech was Chapter 18 of the Gospel of St. Luke. There were more than a dozen believers sitting below him, with solemn and pious expressions.

This priest has the appearance of a Western European, with a white face and yellow beard, golden hair that is as dazzling as gold, and emerald green eyes that are like gems.

His speech is slow and full of charm, which makes people feel calm after listening to it, as if they are in a back garden under the warm sunshine.

At this moment, a priest wearing a black robe came in from the side door and whispered something in the priest's ear. A strange look erupted in the priest's eyes, he closed the book in his hand, and said with a smile: "Everyone Friends, this is the end of today's sermon, all believers are asked to sprinkle holy water and receive holy bread one by one..."

Soon, the priest and the priest in black came to a room on the second floor of the church.

"My lord, there is news about the treasure that the baron is looking for." The priest in black respectfully said, "It came from the promotion secret realm, A-level bloodline modification potion!"

The priest trembled all over, turned his head to stare at the priest in black, and repeated: "A-level? Are you sure it is A-level?"

After asking, before the priest in black could answer, the priest said on his own: "The only heir of the baron, Master Lin Ke, has not been recognized by the ancestors because he is of mixed blood, so he needs this secret realm potion. It's a pity that it must be A-level or above, preferably S-level..."

"If it's really an A-level bloodline modification potion, then we have made a great contribution. You need to confirm it again. You must pay attention to all the details. If you disappoint the baron, we will not end well..." The priest said. Instead of immediately asking about the whereabouts of the A-level bloodline modification potion, he asked the priest in black to check again, which made people feel that he attached great importance to this matter.

After the black-clothed priest left, the priest stayed alone in the room for a while, and then walked to a portrait hanging on the wall. After removing the portrait, he revealed the safe behind it.

Opening the safe, the priest took out a palm-sized bat statue from inside. This statue was completely black, carved from a single piece of obsidian, and its surface shone with a metallic luster.

The priest stretched out his index finger, and soon a drop of blood seeped out from the nail, dripping on the bat statue, and soon, the eyes of the obsidian bat statue burst into a dazzling red light.

The priest began to whisper to the bat statue: "What Baron Hawk wants has been found in my city. He may come in person..."


No.1 People's Hospital of Songtao City
Xu Feng carried the fruit and came to the [-]th floor of the inpatient department. After finding the ward where Qian Li was located, he opened the door and entered.

"Xiaofeng? Why are you here? Come and sit down." Qian Li, who was lying on the hospital bed, struggled to stand up, but Xu Feng quickly stepped forward to support him, and conveniently put the fruit on the bedside table.

"Xiaofeng, here we come!" Zhang Chao came out of the toilet, saw Xu Feng, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Well, I just came out of the secret realm yesterday, has the poison in Brother Qian gone?" Xu Feng pulled a stool and sat down.

"It's almost there, I still used an intermediate antidote, it's too dangerous, and I almost couldn't save it." Zhang Chaohou said in fear: "Thanks to Xiaofeng's healing talisman, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to go into the operating room." .”

"Xiaofeng, thanks to you this time, you saved my brother's life!" Qian Li held Xu Feng's hand and said gratefully.

"Xiaofeng, how did you get the core of the secret realm in the end?" Zhang Chao was curious and couldn't help asking, "Did you also get it in the poisonous spider's lair?"

In theory, this kind of thing belongs to personal privacy, and it is very rude to inquire about it, but Zhang Chao still couldn't help asking.

The entire Songtao City City Guard Office has worked hard for this secret realm for several months, and finally let Xu Feng, a newcomer, complete it. This surprised the old people like Zhang Chao and the others, but also felt unwilling and unconvinced.

"When I completed the professional task, I found another poisonous spider mother in the poisonous spider's lair. I killed it, and I got the core of the secret realm unexpectedly!" Xu Feng explained with a smile.

"Look, I'll just say it!" Zhang Chao slapped his thigh, his face full of annoyance and said: "We have searched all other places in the disaster of the beast, but we haven't found the core of the secret realm. The poisonous lair is the most dangerous place in the secret realm. , and most likely the place where the core of the secret realm is stored, and what you see, it is in this lair..."

"That's right, it's a shame that our team was punished for this. It's the most correct thing for us to explore the poisonous spider's lair!" Qian Li also echoed.

In fact, Team Six was bewitched by Wang Jun to enter the poisonous spider's lair. Otherwise, no one would risk their lives to explore such a dangerous place.

"By the way, Brother Qian, my professional mission gave me a new talisman, the detoxification talisman, which can remove toxins from the body. Do you want to try it?" Xu Feng said suddenly.

"Detox Talisman?" Qian Li was taken aback for a moment, and then said with regret on his face, "It would have been nice to have the Detox Talisman back then, and I wouldn't be a burden..."

"Hehe, the result is finally good. Finding the core of the secret realm this time can be regarded as the credit of the sixth team. After all, we completed it when we set out the mission." Xu Feng laughed.

"Then trouble Xiaofeng, the doctor said that there is still residual poison in my body that has not been cleaned, and I will have to lie on the bed for at least a month..." Qian Li said a little excitedly: "I don't want to continue to lie on the bed."

"Xiaofeng's talisman is good, but it's a pity that he can only use it by himself." Zhang Chao said regretfully from the side.

Xu Feng smiled, took out a detoxification talisman made yesterday, activated it, and moved towards Qian Litie.

"When I learn how to make talismans, you will be able to use talismans." Xu Feng thought to himself.


(End of this chapter)

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