Chapter 313 Bile
It can be said that the mutated giant snake was killed with the cooperation of Xu Feng and the girl with short red hair. The ferocious snake head like a truck hit the ground heavily. What is surprising is that no matter whether it is the snake head or the giant snake body, There wasn't even a trace of blood flowing out from the cross-cut wound, and the flesh was constricted, like a withered tree.

After the red-haired girl cut off the snake's head, she didn't stop. Instead, she brandished a heavy knife and cut the entire body of the giant snake from the abdomen. Then, she pulled out an oval black snake gall with a diameter of nearly one meter from the giant snake's body. .

The red-haired girl pulled out the dagger tied to her thigh, cut a small gap in the snake gall, and then sucked her mouth hard against the gap. After a while, the girl showed a pained expression on her face, as if she wanted to vomit With a look of reluctance, he finally swallowed the bile he had sucked into his mouth.

After taking a mouthful of snake guts, the girl waved at Xu Feng, signaling him to come forward.

"This mutated giant snake was killed by our joint efforts, and you should have a share of the spoils!" The girl pointed to the snake gall on the ground and said.

The corners of Xu Feng's mouth twitched twice. Ordinary snakes would swallow the gall after taking it off. There is no one who sucks the bile directly, and the bile of ordinary snakes is bitter and unbearably bitter. What's more, the mutated giant snake in front of him must have bile. Ten times more bitter than ordinary snakes!
But Xu Feng knew in his heart that the snake gall must be a good thing, otherwise, the girl would not have killed the giant snake so eagerly, and immediately took out the snake gall.

Xu Feng approached the gap and took a deep breath. Although the taste of bile was not good, Xu Feng also knew that it must be a good thing, and it might increase the four-dimensional attribute, so he took a big mouthful.

The next moment, Xu Feng regretted it. At this moment, his whole mouth was filled with a bitter and numb taste, and his tongue couldn't be controlled. Every cell in his body was resisting the liquid in his mouth, trying to spit it out.

However, Xu Feng still resisted the severe retching and forced himself to swallow the bile into his stomach.

After swallowing the bile, the bitterness and numbness in the mouth did not diminish at all, and the feeling of retching became even stronger.

Xu Feng punched himself hard in the stomach, trying to offset the retching with the pain.

Guan Ying looked at Xu Feng who looked embarrassed, couldn't help laughing and said: "This is a good thing that is hard to buy, don't spit it out, one bite is worth a million yuan!"

Yuan currency is the common currency of human beings in this world. Although it is the end of the world, the economic system has already collapsed, and many people trade by barter, but Yuan currency has been circulating in the whole world for thousands of years, and its influence is not so great. It can be easily erased. Most human beings in this world still like to use the unit of currency when describing a particularly valuable item, and the price is also the market before the outbreak of the end of the world.

At this time, Xu Feng didn't dare to speak at all, he was afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would spit out the bile he had swallowed so hard, so he could only blush all over his face, and nodded his head in agreement with Guan Ying's statement.

After a long time, Xu Feng finally breathed out, the feeling of wanting to vomit finally subsided a little, and the bitterness in his mouth also gradually disappeared, but his tongue was still a little uncontrollable.

The bile swallowed in his stomach quickly turned into a ball of warmth, which slowly spread. Compared with the previous bitterness, this ball of warmth was much softer, and it didn't make Xu Feng feel uncomfortable at all, but instead had a kind of Very comfortable feeling.

[You have taken special materials, physical attributes +1]

[You have taken special materials, mental attributes +1]


As the warmth in the abdomen slowly spread to the whole body, Xu Feng also received reminders of improving his physical fitness one after another in his mind. This kind of reminder did not appear all at once, but slowly appeared every ten seconds.

A few minutes later, Xu Feng's physical attributes increased by 2 points, of which spirit increased by 1 points, strength increased by 5 point, and physique increased the most, [-] points.

"This is simply a surprise surprise!" Xu Feng had a happy look on his face.

Shui Sheng on the side stared at Xu Feng, feeling a little strange, and couldn't help asking: "I've eaten rainbow farts, are you so happy?"

Xu Feng laughed loudly, gestured an "eight" gesture towards her, and said in a low voice, "My four-dimensional attribute has increased by eight points!"

"What!" Shui Sheng yelled loudly, eight attributes, if converted into attribute fruits, it is actually not worth much, but you must know that the physical fitness of each apostle is different, and the upper limit of taking attribute fruits They are also different. The upper limit of Shui Sheng's consumption of attribute fruits is only five, which has already been used up by her. If she wants to improve, she can only look for it in the secret realm, or find some similar treasures of heaven and earth to take it.

However, geniuses and land treasures that can increase physical fitness attributes start at least a million. With the strength of Shui Sheng, it is impossible to obtain them, so you can only focus on the secret realm.

Hearing that Xu Feng only took a sip of bile and increased his attribute by eight points, Shui Sheng's eyes turned red with envy. Looking at the snake gall next to Guan Ying, his eyes became hotter and hotter.

"What do you want to do?" Guan Ying took a step forward, protecting the snake guts behind her.

Shui Sheng was very angry immediately, and laughed back in anger: "Can't I buy it with money?"

"Sorry, only companions who have done their best have the right to distribute the spoils!" Guan Ying said bluntly: "I can tell that you are very strong, but just now you chose to stand by and do nothing. Choose to be responsible, and bear the possible consequences of your choice!"

"We don't have enough bile from the Silver Scaled Snake King. No matter how much you pay, you won't be able to buy a single drop from me!" Guan Ying said firmly.

"You..." Shui Sheng's face was full of anger, but the snake gall belonged to Guan Ying, Guan Ying didn't sell it, and Shui Sheng couldn't take it away. In the end, she could only vent her anger by stomping her feet.

"Okay, let's get out of here quickly, those monsters will come around in a while!" Guan Ying continued to use a heavy knife to cut off a large piece of snake skin from the back of the giant snake, and cut a few pieces of snake meat and piled them on the In the jeep.

"Are you adventurers?" Guan Ying jumped into the car and asked, "Are you going to continue hunting here, or leave? If you leave, I can give you a ride!"

"Can you send us to the nearest human gathering place?" Xu Feng had a look of joy on his face. The reason why he helped Guan Ying hunt down the giant snake was to find the human gathering place so that he could inquire from there. Clues to teleport nodes in alien space.

"No problem, let's get in the car." Guan Ying nodded and said, "The nearest human gathering place to this city is our Camp 119. We accept all human beings with good intentions. You can report me to Guan Ying in the camp. name, my friend, and no one in the camp will embarrass himself."

Soon, Xu Feng and Shui Sheng got into Guan Ying's jeep, made a violent U-turn, and the jeep drove out of the city. After a while, a group of mutated creatures and zombies rushed towards the giant snake's body.


(End of this chapter)

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