Chapter 306 Zombies
After Xu Feng entered the cylindrical cabin, the cabin closed, and a puff of white smoke gushed out from the top of the cabin. After a while, Xu Feng felt sleepiness welling up in his heart, and his hands and feet were sore. At the same time, A metal tentacle protruded slowly from above the cabin.

The moment Xu Feng lost consciousness, his whole body began to float, as if the gravity in the cabin suddenly disappeared.

Three finger-like metal claws were split from the front end of the metal tentacles, fixing Xu Feng's head, and then a spike protruded from the center of the metal claws, piercing into the back of Xu Feng's head.


Shui Sheng was lying on the exit of the ventilation duct, looking out through the iron fence.

This is a remote alley, which should be the back alley of this building. It is extremely dirty, and a faint rancid smell floats in through the vent.

The trash can in the distance was knocked to the ground by something, and there was a piercing sound in the silent alley.

The next moment, the originally quiet alley suddenly became lively. A few figures appeared from nowhere and walked slowly towards the place where the sound came from.

When these figures walked in, Shui Sheng finally saw their appearance clearly, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

These people were rotten all over, some had a big hole in their cheeks, and the gums and cheekbones inside could be seen, some had a big hole in their stomachs, and all other internal organs were gone, only a piece of intestine was dragged out to a length of one meter.

"Zombie!" A word appeared in Shui Sheng's mind, and he covered his mouth, lest he make any noise to provoke these monsters.

"There are still zombies here?" Shui Sheng's heart tightened: "Mutated creatures, aliens, zombies, how did humans persist until now?"

Shui Sheng put herself in the shoes of the people in this secret world, and couldn't help shivering. If the world she lived in became like this, Shui Sheng didn't know if she would have the courage to continue living.

These zombies surrounded the trash can, and a wild cat that looked like a leopard suddenly jumped out from behind the trash can, bared its sharp fangs towards the zombies, and let out a threatening growl.

When the zombie found a living thing, even its movements became more sensitive. It roared and rushed towards the wild cat. The wild cat jumped from the trash can to the wall, stood on the wall and growled twice at the zombie who kept scratching the wall. With a voice, there was a humanized mocking look in his eyes, he turned around and jumped behind the wall, and his figure disappeared.

A few zombies lost their target and wandered aimlessly for a long time before they slowly dispersed, and the alley became quiet again.

Shui Sheng was sweating coldly. She didn't expect that there were zombies in this secret world, and the scene where the zombies suddenly became agile and fast when they encountered living creatures was also deeply engraved in Shui Sheng's mind.

"This secret world is too dangerous. No wonder one of the main tasks is to survive for seven days. According to the current difficulty, if you can survive three days, let alone seven days, you will be lucky!" Shui Sheng thought to himself.

At this time, she suddenly felt that the basement where they descended before seemed to be a good hiding place. As long as they found enough food and water, it should be easier to hide here for seven days.

Thinking of this, Shui Sheng slowly backed away, and crawled back towards the basement where Xu Feng was.

At this moment, the little leopard-like wild cat jumped back from the wall again, let out a threatening low growl in the direction where the zombie left, and continued to rummage through the trash can.

But soon, the wild cat, who didn't find enough food in the trash can, jumped out a little disappointed, and walked deeper along the alley.

Just as it passed the exit of the ventilation duct, it seemed to smell something. It stopped, held its head up and sniffed vigorously twice. Soon, its attention noticed the ventilation duct. It flew away with one claw, and then the mutated wild cat bent down and got into the ventilation duct.


Zhang Zibing finally noticed the abnormal light of the invitation letter. After a little hesitation, he finally reached out and grabbed the invitation letter. After taking the invitation letter emitting a faint red light, a message suddenly appeared in Zhang Zibing's mind.

[Do you want to use the invitation letter to go to "Petri dish No. 12 of the Surviving Human Body Research Center in Base 918 City"? 】

Zhang Zibing's heart trembled, and he hesitated. He always felt that if he chose to use it, he would encounter great danger, but this was his last chance. If he couldn't seize it, he might become a defected killer of the Mist Organization.

"Use it!" Zhang Zibing gritted his teeth.

The invitation letter emitting red light suddenly burst into light, covering Zhang Zibing's whole body. The red light only lasted for a few seconds, and then suddenly dissipated. After the red light dissipated, Zhang Zibing and the invitation letter disappeared at the same time , as if it had never appeared in the room.

The moment Zhang Zibing chose to "use" the invitation letter, he fell into a coma immediately after being shrouded in red light. After an unknown period of time, Zhang Zibing suddenly regained consciousness and suddenly felt as if he was drowning. He felt depressed for a while and couldn't help it. Struggled up.

After a while, Zhang Zibing found that he seemed to be less than one meter away from the water surface, as long as he could stand up, he could get out of the water.

Zhang Zibing suddenly struggled to stand up from the liquid.

The moment he came into contact with the air, Zhang Zibing began to cough violently. Only then did he realize that he was lying in a deep tank made entirely of glass, which was filled with a viscous liquid like glue. At this time, Zhang Zibing's whole body was stained with this liquid, which made him feel a little sick for a while.

Zhang Zibing took a deep breath and opened his eyes. The glaring white light in the room made him feel a little uncomfortable. He subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes. It took him a long time to get used to it, and he began to look around and survey the surrounding environment.

This seems to be a laboratory, with glowing mosaic lights on the pure white ceiling, and the surrounding white walls have a metal-like cold texture. The deep glass groove he is in is in the center of the room, surrounded by There are many instruments, most of which are connected to the deep glass tank where he is located through various lines.

Just as Zhang Zibing was observing his surroundings, a door suddenly slid open from the metal wall on the side, and several people in protective suits walked in. Without saying a word, they lifted Zhang Zibing out of the deep glass trough, and dragged him to the side. He walked out.

"You, you are..." Zhang Zibing was a little nervous, and wanted to ask something.

The moment he opened his mouth, a person in protective clothing behind him suddenly pulled out a rubber stick and slammed it hard at the back of his head.

Zhang Zibing suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and then his eyes went dark, and his consciousness fell into darkness again.


(End of this chapter)

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