Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 238 Poacher Spear

Chapter 238 Poacher Spear

"Boss, I'll pick two bottles to taste!" Xu Feng said after pondering for a moment.

"Okay, come to the tent, they are all piled up in the tent!" said the stall owner.

Xu Feng stretched his waist and entered the tent with the stall owner.

The area inside the tent is not large, at most five or six square meters, filled with large and small pottery pots, all of which are spirit wine he brewed.

Speaking of spiritual wine, except for the wine made from purple jade grapes, other spiritual wines are only brewed from some spiritual fruits and plants. The same can permanently increase attributes.

In Xu Feng's view, only wines that can permanently improve their attributes can be called spiritual wines. Except for the purple jade wine, these wines can be regarded as sub-spiritual wines at most.

"Here, these are all wines made from Ziyu grapes, you can choose whatever you want." The stall owner pointed to a corner and said, after hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but said again: "Actually, these are all brewed in one batch. What a difference!"

"Did you fire all these pots yourself?" Xu Feng picked up a pot containing purple jade wine, and the power of the sun in his body automatically operated, and he stretched his arms towards the pot.

"Some are, and some are handed down from the family!" The stall owner explained: "Our family has been winemakers for nine generations. Our ancestors used to be winemakers for the queen, and they specially brewed fruit wine for the ladies in the harem!"

Xu Feng picked up the clay pots containing the purple jade wine one by one, held the bottom of the pot with his left hand, and shook it lightly twice, as if he was feeling the weight of the wine with his hands.

Every time a clay pot is picked up, there will be a trace of the power of the sun seeping into the bottom of the pot. If there is really pure Yangwu soil, Xu Feng will sense it.

After trying seven or eight clay pots in a row, there was finally one. When the power of the sun in the left palm penetrated into the pot, a hot feeling emerged from the bottom of the pot.

"Just this can!" Xu Feng weighed it in his arms and said.

"Since you are Xiao Zhao's friend, I will give you a [-]% discount for the first time you buy it, [-] yuan." The stall owner said while rubbing his chin.

"Thank you, boss!" Xu Feng showed a surprised smile on his face. You must know that this is a real spiritual wine, which can permanently increase attributes. Although it can only increase a little spiritual power, the market price is definitely more than 10 yuan.

On the way back, Xu Feng always had a faint smile on his face, and Zhao Ruhai looked at him from time to time, feeling a little strange.

"Do you like wine very much?" Zhao Ruhai asked tentatively, "If you really like wine, you can take back my can."

"By the way, I heard from you earlier that the purple jade grapes grew in Dead Man's Valley?" Xu Feng suddenly thought of something, and asked quickly, "Where is Dead Man's Valley?"

"The place where the invaders massacred the common people is a mass grave. It is said that bones can be seen even now..." Zhao Ruhai said lightly, "It is very dark there, and monsters like ghosts have been bred there. Become a restricted area, don't go to that place!"

"Is that where the purple jade grapes grow?" Xu Feng still insisted on asking.

"Yes, it was just an ordinary grape, but after absorbing a lot of Yin Qi, it inexplicably mutated and turned into a spiritual plant!" Zhao Ruhai turned his head and glanced at Xu Feng, as if he understood what the other party wanted to do. He couldn't help laughing: "I know what you want to do. That old Cui wanted to transplant purple jade grapes more than once, but he couldn't. Except for the dead man's ditch, purple jade grapes can't grow anywhere. Once transplanted, they will wither within a few days. Already!"

Xu Feng smiled, did not speak, and the pickup truck drove straight towards Songtao City.


Lin Xiao is a live broadcast host. Although he is just an ordinary person, he is very courageous. He often goes to some haunted villas and villas that are rumored to be haunted, and has gathered a lot of popularity.

"Brothers, what we are going to explore today is a place called Dead Man's Valley. It is said that there are real ghosts here, so I ask you if you are frightened or scared?"

While driving the car, Lin Xiao talked endlessly to the camera on the mobile phone bracket, and the car drove towards the direction of the dead man's ditch.

Many people on the screen are calling for Lin Xiao to go quickly, but there are also some people who really understand the dead man's ditch are trying to persuade Lin Xiao to give up, and they are talking about the horror of the dead man's ditch.

As a result, this aroused more people's interest in the dead man's ditch, and gifts began to be swiped continuously. Lin Xiao looked at the gift reminders floating on the screen of his mobile phone, and a joyful smile appeared on his face. As for those who reminded him of the danger of the dead man's ditch Lin Xiao didn't even pay attention to the comments.

Soon, Lin Xiao drove to the vicinity of the dead man's ditch. The dead man's ditch was far away from the road, and there was no way for cars to go there. Lin Xiao could only get out of the car and walked towards the dead man's ditch on foot.

After walking 600 meters, Lin Xiao stumbled and looked down. It turned out to be half a skull. Lin Xiao was startled, and exclaimed at the camera, his face full of horror.

"Skeleton, skull, have you seen it, veterans, there are really skeletons!" Lin Xiaochao took two steps back, and pointed the camera at the half of the skull on the ground to take a photo.

At this moment, clouds slowly appeared in the sky that was originally a big sun, and the surrounding area became colder.

At this moment, words mocking Lin Xiao appeared on the screen.

"Half a skull is scared like this, why go to the ditch of the dead, go home and drink milk!"

"Hehe, the ones I filmed before must have been scripted actors, and now I'm really scared like this when I encounter something!"


Lin Xiao has a lot of loyal fans, and also a lot of black fans. Seeing so many people mocking, Lin Xiao naturally began to fight back, but he completely forgot about his original hesitation, and continued to walk towards the ditch of the dead.

However, what he didn't notice was that there seemed to be more and more clouds in the sky, thicker and thicker, the surrounding temperature also began to drop, and a faint mist slowly emerged around.

Back at Zhao Ruhai's forging shop, Xu Feng used the spiritual wood heart to make a poacher's spear. The quality of the spear made this time was much better than last time.

[Name: Poacher Spear]

[Type: Main Hand Weapon]

[Rank: Lower Spirit Rank]

[Efficacy: Cause 32-48 points of physical damage to the target when attacking]

[Introduction: This is a beast poacher's favorite combat weapon. It is a sharp spear that can pierce the fur of any beast. If you are good at throwing, you can throw it out to attack enemies ten yards away. enemy. 】

[Remark 1: Puncture.When attacking the target, it can cause an additional 10 points of piercing damage. 】

[Remark 2: Bleeding.When dealing damage to the target, there is a certain chance to trigger the bleeding effect, losing 5 HP per second for 15 seconds. 】

【Remark 3: Light.Its own weight is reduced by 30%, and there is a certain chance to trigger the afterimage effect when attacking. 】

[Limited use: strength 10, agility 15]


(End of this chapter)

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