Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 269 Boosting Talent

Chapter 269 Boosting Talent
Ten acres of too dirty Xuanyin soil can recruit three medicine farm slaves. To put it bluntly, they are full-time farmers. In fact, the most suitable race for farmers is the goblin clan. Naturally, Feng would not refuse. If these purple jade vines were not dealt with, they might all wither.

"Transform!" Xu Feng immediately chose.

In an instant, the two murlocs who had already run to Susukida, Taixuan Xuanyin, were immediately shrouded in a cloud of yin, and their bodies began to undergo drastic changes.

The faces of the two murlocs showed pain, and they opened their mouths wide to scream loudly, but no sound came out. Their already thin bodies became thinner, and the scales on their bodies began to atomize one by one. .

In just a few seconds, the two murlocs completely turned into undead creatures, all flesh and blood disappeared, and the skin was completely covered with bones. Moving and escaping, like a ghost.

"Become undead?" Xu Feng looked at the two Yaotian slaves in surprise, checked their attributes, and found that the two murlocs did not completely become undead, but became a kind of intermediary. The species between living things and undead seems to be dead and alive. If you say they are undead, but these two murlocs still retain vitality. If you say they are living creatures, you can tell from their ghostly appearance and body The Yin Qi that is constantly emitting cannot possibly be a living thing.

"Weird!" Xu Feng shook his head, thinking to himself, "A new species has been created!"

After the two Yaotian slaves were alienated, their feet did not touch the ground, and they began to float and inspect the ten acres of Susukida. Soon, they sensed the problem of Susukida at this time, and quickly drifted towards the beast forest in the distance. After a while, one person floated back with a log on his back.

It seems that these two Yaotian slaves are planning to build a grape trellis.

Xu Feng nodded in satisfaction, and looked towards the other two murlocs who had entered the temporary camp. After patrolling the temporary camp, these two murlocs also went into the forest and began to cut down trees. It seemed that they were preparing to reopen the temporary camp. Build it up.

"Master, if you need anything, you can tell me anytime!" The old murloc leaned on his staff, bent over and said to Xu Feng, "Hamur will obey your orders at any time!"

Xu Feng also understood at this time that although this old murloc couldn't carry it with his hands or shoulders and seemed unable to do any work, he was the core figure of the murloc tribe.

Xu Feng can command it to control the entire murloc tribe. This old murloc who calls himself Hamur is now a butler-like existence in the entire secret realm.

The most important thing is that this old murloc is also a priest, and he can hold a sacrifice ceremony every month to increase the production by 50%, which is a surprise to Xu Feng.

"Very good, Hamur, I'll leave it to you here from now on." Xu Feng nodded.

"Master, please rest assured that Hamur will be loyal and do everything for you!" Hamur said gratefully.

Xu Feng nodded, looking at the remaining gold on the altar.

At this time, there are 500 taels of gold left on the altar, equivalent to [-] kilograms, which is a huge sum of money!
But for Xu Feng, he can only increase his S-level talent by one level.

Although it hurts a bit, Xu Feng still has no hesitation in converting resources into his own strength.

"Increase your talent level!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

The 500 taels of gold instantly disappeared, and a powerful force appeared out of thin air from Xu Feng's body, rushing to his body, limbs and bones like a tsunami.

[Talent (S): Krypton gold can become stronger, Destiny LV3: strength +4, agility +4, physical strength +4, spirit +4, fortune +4, damage increased by 25%, attack speed increased by 25%, damage immunity Increase by 25%, every time the apostle level is increased, five free attribute points can be obtained; the level of destiny is increased: 0/1000 taels of gold]

All the attributes have been improved a bit, and the damage, attack speed, and damage immunity have all been increased by 5%. If Xu Feng continues to improve at this speed, even if Xu Feng does not get the black iron body, his own quality may not be inferior to other black iron bodies. How many.

With a wave of his hand, a paper talisman floated into the distance. It can be clearly felt that the paper talisman flies much faster in the air, and Xu Feng's movement of waving his arm is difficult for ordinary people and even naked eyes to catch.

"With my current strength, the apostles of the same level of secret realm can completely crush it. Even the second-level apostles want to defeat it. It is not very difficult. As for the third-level apostles, they are not incapable of fighting!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

At this time, Xu Feng's strength is already comparable to the weakest third-level apostle, but there is still a big gap between the four-dimensional attribute and the real third-level apostle. As long as this is made up for, even if it is two levels, Xu Feng will also It is not impossible to win, but it is too difficult to make up for this weakness.

There are still 21 power points, which is equivalent to 210 taels of gold, and 1000 taels are needed to upgrade the next level of talent. Gold in the early 200s will not help, so we should continue to accumulate and see if there is something needed for the next lucky day, and continue to use it Power points to buy.


Everything in Xu Feng's portable secret realm is developing in a good direction. After leaving the portable secret realm, Xu Feng began to practice the fundamental method "Jade Qing Yuehua Lingdong Chapter". There is no shortcut to the cultivation of the fundamental method. For any apostle of the secret realm, It is water grinding time and requires daily practice.

"It would be great if I could get another chaotic slab." Xu Feng thought to himself, the chaotic slab can stimulate the power of the sun in the body to cultivate automatically. It's like the game hangs up.

After practicing the fundamental method for an hour, Xu Feng began to practice talismans, on the one hand to replenish the "ammunition", and on the other hand, to prepare for the void talisman.

Casting the Void Talisman in battle must be 100% successful, otherwise, the consequences of backlash are unbearable for Xu Feng. If you want to achieve a 100% success rate in battle, you have to work hard at ordinary times, especially now After learning a new talisman, you need to work harder to turn it into a part of your own strength.

Silent all night.

The next day, Xu Feng came to the city guard office on time, and together with his teammates, went to the dead man's ditch, and began to collect the wandering corpses inside. Although they were only some low-level undead creatures, they could not be left alone. There are so many wandering corpses After a long time, one or two elite bosses will inevitably appear. If you are lucky, a corpse king-level monster will appear, which will be enough for the first-level apostles of the City Guard Department to drink a pot.


(End of this chapter)

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