Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 256 Persevere to the end

Chapter 256 Persevere to the end
He Bing and his three team members began to walk towards the cave, while Hou Zijian walked in the front. When they reached the first fork in the road, everyone stopped.

Hou Zijian looked at the fluorescent cloaks on He Bing and Zhang Chao with some envy, and couldn't help but said: "To be honest, the attributes of your cloaks are average, but this attribute that can illuminate in the dark is simply great!"

"It's just lighting. There are many methods. Even an ordinary miner's helmet has a much wider range of lighting than this cloak!" Zhang Chao said indifferently.

"The miner's helmet needs batteries, torches, flashlights, etc. need to be held in one hand, and it will be a disadvantage in case of a surprise attack..." Hou Zijian carefully inspected the rock walls around the fork while analyzing.

"But your cloak doesn't need to consume any energy, and it doesn't take up your hands, so you can deal with possible surprise attacks at any time..." Hou Zijian seemed to have discovered something, and began to rub his fingers lightly on the rock wall.

"It looks like your cloaks should be made by someone else. Send me a message. I'm willing to spend [-] yuan to buy a cloak like this!" Hou Zijian said.

It can be said that it is full of sincerity to buy a high-grade mortal equipment for [-] yuan, and besides being able to illuminate, the other attributes of the fluorescent cloak are very general, and the one that exudes spider breath needs a special environment to be possible to use. Such a mortal cloak High-grade cloak, the market price is at most [-] to [-], and Hou Zijian almost doubled the price to buy it!

"Okay, I'll ask for you!" He Bing didn't refuse, and agreed casually.

In fact, the price of the fluorescent cloak is far more than that. Thirty fluorescent spider silks alone are far more than this price, but the cloaks worn by Zhang Chao and He Bing can be said to be failures of Xu Feng's forging. Out-of-mortal equipment is like using materials worth 1 yuan to produce a finished product worth only [-] yuan.

For blacksmiths, this is nothing more than a normal thing, and it is also the most important reason why it is difficult to survive in many life occupations if the skills are not good.

"I found it!" Hou Zijian laughed suddenly: "It seems that your teammate chose the right path!"

Hou Zijian found the mark engraved by Xu Feng on one side of the rock wall at the fork in the road. It was not only for the teammates chasing after him, but also for his own exploration. When he came back from a dead end, he knew where to go to explore again.

"It seems that he has been walking in without looking back!" Hou Zijian turned his head and asked, "Do you want to continue chasing?"

There is only one entry mark on the rock wall, but no exit mark. Obviously, Xu Feng did not return after entering this fork in the road. This means that either Xu Feng did not explore to the end, or he might be killed.

He Bing frowned, nodded and said: "Go on, you want to see people when you live, and you want to see corpses when you die!"

Following the imprint left by Xu Feng, several people continued to explore forward, and soon entered a passage like an underground labyrinth.

On the other side, Zhou Zhi led the two teammates forward. The further they went, the more undead creatures there were in the ditch of the dead, and the aura of the undead became stronger, and a faint mist appeared around them.

"It already smells like the secret realm of the Temple of Withered Bones. The breath of undead is too strong. Ordinary people will transform into undead creatures in a short time!" Diqiu frowned slightly. He is a beast trainer, and his main fighting method is His pet, but this environment is very unfriendly to his pet.

"I suspect that if we go further in, there may be a realm of undead. This concentration of undead breath is absolutely abnormal!" Another mage said in a deep voice.

"Damn it, this guy has been out for at least a year, otherwise, there would be no time to arrange this place like this..." Zhou Zhi cursed in a low voice with a livid face.

"Deputy Director, I'm afraid this is not an ordinary necromancer, at least he is also an elite template boss." Zhou Jie frowned slightly. As a mage, he could feel the terrifying fluctuations of undead energy particles in the air, like a sea tide Surging, if not all the way, the strength of the undead creatures encountered is too weak, Zhou Jie would have doubted whether the other party has built another shrine of bones in the ditch of the dead!
"We must kill this guy today!" Zhou Zhi gritted his teeth and said, "The danger level of the secret realm of the Temple of Dry Bones has been increased. Next week, we will concentrate all our efforts to build a camp suitable for human survival in the secret realm. In addition, we will also send garrison personnel at the entrance of the secret realm. Prevent the natives from escaping from it again!"

Although the secret realm of the Shrine of Dry Bones is a third-level secret realm, its danger level is very low. Apart from regular weekly explorations, the City Guard Department hardly spends much energy on it.

But now it seems that there is obviously a problem with this decision, and it must be changed immediately!

On the other side, Xu Feng and the red-robed witch's Beast Banner Bureau also began to unfold like a raging fire. Right from the start, it directly entered the white-hot stage. The red-robed witch directly led the powerful giant beast army and began to attack the city all the way. The city wall is like a sandcastle. The giant beast soldiers can directly destroy the city wall and capture the human city by relying on their physical strength.

At the beginning, the weapons of the human warriors were very simple, and they were no match for the powerful army of red robe witches. Xu Feng also began to use all means, such as food shortages, traps, fire attacks, flooding, and using the terrain to block, and tried his best to delay time and climb quickly. human technology.

"It's useless, as I said, even if the technology of the human race has reached its peak, it is impossible to be my opponent!" The red-robed witch controls the death knight army of the undead race, colliding with the human heavy cavalry on the plain Together, the two were evenly matched at first, but soon, as the human heavy cavalry legion was no match for the death knight legion, they were defeated.

But even so, none of the Heavy Armored Knights flinched until the last soldier was wiped out by the Death Knights.

At the previous pass again, Xu Feng's human technology has reached its peak. Siege crossbows, stone ladle guns, and trebuchets are all over the city walls. Gargoyles also flew up from behind the Red Witch's army.

The red-robed witch has almost learned all the lessons from the previous failure in the battle with Xu Feng, and also understands the importance of air supremacy, so she chose the gargoyle as the battle beast flag.

"It's useless. Human airships must have air supremacy to exert their greatest power. My gargoyle army can completely restrain your airship!" The red-robed witch watched the human airships explode on the chessboard. , A confident smile finally appeared on his face.

This pass is the last dangerous pass in the territory of the human race. As long as you break through it, you can directly attack the last capital of the human race and approach the city. However, in the previous [-] battles, the red-robed witch hated this pass more than once. This pass has been broken through, but now, this pass is already in jeopardy in front of the powerful coalition forces of the red robe witches!

Xu Feng controlled all the human legions with a blank face. With the pass in front of him, he continuously caused damage to the legions controlled by the red-robed witch. The battle was fierce, and almost all the human legions died in battle. Only then did the red-robed witch's legion finally break through. Road pass!
The red-robed witch laughed loudly. From her point of view, victory is within easy reach. Almost all of Xu Feng's legions have been consumed at this final pass. Although the legion in her hands also suffered heavy casualties, they still maintain the most basic principles. In the face of a human capital with almost no troops, it is only a matter of time before it is captured!

"You have no chance, little guy, it looks like I won this game!" The red-robed witch narrowed her eyes and said proudly.

"The battle is not over yet!" Xu Feng said in a deep voice, and began to control his hands continuously.

"Why, fighting to the end is your last stubbornness? Hahaha, okay, I'll satisfy you!" The red-robed witch laughed loudly, controlling the legion that had just escaped the last pass of the human territory, and began to move towards the last city in the human territory. rush away.


(End of this chapter)

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