Chapter 250 Necromancer
Xu Feng chiseled along the main root of the purple jade vine towards the foot of the mountain, and then dug seven or eight meters down at the foot of the mountain, before he finally saw the tip of the main root of the purple jade grape vine.

Xu Feng pressed the purple jade grape vine, and with a thought, the whole vine was collected by Xu Feng into the secret realm, and the vine without support softly covered the thin field of too dirty Xuanyin soil, at least accounting for half of the area.

Putting the purple jade grape mother vine into the portable secret realm, Xu Feng immediately received feedback from the portable secret realm.

[The spiritual plant is too big, too dirty and the soil is too thin to provide enough nutrients. Once planted, the spiritual plant will wither in three months and fourteen days. 】

Xu Feng had anticipated this situation, and went directly into the portable secret realm, first planted the main root of the purple jade vine, then picked off all the remaining purple jade grapes, and then began to trim the vines of the purple jade grape vine.

In a short while, the purple jade grape mother vines that had spread out at least five mu of land, now there is only one main vine about 30 meters long, and Xu Feng cut off all the remaining branches.

Looking at the mountains of grape vines, Xu Feng frowned slightly. These grape vines are also spiritual plants. Although the effect is much weaker than that of the main vine, they are still spiritual plants, and they can also bear spiritual fruit purple jade after they are planted. Grapes, it would be too wasteful to just throw them away like this.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng picked some thicker branches and vines, and planted them in the thin fields of too dirty Xuanyin soil. It looked like three acres of land, and the rest could not be planted anymore, otherwise they would still die due to lack of nutrition. .

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Feng planted these remaining grape vines in various places in the secret realm. Some were planted in Yizhuang, some were planted around the mine, and some were planted at the edge of the fused Beast Forest.

The portable secret realm is always in the dark night, and the moonlight in the sky is constantly releasing. Except for the ten acres of too dirty Xuanyin soil Susukida, other places are also full of yin energy, but it is not as strong as Susukida.

These grape vines scattered in various places in the secret realm would be the best if they could survive, and Xu Feng would not feel bad if they couldn't survive.

After doing all this, Xu Feng returned to the Susukada, which was too dirty, and looked at the limp vines covering the three acres of Susukida, and suddenly felt a headache.

"We still need to build some grape trellises for them. It's not good to spread them randomly like this, it will definitely affect their growth!" Xu Feng frowned.

This kind of thing can't be done for a while, so it can only be done slowly when there is spare time in the future. Anyway, the purple jade grape vines have been dug up by Xu Feng. From then on, as long as the purple jade grapes that appear in Songtao City and around , it can only be provided by Xu Feng, which is definitely a huge resource.

The next moment, Xu Feng's figure appeared in the ditch of the dead.After digging the purple jade grape vines, Xu Feng's goal has been achieved, all that remains is to explore the situation of the dead man's ditch and find out the specific location of the necromancer who made the bone altar.

Xu Feng continued to explore along the ditch of the dead, and soon, a huge bone altar with a height of ten meters appeared in front of him. Around this altar, there were scattered bones with a thickness of more than one meter and hundreds of square meters. Weathered, there are also some white bones that have been glazed, and the surface has a white porcelain-like luster.

Around the bone altar, there are more than a dozen bone warriors, more than three meters high, wearing heavy armor, holding two-handed giant swords, and sticking upside down on the ground. These bone warriors are motionless, like statues.

Xu Feng took out a paper talisman and tentatively threw it at a bone warrior.

The paper talisman was easily pasted on the Bone Warrior's body and exploded loudly. However, there seemed to be a thin transparent light curtain on the surface of the Bone Warrior's body, which blocked all the damage, and the Bone Warrior remained unharmed.

Xu Feng frowned slightly. He could feel that the huge bone altar in front of him was the culprit who turned the ditch of the dead into the realm of the undead. It was impossible for those small bone altars he encountered before to produce such earth-shaking changes. .

However, if you want to destroy the large bone altar in front of you, you must kill these dozen bone warriors. If you can attract them one by one, Xu Feng still has the confidence to kill them, but now it seems that you must kill them. Only by getting close can they be activated, but once activated, all the bone warriors will come back to life. With Xu Feng's current strength, even if he can kill these bone warriors, it will be a hard fight, and there will be a bunch of bone warriors here at any time. A necromancer comparable to a third-level apostle!

"Go and join other teammates first, and then besiege this place together!" Xu Feng thought to himself after pondering for a moment.

Just when Xu Feng was about to turn around and leave, a voice stopped him suddenly.

"Are you planning to leave like this? This bone altar covers the entire Dead Man's Ditch, and the realm of the undead will continue to spread, and it will have a strengthening effect on the undead creatures in the Dead Man's Ditch. If you don't destroy it, your teammates will be very dangerous !"

Xu Feng followed the sound and saw a mage holding a bone staff, wearing a black robe, and with a face as old as a skeleton, standing quietly on a protruding cliff opposite. Behind him was a cave as tall as a person. From the looks of it, this should be the Necromancer who came out of the secret realm of the Withered Bones Temple and his hiding place.

The necromancer looked at Xu Feng quietly, as if waiting for his decision.

The necromancer in front of him is comparable to the third-level apostle of the secret realm. In the secret realm, the upper limit of the attribute of the first-level native is [-] points, the second-level is [-] points, and the third-level is [-] points.

Therefore, for the Necromancer in front of him, the main attribute spirit has probably reached 26 points. For Xu Feng, who only has [-] points, it can completely cause a crushing effect.

What's more, this is still the home ground of the Necromancer, so it is definitely not a wise choice to fight him here!

Xu Feng's fingers began to move quickly in the void, and after a while, a talisman full of purple charm appeared in front of Xu Feng.

Wall piercer!
The wall-piercing talisman of the Void Talisman, in addition to the effect of passing through obstacles, also has the additional effect of increasing the movement speed by 30%. Xu Feng slapped the wall-piercing talisman on his body, turned his head and fled in the opposite direction.

Just as Xu Feng was drawing the talisman in the void, the necromancer raised the bone staff, but before the necromancer finished chanting the spell, Xu Feng had already run out of the attack range, and the necromancer failed to cast the spell, with a sluggish look on his face, He never expected that Xu Feng would be so decisive and run so fast!
"Hehe, interesting little guy!" The necromancer showed a smile on his face, and said to himself: "Run, run away, go and bring more people here, my altar needs a lot of sacrifices , only in this way can I communicate with the real undead land and summon a real army of undead!"


(End of this chapter)

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