Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 325 SSS Level Divine Skill

Chapter 325 SSS Level Divine Skill
Zhang Zibing sat on a military truck expressionlessly, his eyes glazed over.He was wearing that close-fitting armor, with a battle ax hanging from his back.

Dressed exactly like him, there are five more in the entire military vehicle. The six of them are all experimental subjects who survived the human experiments conducted by Angela Company.

The secret world that Zhang Zibing entered with the invitation letter does not have a main mission. When the other advancers complete the main mission, Zhang Zibing will also leave this secret world. Therefore, his stay in this secret world is not guaranteed. Make your own decision!

Although there is no main task for entering the secret realm, the Mist Organization has arranged a mission for him, otherwise a precious invitation letter would not be wasted, making him the one hundred and first person to enter the secret realm.

"Obtain the core energy crystal of the alien space transmission node and bring it out of the secret realm!"

This is Zhang Zibing's only chance to rejoin the Mist Organization, and once he succeeds, he will be a full member of the Mist Organization and enjoy the rights of the Bronze Medal Killer.

The other subjects were brainwashed, so their faces were dull, like machines, but Zhang Zibing used a skill given to him by the Mist Organization to escape the brainwashing and the detection of Angela Company.

Therefore, although Zhang Zibing looked exactly the same as the other experimental subjects, in fact, he retained complete self-awareness.

"Once I try to snatch the core energy crystals, Angela Company will immediately know that I have betrayed the company. I am afraid that the equipment on my body will not be able to be brought out of the secret realm..." Zhang Zibing thought to himself.

"So we must seize the opportunity to snatch the core energy crystals, neither too early nor too late..."

The core energy crystals are what the Mist organization needs, but for Zhang Zibing, this set of metal armor and battle ax that perfectly fits him is the item he wants most.

This time, Angela Company dispatched a total of hundreds of people to protect a vehicle of biological energy to go to the city of Arafak. Alien creatures also need to consume a lot of energy to maintain the space transmission node, and the energy is completely manufactured by Angela Company. .

The convoy was moving fast on the rugged road, and Zhang Zibing was thinking about a foolproof countermeasure. At this moment, a shrill siren sounded from the military truck.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Immediately, an electronic mechanical sound sounded, and the next moment, the military truck that Zhang Zibing was on suddenly soared into the air, and was hit by a wave of air and flipped sideways.

Zhang Zibing jumped off the truck the moment the alarm was triggered. His reaction was the fastest, and the reaction speed of the remaining five subjects was much slower than him. When it rolled over on one side, the five subjects jumped out of the car.

The moment they jumped out of the car, the five test subjects drew their weapons and prepared for battle.

The experimental subjects used melee weapons. The metal armor on their bodies looked thin, but they could withstand the frontal impact and explosion of RPG rockets.

If it is replaced with other armor, it may be able to withstand the explosion of RPG rockets, but the impact force cannot be blocked. However, the armor worn by this group of experimental subjects is made of alien biological metal. Will not be harmed in the slightest.

Compared with hot weapons, cold weapons can exert a greater killing effect, so all experimental subjects use cold weapons that are very suitable for themselves.

"Hey, it looks like I caught a big fish this time!" A middle-aged man with a blindfold on his left eye crawled and crouched on the left side of the road, his face full of excitement.

"Hey, our 115th survivor camp is out this time, I can feel the smell of biological energy..." A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks laughed softly.

Behind these two people, there are two secret realm apostles wearing spiritual equipment. They looked at each other, and they both saw a cautious look in each other's eyes.

"Zheng Qiang, can you perceive the combat power of the target? I always have a bad feeling!" Ma Tao said solemnly.

This is their first faction mission after joining the 115th survivor camp. To complete the main mission 3, they must unite all the forces of the 115th survivor camp to complete it. Probably close to the city overrun by mutated creatures and zombies.

"Very strong!" Zheng Qiang's face was a little ugly. At this time, his two eyeballs had all turned gray and white, and he was using a special pupil technique to check the armed forces of Angela's convoy.

"There are more than a hundred fighters, and there are six strong men whose strength is far superior to the others. They should be the experimental subjects mentioned in the camp!" Zheng Qiang said in a low voice: "Each of these six experimental subjects has the strength of a second-level apostle. , not to be underestimated!"

"Level 115 apostles..." Ma Tao couldn't help but gasped. There were only eight secret realm apostles in the entire [-] survivor camp. They were all dispatched this time, but the other party had six experimental subjects equivalent to second-level apostles.

"Don't be afraid, we also have two symbionts here, it is said that they are no worse than the experimental body..." Zheng Qiang took a deep breath and said.

Boom, boom, boom~
From the moment the RPG bombarded, the battle entered a fierce stage. Everyone rushed towards the convoy, and hundreds of people immediately fought together.


Xu Feng was very happy. He accidentally obtained a fusion gem, which is equivalent to picking up a piece of dog's head gold while shopping. This kind of luck is invincible.

Although Xu Feng already has a portable secret realm, for the apostle skill of space wrapping, the bigger the better, and in his previous life, Xu Feng obtained a special fusion method, which can fuse the portable secret realm and space wrapping together, Form a cave of heaven and earth, and even develop into a world that completely belongs to him.

"Buddha in the palm of your hand!"

Such a skill name came to Xu Feng's mind!
"That's a transcendent skill, an SSS-level god-level skill, and the cultivation requirements are extremely demanding. Two of the conditions are the spatial package in a perfect state, and an S9-level portable secret realm! Maybe, I can also try to cultivate this terrifying one in the future. SSS-level god-level skills!" Xu Feng thought to himself, a thing called ambition began to grow wildly like a weed in Xu Feng's heart.

The next moment, an emotion suddenly appeared in Xu Feng's mind, a violent and bloodthirsty emotion that wanted to destroy everything, like a flame!
"Dragon Blood Shura Vine awakened?" Xu Feng showed a look of surprise on his face, and quickly sat down cross-legged, and the power of Taiyin began to flow slowly in his body.

"The soul body of the Asura Vine has begun to awaken, but the soul body of this Asura Vine seems to be a little weak, and it feels like it can't grow..." Xu Feng stared at the emerald green vine in his mind, and couldn't help but wrinkled. brow.

Although the Asura Vine at this time exuded a terrifying tyrannical and bloodthirsty emotion, it couldn't compare to the previous Dragon Blood Asura Vine at all!
"It's just the Asura Vine, not the Dragon Blood Asura Vine!" Suddenly a kind of understanding emerged in Xu Feng's heart.

"Dragon blood, dragon blood..." Xu Feng suddenly thought of the dark red crystal: "Could it be that that dark red crystal is really the blood essence of the giant dragon family? If so, that crystal, It is a hundred times more valuable than a battle spirit!"


(End of this chapter)

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