Chapter 236 Grave Carex

Snow Eagle cubs are rare and very precious, but it is not so easy to tame Snow Eagle. Xu Feng is not a beast trainer, nor does he have a contract scroll, so it is almost impossible to tame Snow Eagle into a battle pet.

"It's a pity!" Xu Feng showed regret on his face. If he could really tame the cub Snow Eagle into a battle pet, it would definitely be a great strength.

At this moment, Xu Feng suddenly saw a few dark red grasses placed next to the cage containing the cubs, and his eyes suddenly lit up. These grasses also had spiritual power that fluctuated or faded. , It feels like a spiritual plant.

The half of the spiritual plant that Xu Feng obtained before has slowly recovered in the portable secret realm, but what it is is not yet known, and we will not know until it is fully recovered.

"What are these?" Xu Feng asked, pointing to these dark red spiritual plants.

"Tomb sedge, used to make potions." After seeing that Xu Feng was not interested in those cubs, he also lost interest in him, and replied lazily.

"How to sell it?" Xu Feng showed great interest in these tomb sedges, squatted down, and examined them carefully.

"Three thousand one..." The stall owner asked curiously, "Are you a pharmacist?"

Xu Feng shook his head, and the stall owner immediately showed disappointment, waved his hand at him and said, "It's not the pharmacist, what's wrong with you, Carex is poisonous, and the older Carex is more poisonous, it will be poisonous if it is contaminated. dead person's."

"I want three thousand and one plants." Xu Feng said.

"Not for sale!" the stall owner said without even looking at him.

Xu Feng was stunned: "Why don't you sell it? Isn't it for sale if you put it on?"

"I told you, this thing is highly poisonous. Although it is only a tomb sedge that has grown for less than a year, it is also extremely poisonous. Just such a plant can easily poison a cow!" The stall owner seemed a little angry , frowning: "I don't know what you want to do with it, but I don't want to cause trouble!"

"Then can you tell me where you collected it?" Xu Feng asked after pondering for a moment.

It would be too wasteful to leave the ten acres of filthy Xuanyin soil in the secret realm like this, but in this Xuanyin soil, only shade plants can be planted, and other plants will wither and die within two days , Xu Feng searched for a long time, but only found half a spiritual plant suitable for Xuanyin soil.

Carex is also a shade plant, so it should also be able to grow in Xuanyin soil.

"A place where people have died." The stall owner said impatiently.

"Xiaofeng, come here!" Zhao Ruhai waved to Xu Feng not far away.

Xu Feng stood up and walked towards Zhao Ruhai.

"Do you know Master Zhao?" The stall owner in front of him suddenly stopped Xu Feng, his eyes flickering.

"Why, you want to ask him to forge weapons?" Xu Feng asked with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, I have a piece of material here, and I want to ask Master Zhao to help me forge a weapon. If you can introduce it, how about giving you these tomb sedges as an introduction fee?" the stall owner said in a low voice.

"Okay, I'll ask for you." Xu Feng smiled.


Xu Feng wandered around for a long time, but he didn't find any stalls selling clay pots. In the end, he had no choice but to come to Zhao Ruhai's side and listened to his explanation on how to beneficiate minerals. After listening for a long time, he also had some basic understanding of beneficiation.In his previous life, Xu Feng had never been exposed to these things. He used the apostle's power to forge any item he wanted to forge. Just like a game, he gathered all the required materials and selected "forging".

Sometimes it succeeds, sometimes it fails. Xu Feng always thought it was a matter of probability. Now it seems that it has a lot to do with the ore he chooses.

"Xiaofeng, look at these two pieces of limonite, both of which have a purity of 15. What's the difference between them?" Zhao Ruhai asked as he picked up two ores of similar size and weight.

Xu Feng stared at these two ores carefully. If he had placed them before, as long as he saw a purity of 15, he would not think there was any difference between the two ores. Ore, Xu Feng still noticed the difference.

"Impurities?" Xu Feng looked up at Zhao Ruhai.

Zhao Ruhai laughed, nodded and said: "Yes, the impurities are different. Some impurities in the ore are difficult to remove. These impurities will affect the entire forging process..."

After Zhao Ruhai explained how to beneficiate ore, he bought more than three tons of raw ore and ordered another batch of raw ore, and then he and Xu Feng walked towards the previous cub booth.

"The kobold mine disappeared, causing the price of raw ore near Songtao City to increase by 20%, and I guess it will increase..." Zhao Ruhai shook his head and said, "I don't know who got the core of the secret realm, such a good resource secret realm , close it directly, it is harming others and not benefiting oneself!"

If there is no way to integrate resource mines such as the Kobold Mine, even if you get the core of the secret realm, you will not be able to take it away. Generally, the apostles of the secret realm will earn profits by collecting tickets. The ore can only leave, as long as the setting is not too outrageous, there will still be many miners and apostles willing to mine.

As a result, the mines are now closed and no one can mine. This has also led to a collective price increase in the ore market in Songtao City.


When the two came to the cub booth, Zhao Ruhai asked directly, "What materials do you have, and what equipment do you want to forge?"

Blacksmiths forge for others. In fact, like pharmacists, they need the other party to prepare materials, and sometimes they need the other party to prepare blueprints and formulas.

The stall owner had a pleasant smile on his face, and quickly took out a wooden stick from the tent, and said, "This is it, this is a piece of spirit wood tree heart, Master, I want to forge a weapon!"

"Weapon?" Zhao Ruhai took the wooden stick, a strange look suddenly appeared on his face, and he looked towards Xu Feng.

"Your poacher's spear, if you use this wooden stick as the handle, it may break through the mortal rank and reach the spiritual rank!" Zhao Ruhai said.

The poacher's spear that Xu Feng forged used a piece of ordinary poplar wood before. Even so, he forged a high-grade ordinary spear. If he could use this spiritual wood in front of him, he would indeed have a certain chance of breaking through Mortal rank, reaching the spiritual rank!

"You, you are also a blacksmith?" The stall owner looked at Xu Feng with a look of surprise on his face, and hurriedly bowed his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, these tomb sedges are given to you. As for the forging of weapons We will calculate the cost separately."


Xu Feng looked at the spirit tree in the satchel, and felt an inexplicable strange feeling in his heart. Originally, he just came to visit the apostle market, to see if he could find the pottery pot with the pure yangwu soil. Unexpectedly, He even accepted a forging job.

"I'm not a professional blacksmith!" Xu Feng couldn't help but said.

"Haha, with me as your guarantee, what are you afraid of?" Zhao Ruhai put his arms around Xu Feng's shoulders, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you. You can make whatever you want, but it's just an ordinary spirit wood. it's not a big deal!"

Just as he was talking, the tip of Zhao Ruhai's nose suddenly moved twice: "Hey, do you smell anything?"

"It smells so good. It's pure brew. It's definitely pure brew. Haha, I'm so lucky that I ran into a spirit wine seller. Let's go quickly. Haha, I have a hunch that this spirit wine must taste good!" Zhao Ruhai, who was in his teens, looked like an old alcoholic, pulling Xu Feng to run forward.


(End of this chapter)

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