Chapter 333 Lost
Zhang Zibing's body rolled and fell to the ground, with a look of despair on his face. He only had one chance. If he didn't get it, then the detection system hidden in the armor of Angela Company would detect his betrayal immediately!

"The armor is lifted!" Zhang Zibing roared.

However, the armor on his body did not move at all. The next moment, Zhang Zibing heard a cold mechanical voice: "Experiment No. 018, your behavior has violated the first-level defection judgment, and according to the judgment, you will be imposed a first-level defection sanction!"

The battle armor on Zhang Zibing's body suddenly burst into dazzling lightning, and a shrill scream was remembered, Zhang Zibing fell down limply, lying less than three meters away from the space node.

The two experimental subjects all fell down, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and turned their attention to the mechanical creatures.

"It's really trash. This is the experimental body created by Angela Company? The existence that claims to crush new humans?" An experimenter stared at the two corpses on the screen, and couldn't help showing a mocking smile on his face.

"Hehe, it's so funny. There is even one person who triggered the defection judgment. Are we helping Angela's company dig a traitor in advance?"

"What the hell is Angela doing? Don't you need to brainwash experimental subjects? I suggest that Angela's material share be reduced by one-third this year!"


A group of experimenters began to ridicule. Although they had no say in the share of alien materials of various companies, it did not prevent these experimenters from constantly teasing Angela Company.

The face of the experimenter representing Angela's company was flushed, but in terms of the combat performance of the two experimental subjects, he really had nothing to say. One was killed inexplicably before he could play a role, and the other unexpectedly Betrayal, wanting to seize the space transmission node, seeing the appearance of the experimental subject 018 rushing towards the space node to seize it, the experimenters representing Angela Company all laughed angrily, and at the same time made up their minds to give feedback to the company, this kind of ultimate The basic things still need to be transmitted to these experimental subjects.

"The space transmission node is surrounded by a gravity net and an eight-level space repulsion defense barrier, which can withstand the impact of an explosion equivalent to 10 tons of TNT. It is almost impossible to rely on external forces to destroy this layer of defense..."

Looking at the screen, those mechanical creatures were about to be completely wiped out, and the faces of the experimenters became serious again.

"These new humans look very powerful, and they all have very terrifying abilities!"

"I suggest that the next time the experimental subjects use the bodies of some new humans as templates, maybe we will get unexpected gains!"




On the screen, another alien creature was blasted into pieces. The number of alien creatures capable of resisting the apostles of the secret realm became less and less, and the balance of victory began to tilt towards the apostles of the secret realm.

But the faces of the researchers watching the screen did not show the slightest panic.

"This move of the mechanical gorilla doesn't seem to have any effect?"

"It's just that there is no crushing in terms of numbers. If more than five mechanical warriors can be dispatched at one time, the mechanical army formed after the split can completely crush these new humans!"

"How about dispatching all the mechanical warriors at the defense node? I remember that there are at least nine mechanical warriors in a team. If they are all dispatched, they can kill all these new humans without splitting up!"

"In that case, maybe only a bunch of stumps and broken arms will be harvested. What we need now are the complete corpses of this group of new humans!"

"Okay, why don't you try to dispatch three of them, hehe, look at these idiots, they started to cheer for the victory! Do you really think we only have one mechanical warrior?"

"How happy I am now, how desperate I will be after a while. I really want to see their expressions after seeing more than five mechanical warriors!"

Three mechanical gates more than ten meters high suddenly rose from the surrounding walls, and three new mechanical orangutans walked out of the gates with heavy steps and bent over.

Seeing the appearance of three mechanical orangutans, the apostles of the secret realm, who were cheering happily, seemed to have been casted by the magic of immobilization, all of them stiffened and stood on the spot.

After the three mechanical orangutans stepped out of the metal gate with heavy steps, their eyes suddenly burst into scarlet light. Following the command, the three mechanical orangutans let out a roar, landed on all fours, and jumped towards the crowd. .

"No!" A female apostle of the secret realm was full of despair, and she sat on the ground as if giving up resistance. The previous mechanical orangutan had already made the group of apostles of the secret realm feel hopeless, and now three of them popped out suddenly. Morale was immediately hit to the bottom again.

"Sorry, everyone, I will withdraw first. There are still two days left for this mission. Even if you plan for the worst and fail the mission, you may not necessarily die!" A secret apostle glanced at the crowd, and took out the mission from his arms. A handful of dark golden sand was thrown towards the top of his head.

His whole body immediately turned into a pile of fine sand and collapsed, scattered all over the ground, and soon, these dark golden fine sand quickly penetrated into the ground and disappeared.

Seeing that many people escaped, others also used their skills to leave one after another. Even the woman who was slumped on the ground with a face full of despair turned into a palm-sized insect, and burrowed desperately towards the ground.

"What should I do?" Shui Sheng looked at Xu Feng nervously. Without heavy firepower, it would be very difficult for the three giant mechanical orangutans to defeat them with just the two of them.

"Can you still use that move just now?" Shui Sheng asked in a low voice.

Xu Feng shook his head and said, "It's useless, these mechanical creatures don't have souls!"

"Run away, these three are definitely not their defense limit, even if we can barely defeat them, there must be more powerful monsters waiting for us!" Xu Feng said with a sigh.

If there are really only these three mechanical orangutans, with Xu Feng's current strength, he can barely fight with them, but Xu Feng has already noticed that the opponent does not seem to regard them as real enemies, but seems to be experimenting with something. They are gradually increasing their fighting pressure!
There was one before, and now there are three. Xu Feng believes that if they defeat these three mechanical orangutans, they may face more mechanical creatures.

"That's the only way!" Shui Sheng regretfully glanced at the diamond-shaped crystal not far away. The system has confirmed that this diamond-shaped crystal suspended in the air is the mission item of their main mission 3, the space teleportation node!
Soon, the figures of the two slowly disappeared, and they used the amulet again, and the two escaped from the mechanical castle together!
At the same time, watching these "new humans" disappear one by one, the expressions of these experimenters standing on the monitoring screen became ugly.


(End of this chapter)

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