Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 26 Re-entry into the secret realm

Chapter 26 Re-entry into the secret realm
This third year of high school entered the secret realm of Qingfeng Town, and the scale was very large.

According to the past practice, when the third graders enter the secret realm, the school adopts an attitude of not objecting and not encouraging. Anyway, the secret realm is open, and you can enter if you want. The school doesn't care about what initial occupation you get, and it doesn't matter if you don't want to enter. The school won't say anything either.

Many students who feel that there is no hope of becoming apostles of the secret realm will never step into the secret realm. After all, as long as it is a secret realm, there will be certain dangers.

Only those who are determined to be admitted to the secret university will choose to enter the secret, obtain the initial occupation, fully improve their own attributes, and get a good score in the college entrance examination.

The school has never organized such a large-scale entry into a class at one time.

"Everyone follow me and enter in order. I was a little dizzy when I first entered. Don't panic, and don't run around after entering. Follow the instructions..." A female teacher kept telling a group of excited students behind her.

Xu Feng was a little funny in the team. The apostle of the secret realm is an extremely dangerous profession. Exploring the secret realm is like dancing with death, and dying in the secret realm is simply commonplace.

When did getting an initial job and becoming an apostle of a secret land become like traveling.

Glancing at the teacher in front of the team, Xu Feng even imagined that the other party was wearing a uniform vest, a red hat, and holding a small red flag in his hand.

"There is also a tour guide leading the group, this experience is really new!" Xu Feng said to himself.

Xu Feng had never encountered such a situation in his previous life. After his father died, Xu Feng was in a daze until he got a very low potential evaluation in the college entrance examination. No secret university was willing to recruit him. In the end, Xu Feng only got the A high school diploma, and later, a disaster broke out in the secret realm of the Withered Wood Temple, and the entire Songtao City was destroyed. Xu Feng was forced to embark on the road of escape...

The teacher who led the team first entered the secret realm, and then the students entered one by one. When they saw the figures of their classmates disappearing through the portal, none of the students behind them were afraid, but looked excited and expectant.

The one in front of Xu Feng was his deskmate. At this moment, he was a little nervous, and his left hand kept grabbing his skirt.After a while, the deskmate suddenly turned around and asked, "Xu Feng, do you think it's dangerous to become an apostle of the secret realm? Are you going to take up that initial job?"

The teachers in the school have said about the occupations in the secret realm of Qingfeng Town and how to get a job. Although some changes will occur in the secret realm after becoming an S rank, most of these ordinary occupations will not be affected.

"Look, I haven't figured it out yet." Xu Feng rubbed his nose and said.

"I decided to choose a life profession. It's safe, and I don't need to explore secret realms in the future. It's still useful, and maybe I can use it in the future..." The deskmate seemed to be talking to Xu Feng, and seemed to be talking to himself.

Xu Feng sighed slightly in his heart. The thoughts of the same table actually represented many people who wanted to gain benefits and take advantage of it, but did not want to pay too much and endanger their lives.

Even for a while, this idea became mainstream and was hyped by people.But when cities were breached by monsters in the secret realm, tens of millions of people died, and the surviving people could only linger in the base city, those secret realm apostles who took up life professions began to regret it.

There was once an opportunity to choose a self-protection profession in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. I regretted it until I lost it. If I could do it again, I would definitely choose a combat profession. If...

"It's your turn, go in quickly, don't get in the way..." The classmate behind gently pushed Xu Feng's shoulder.

Only then did Xu Feng realize that before he knew it, the team had reached his position, and it was time for him to enter the secret realm.

Without hesitation, Xu Feng stepped into the secret realm. The moment his figure was engulfed by the secret realm, a line of prompts appeared in front of him.

[To enter the S1-level Qingfeng Town Secret Realm, you need the permission of the team leader to enter. Do you want to apply for entry? 】

"The entry rules have changed." Xu Feng thought to himself, and immediately chose to apply.

After making the selection, Xu Feng felt a strong suction coming towards him. Instead of resisting, he floated forward along the suction. Soon, a familiar light curtain appeared in front of Xu Feng, with lines of words like Flowing on the light curtain like a waterfall.

[Starting to enter the C1-level secret realm...]

[Start digitizing the body of the entrant...]

[The detection found that the physical fitness of the entrant is much higher than the average level of adult men. After entering the secret realm, they may be suppressed to a certain extent. Please familiarize yourself with the suppressed physical condition as soon as possible after entering the secret realm...】

[The difficulty of this secret realm is S1 level...]

[The time in this secret territory and the time in the real world have been adjusted to 10:1 by the master of the secret realm, please pay attention to the time difference...]

[Start assimilating the entrant with this world...]

[You will automatically master the relevant language, you can interact with the characters in this world smoothly, and forget it after leaving this world, unless you learn the relevant language skills in this world, you can keep it permanently...]

[The system detects that you are not entering this secret realm for the first time, so it will not be able to disguise your identity for free. Do you choose to pay a certain price (1 tael of gold) to disguise your identity...]

[After entering the secret realm, you will automatically get a main mission, you...&&&...%%&&*&]

[The system detects that you have obtained the main task, but it has not been completed yet. Please continue to complete the main task. If you cannot complete the main task, you will not be able to leave the secret realm...]

Seeing that it takes a tael of gold to disguise his identity, Xu Feng couldn't help but gasp, it's too cruel!
This time Xu Feng made preparations in advance, and he carried twelve taels of gold in his arms before entering.Converted into Huaxia currency, it would cost 10,000+, which is a huge sum of money for Xu Feng now.

This was prepared for him by his father Xu Nantian in advance, just for entering the secret realm this time, it seems that it is no secret that Wei Hong relies on the secret realm to earn money.

Just one disguise of identity cost one-tenth of Xu Feng's property, which made him feel distressed.

Entering the secret realm, everyone appeared on a large grass field. Because of their identity disguise, the students were all dressed up as ancient people. It was a novelty, joking and joking with each other, waiting for all other students to enter.

After Xu Feng entered, someone immediately noticed that he was different.

"Hey, we are all in rags, dressed as poor and lower-middle peasants, why is Xu Feng dressed so well and looks like a scholar?" Someone shouted loudly.

Xu Feng looked at the other people, and it was the same as when he entered last time. The identity disguise for free entry was that of a poor man, with tattered clothes and many patches.

But Xu Feng was wearing a clean navy blue gown, a pair of cloth shoes on his feet, and a scholar's square scarf on his head. His waist felt a little stiff, and when he pulled it out, it turned out to be a paper fan.

Opening the paper fan, Xu Feng fanned it lightly on his chest. He immediately looked like a handsome young man in a troubled world, and seemed out of place with the students beside him.


(End of this chapter)

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