328 Union
Outside the city of Alfak, a middle-aged man in a hunting suit with a full beard stared at the convoy approaching this way from a distance, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"It's those guys from Camp 119!"

"What are they doing here? Are they also here to fight alien creatures?"

"Hehe, who knows, maybe someone found something good!"


"Boss, what should we do?"

Watching the convoy from Survivor Camp No. 119 getting closer and closer, the soldiers from Survivor Camp No. 116 became vigilant. Although they did not point their guns at the convoy from Camp No. 119, many of them had already opened their insurance and pointed their fingers at the convoy. Also put on the trigger.

"Gao Dazhuang, why did you run to the city of Alfak? Why, do you want to take back this city too!" Before the convoy stopped, Hua Yingxiong's voice came from afar.

"Hanako, long time no see, I didn't expect to meet you here today!" The bearded man's mouth twitched twice, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Soon, the two convoys merged together, looking at each other with guarded eyes, but the leaders of the two camps jumped out of the car as if seeing old friends , slowly walked towards each other.

Hua Yingxiong opened his hands, Gao Dazhuang wore an iron glove on one hand, and the other hand rested on a self-made exaggerated double-barreled shotgun on his waist.

"Gao Dazhuang, I have good news for you. The dragon blood Shura vine near our camp has been hunted down, hahahaha!" Hua Yingxiong laughed loudly, and gave Gao Dazhuang a slap in the face.

Gao Dazhuang's face suddenly changed, and his right hand resting on the double-barreled shotgun trembled slightly.

"There is another symbiont in your camp?" Gao Dazhuang asked in surprise.

"Haha, not bad! Let me introduce you!" Hua Yingxiong smiled all over his face and waved to Xu Feng, beckoning him to come forward.

Gao Dazhuang looked at Xu Feng who was walking slowly, and his heart sank.It was an unfamiliar face, but the aura on Xu Feng's body gave Gao Dazhuang a suffocating sense of oppression!

"Your camp 119 is really lucky!" Gao Dazhuang said bitterly.

"You guys are not bad either, have you got a lot of alien high-tech weapons from Angela Company?" Hua Yingxiong laughed.

"Our Camp 116 is too weak, we can only get a little leftovers, far inferior to Camp 115. I heard that they are going to ambush Angela's convoy today, and want to get some bio-energy..." After knowing that Camp 119 unexpectedly appeared After the No.4 symbiont, Gao Dazhuang's momentum suddenly weakened a lot.

There used to be hundreds of survivor camps near the city of Alfak, but due to various reasons, there are very few remaining. These are refugees who escaped from the city of Alfak, and there are both competition and Cooperation, while guarding against each other, will also unite on certain things.

"Camp 115..." Hua Yingxiong showed a dignified look on his face. Camp 115 is not weak. It has many modern weapons and even captured a lot of alien technological weapons. These weapons are powerful against alien creatures, but Dealing with those mutated creatures and zombies is extremely powerful, and can even threaten their symbionts.

At this time, Xu Feng did not focus on Gao Dazhuang, the leader of Camp No. 116, but looked towards the convoy behind him.

Soon, he felt the aura of several secret apostles in the convoy of Camp No. 116. It seems that the reason why Camp No. 116 came here was probably bewitched by those secret apostles, and came here to complete the main task 3 .

Soon, the leaders of the two camps learned about each other's intentions in the process of probing each other. Since the purpose of the two camps is the same, they should simply unite directly, and the chances of success will be greater.

The two convoys merged into one, and began to rush into the city gate with great fanfare. Soon, they attracted the attention of a large number of mutated creatures and zombies, and rushed towards their positions.

The sound of guns and guns sounded instantly, and a large number of zombies were torn apart by the steel storm, covering the entire road. Even the huge mutated creatures could not withstand such a fierce attack, and fled towards the buildings on both sides, trying to use the terrain to approach them.

"Let's go, there's so much movement here, I'm afraid all the monsters in the city will be attracted!" Hua Yingxiong glanced at the three behind him and said in a low voice.

"Where are they?" Guan Ying had been focusing on the convoy at Camp No. 116 from the beginning to the end. Hearing what the leader said, she just nodded silently.

The four of Xu Feng quickly left the convoy and ran towards the central square of the city. On the other side of Camp No. 116, several secret apostles also noticed this scene and couldn't help grinning.

"Hey, they are gone, let's follow. It is said that there is only one space teleportation node in a city, so we can't let them preempt..."

"Let's go, it seems that there are only two or three of them, and we have several times the number of them. It may be difficult to grab food from us!"

Soon, several secret apostles from camp 116 also left the team and dived towards the central square of the city.

At the same time, many apostles of the secret realm also sneaked into the city of Alphak, taking the opportunity to run towards the central square of the city. If you look down from above the city, you can see dozens of figures in all directions, as if they were attracted by food Like ants, they rushed towards the area of ​​the city's central square.

Zhang Zibing followed the convoy into the bell-shaped square of Alfak City. At this time, there were only three trucks left in the convoy, which were barely able to drive. After an ambush, four experimental subjects died, and only Zhang Zibing was left. , the other fighters suffered heavy casualties, but luckily they wiped out all those who were in ambush.

Among the ambushing people, Zhang Zibing even saw many apostles of the secret realm. These apostles of the secret realm were all of the peak strength of the first level. I am afraid that he is already a native of the secret realm.

The ambush was victorious, and the transportation convoy of Angela Company had to continue to complete the task. Zhang Zibing also followed the victorious team to the central square of Alfak City.

The square has been transformed into a mechanical fortress, surrounded by thick metal walls and guarded by countless heavy-duty machine guns. In the center of the fortress, there is a one-meter-long diamond-shaped crystal floating in the air.

Zhang Zibing could feel that radiation pulses were constantly emitting from this diamond-shaped crystal, and this radiation pulse almost enveloped the entire city. When the radiation pulses passed through Zhang Zibing's body, Zhang Zibing could feel that his body cells, It seemed that he had suffered some kind of baptism, and he began to move around the corner.

This radiation pulse, the closer it is to this diamond-shaped crystal, the stronger the radiation intensity. Zhang Zibing felt that as he got closer to this diamond-shaped crystal, his whole body seemed to be out of his control, and he began to go his own way. To the right, even walking becomes difficult.

Zhang Zibing looked at another experimental subject at the side, but saw that this radiation seemed to have no effect on him, and his heart sank suddenly. It seemed that there was still a very obvious gap between himself and the real experimental subject!

(End of this chapter)

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