Chapter 271 Variation
The wandering corpse, like a ghost, rushed towards He Bing. Its hands had turned into sharp claws. Its nails were more than three inches long. The whole body was as black as ink, with a metallic luster. A rotten stench.

He Bing took a step back, stretched out his right hand, flicked his five fingers lightly, and suddenly a fist-sized stone appeared out of nowhere in the void. With the flick of He Bing's five fingers, the stone scattered a lot of debris, Eventually a cone of soil behind the front tip was formed!

The soil cone shot towards the walking corpse in front of him like an arrow from the string, and pierced its head with a "bang".The strong momentum directly threw the upper body of the wandering corpse back, and the whole body soared into the air, smashed a wooden table behind it, and rolled twice on the ground, struggling to get up.

At this moment, there was a muffled sound in You Zong's head, as if something had exploded suddenly, You Zong's body shook violently, lost all strength, and fell to the ground again, without any movement.After a while, the rotten smelly brains and black blood slowly flowed out from the seven orifices of the wandering corpse.

He Bing frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "These wandering corpses have mutated, and their strength is comparable to the peak of the first level. They must completely destroy the brain tissue to kill them!"

"Just cut off the head!" Zhang Chao said, holding a steel knife.

He Bing nodded.

Ordinary walking corpses are zero-level monsters. Ordinary adult men can kill one or two with some tools, but this walking corpse in front of him has obviously evolved a lot. Not only has its movement speed increased, its hands have also alienated into sharp claws, and its physical fitness It has also been greatly improved, and it is already comparable to the first-level peak apostle.

This is not good news for Xu Feng and his team.

The next moment, there was another rush of footsteps from all around, accompanied by the heavy panting sound of "ho ho", five wandering corpses quickly rushed towards several people in the dense grass.

The skins of these five wandering corpses were iron-blue, their eyes were red, and they moved swiftly. They waved their sharp claws and rushed towards them frantically.

Boom, boom~
Xu Feng took out two Soul Fire Talismans first, aimed at the heads of the two wandering corpses and threw them over. The Soul Fire Talismans flew extremely fast in the air, and these wandering corpses did not dodge at all. The paper charms were pasted on the heads of the wandering corpses. , an explosion occurred immediately.

The heads of these two wandering corpses exploded like watermelons, and the broken bones and blood splashed all over the ground.

A look of astonishment appeared in He Bing's eyes. The paper talisman that Xu Feng threw not only increased his flying speed, but also seemed to be more powerful.

Xu Feng killed two of them as soon as he came up, He Bing also used the earth cone technique again, and killed one, and the remaining two all rushed towards Qiao Yushan. I touched it, but after touching it for a long time, my hand didn't reach into the cloth bag.

Seeing that a wandering corpse was about to rush to Qiao Yushan, Wei Jian raised his crossbow and shot at the wandering corpse's head. The blood was brought out, and the body of the wandering corpse also fell out along the direction of the crossbow arrow.

The other wandering corpse was headed by Zhang Chao, who rushed up, and its head rolled into the grass. The headless corpse shook a few times, lost its balance and lay down.

He Bing glanced at the pale-faced Qiao Yushan, and shook his head inwardly. After this operation, if Qiao Yushan didn't change anything, he planned to apply to the higher authorities to transfer Qiao Yushan away from the war department. Although Qiao Yushan's occupation is more suitable for the war department, But the character is not suitable to stay on the front line.

Although most of the apostles of the secret realm are combat occupations, there are also many people who are not suitable for combat, but can do well in other positions.

"Captain, these wandering corpses are mutating too fast..." Zhang Chao covered his mouth and nose, knelt down and carefully inspected a wandering corpse's body, and couldn't help frowning: "These are just ordinary wandering corpses, their strength It is almost the same as a first-level elite monster, do you think there will be a corpse king in this group of wandering corpses?"

His words shocked everyone. When the number of monsters in a certain area reaches a certain level, a leader-level boss will indeed appear. It's been a long time, but now in the dead man's ditch, ordinary zero-level zombies can be mutated into level-one peak monsters in just one night. It is not impossible to say that a leader-level boss suddenly appeared among them.

"Everyone, be careful. If you find anything unusual, get out immediately!" He Bing said in a deep voice.

It is impossible for He Bing to give up this operation just because of a guess. Even if he really wants to give up, he must see the corpse king with his own eyes to make sure that the opponent's strength is beyond their team's resistance.


A winding path leads directly to the valley in the distance. Two apostles of the secret realm hurried along the path with baskets on their backs.

"Why did the City Guard suddenly block the Dead Man's Ditch? And built such a high wall, did some monster appear in the Dead Man's Ditch?" Cui Zhidong asked worriedly.

"Old Cui, what are you afraid of? It's a dead man's ditch there. Isn't it normal for monsters to exist?" Another burly man said indifferently: "If there are monsters, then we have to hurry up. Pick some purple jade grapes, maybe the people from the city guard office came here just for the purple jade grapes."

Hearing what his companion said, Cui Zhidong's heart sank. In fact, this idea had already appeared in his mind when he saw the City Guards Bureau seal the entrance and exit of the Dead Man's Ditch.

As a winemaker, winemaking skills are important, but more importantly, winemaking materials. It’s not just a matter of saying that a good wife can’t cook without rice. If there are no high-quality winemaking materials, Cui Zhidong’s winemaking skills will not help.

Ziyu wine is a new product developed by him, and it is precisely because of his own brewing formula of Ziyu wine that Cui Zhidong's winemaking skills have broken through from a perfect breakthrough to an expert level, and he has become a real professional winemaker.

Originally, he planned to use this recipe to raise his winemaking level by one liter, but if the purple jade grapes were gone, then this winemaking recipe, which he finally created with great difficulty, would become a piece of waste paper.

"It's a pity that purple jade grapes can only grow in the ditch of the dead, otherwise, we wouldn't have to risk our lives to come here every time!" Cui Zhidong sighed.

"Hehe, it's not impossible to have a transplant, it depends on how determined you are to do it!" The burly companion gave Cui Zhidong a disdainful look and said disdainfully.

Cui Zhidong's body trembled slightly, he didn't answer, and continued to walk forward with his head sullen.

What does companion mean? Cui Zhidong understands in his heart that the reason why the dead man’s ditch can make purple jade grapes grow is because of the heavy yin and many dead people. If they really want to transplant purple jade grapes desperately, they just need to kill more people , the growth environment of Ziyu grape can be artificially created.

But for Cui Zhidong, how could he handle such a cruel thing?

The two quickly entered the ditch of the dead. Cui Zhidong looked up at the sky, frowned, and thought to himself: "The yin energy in the ditch of the dead seems to have become much weaker..."

"Wait a minute, listen, is there someone fighting in front?" Dong Ning stretched out his hand to stop Cui Zhidong, and asked in a low voice with a solemn face.

"Someone is fighting?" Cui Zhidong's expression froze, and he listened carefully to the movement. After a while, his face changed, and he nodded slightly: "There are indeed people fighting!"

"Tell me, could they be members of the city guards office, planning to dig that purple jade vine?" Dong Ning asked in a low voice with blood in his eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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