Chapter 246 Defense
The crowd quickly arrived at the cave that He Bing had mentioned. The entrance of the cave was not very big. Standing at the bottom of the valley and looking up, there was at least a distance of more than ten meters, but this distance was not an obstacle for the apostles of the secret realm.

It's just that the entrance of the cave is very small, and no one knows what is going on inside the cave. If the cave is very shallow, it will not be able to block and defend them.

Wei Jian was the first to climb up, and entered the cave with a cat waist. After a while, he poked his head out and shouted: "Come up quickly, it's deep inside, it can hold all of us!"

He Bing and the others felt relieved, the entrance of this cave was narrow, and it was difficult for those skeleton beasts to get in, so they saved their lives!
"Thanks to the captain's carefulness, otherwise we might be in danger this time." Zhang Chao said happily.

A group of people quickly got into the narrow cave, and after a while, a large group of skeleton beasts chased them up. The height of more than ten meters was not difficult for this group of skeleton beasts. They rushed up one after another, but the narrow cave The hole blocked them.

When the necromancer first created these skeleton beasts, he was afraid that the body would be too small to play a threatening role, so he made them according to the limit load capacity of each bone, and the larger the skeleton beast body, the better.

A skeleton beast eagerly wanted to get into the cave, but its head went in, but its shoulders got stuck, but it kept going in, hitting the rock walls around the cave entrance with its body.

"Click, click~"

After a while, some bones in the skeleton beast's body were broken, but what people didn't expect was that the skeleton beast, whose body had been smashed into many bones, became narrower and got out of the hole. go in.

However, the moment it got in, a steel knife slashed towards its neck, directly chopping off its head.

The body of the skeleton beast collapsed immediately, and the bones scattered all over the ground.

However, the head of the next bone beast stuck out again.

"Take turns to guard the entrance of the cave, and the heads of those who dare to poke in will be chopped off!" He Bing said to Zhang Chao who was on the side, and at the same time turned around and said to Xu Feng: "Xiaofeng, go explore the back and see if there is any cave in this cave." Another exit!"

This cave is extremely deep. It can be seen that the place they are in is just a narrow passage, and they don't know where they will lead to. The necessary exploration is still needed.

Xu Feng nodded, took out the fluorescent cloak and put it on, and with the help of the faint fluorescent light, slowly walked along the passage and explored the depths of the cave.

Wei Jian stared enviously at the cloak behind Xu Feng, and asked softly, "Is that cloak on Brother Feng a spiritual weapon?"

"The fluorescent cloak, the one on his body is indeed a spiritual weapon, which can simulate the breath of a poisonous spider..." Zhang Chaohuabao usually took out an identical fluorescent cloak and put it on.

"I also have a fluorescent cloak, but mine is not a spiritual rank, but it can completely imitate the breath emitted by poisonous spiders. Even in the poisonous lair, I can move freely and will not be attacked by spiders!" Zhang Chao said. Show off.

At that time, Xu Feng made a total of three fluorescent cloaks. His additional attribute was poison resistance +3%. The effect in this cave was probably not as good as the spontaneous lighting effect of the fluorescent cloak.

"Brother Feng made this by himself?" Wei Jian had an unbelievable look on his face, and it took him a long time to realize: "Brother Feng is still a blacksmith?"

His words reminded Zhang Chao and He Bing, and Zhang Chao couldn't help asking: "Xiaofeng has also learned blacksmithing? Such a popular life profession, the entry scroll is estimated to start with a million?"

The corners of He Bing's mouth couldn't help twitching a few times. He always felt that Xu Feng was a bit different. He improved too fast and knew too many things. Although the talismans he used were very similar to Taoist professions, He Bing always had a strange It's not like he hasn't seen ordinary Taoist priests before, how can he be so powerful!
Just as he was talking, another skeleton beast got into half of his body. Zhang Chao hurriedly swung his knife forward and chopped the skeleton beast's head into pieces. The channel tumbles downwards.


With the help of the faint light of the fluorescent cloak, Xu Feng carefully explored the entire cave.The cave was far deeper than they had imagined before. After walking forward for more than 100 meters, a fork suddenly appeared in front of them. At this moment, Xu Feng's heart sank. If there were too many forks in this cave, it would be like an underground labyrinth. .

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, and wanted to report the situation to He Bing, Xu Feng suddenly heard a soft voice in his ear: "Come here, come here quickly, I'm looking for you..."

Xu Feng had a confused look in his eyes, and his body seemed to be frozen. Following the guidance of the voice, he stumbled towards a fork in the road.

After a long time, Xu Feng did not return to report the situation, and He Bing suddenly felt something was wrong.

Zhang Chao chopped up the head of a skeleton beast again, and the body made of white bones scattered all over the ground. At this time, the ground at the entrance of the cave was already covered with a thick layer of white bones, and some of them rolled down the passage toward the depths.

"Brother Chao, are you tired? Do you want me to replace you?" Wei Jian asked.

At this time, Zhang Chao had already chopped dozens of skeleton beasts. The entrance of the cave was narrow and the surrounding rock walls were very hard. Only one skeleton beast could poke its head in at a time, so it was very easy to defend. The heads of the ten skeleton beasts and Zhang Chao's wrists also began to tremble slightly.

"Come on, let me rest for a while." Zhang Chao hesitated for a moment, and handed the steel knife in his hand to Wei Jian. Wei Jian's crossbow was too slow to string, and he still used melee weapons to deal with this kind of skeleton beast that could only penetrate its head. convenient.

"How long has Xu Feng been exploring?" He Bing asked suddenly.

"It's been almost half an hour." Qiao Yushan replied in a low voice, and after a while, she whispered again: "Are you in danger?"

"Ten minutes ago, he should have come back to report..." He Bing turned around and stared at the deep rock passage behind him, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

At this moment, no one noticed that in the depths of the cave, those white bones that had rolled down here unintentionally suddenly started to move on their own, and began to piece together quietly and slowly in the darkness, some of which were chopped into pieces. The bone debris also began to melt, turning into gray mercury, rolling and consolidating drop by drop on the ground, changing into different shapes.

After a while, the skeleton beasts were pieced together like this. The more skeleton beasts were smashed in front, the more white bones rolled in, and the more skeleton beasts reunited.

In the dark, one, two, three...

All the reassembled skeleton beasts were quietly hidden in the darkness without making a sound, and quietly looked towards the entrance of the cave.


(End of this chapter)

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