Chapter 341 Mutiny
"The first link is completed, now we need to find an instrument with a reading function!" Xu Feng looked at the small memory chip in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh: "This robot is really difficult to deal with, even if it is not used Weapons, with such high skill, no wonder they are called generals!"

"Not only that, it is also very proficient in weapons. It is very good at cold weapons and hot weapons. Not only is it good at assassination, even in the frontal battlefield, it is also a powerful character who can take the head of a general among millions of troops. The most important thing What's more, it can also make judgments at the fastest speed according to the situation of the battlefield, and its command is also very strong..." Zhang Zibing looked at the dilapidated corpse of the "general", still feeling a wave of fear in his heart.

As long as he is targeted by the "General" and put on his death list, he is already a dead person. He wanted to escape before, but he just wanted to live for a while, dragged until he was out of battle, and left the secret realm immediately. I don't think they can escape the pursuit of the "general".

It's just that he didn't expect that he actually killed it in the end. Even now, looking at the "general"'s body, Zhang Zibing still feels unreal.

After a while, Zhang Zibing suddenly showed a look of joy on his face.

Before being resurrected as another experimental body, Zhang Zibing went to hunt down the mechanical warriors invading the base under the command of the base's main control brain. At the same time, he also received a side task, which was to kill the invading mechanical warriors. It was a cheap task that came easily, but unexpectedly, the target of the task turned out to be "General"!
"Okay, can we talk about the space teleportation node now?" Xu Feng stared at Zhang Zibing with a half-smile on his face and said, "You didn't lie to us before, did you?"

Seeing the smile on Xu Feng's face, Zhang Zibing couldn't help feeling chills all over his body, and quickly said: "How could that be! What I said before is true, the space teleportation node in that mechanical fortress in Alphak City is just an attraction. The decoy of the rebels, the real space transmission node, is actually in another place!"

As he said that, without waiting for Xu Feng to urge him, Zhang Zibing took the initiative to find a pen and paper in the office area, and drew a sketch!
"Here, the real space teleportation nodes, in fact, in this place called the Golden Plains, there are three in total. They are usually hidden and will only be activated at certain times!" Zhang Zibing pointed to a place far away from Angela. Said more than 100 kilometers away from the company's resident.

"Is it guiding the army of alien creatures?" Xu Feng frowned.

"Yes, this planet has been locked by them, and the arrival of the alien army is only a matter of time!" Zhang Zibing sighed: "But this has nothing to do with us, as long as we complete the mission, we can leave here!"

Xu Feng stared at the map drawn by Zhang Zibing for a long time, then folded the map and put it in his arms!
"You should know where in this base there is an instrument that can read memory chips?" Xu Feng stared at Zhang Zibing and asked.

"I know, the main control computer can do it..." Zhang Zibing nodded quickly and said, "It's not far from here, I'll lead you there!"

Soon, the three of them came to the main control room of the base. It was an extremely spacious room surrounded by various controls. One of the walls was covered with LCD screens. The whole room looked like Xu Feng’s. The underground base that came to this secret realm at the beginning is somewhat similar.

At this time, the huge LCD screen was covered with snowflakes, and some messy lines would flash away from time to time, as if it was broken.

"Here, the socket is here, just put the memory chip in!" Zhang Zibing walked to a printer-like device and said.

At the same time, after Zhang Zibing entered the main control room, his aura became inexplicably heavy, as if he had received another reward.

Xu Feng glanced at Zhang Zibing, and put the memory chip into the card slot that popped out of the instrument.

Soon, pictures and text appeared on the screen that was originally full of snowflakes, but the picture was extremely messy, and the text Xu Feng didn't understand, so it was very difficult to read.

Since he didn't know the characters, Xu Feng directly put them aside, just squinted his eyes, tried his best to distinguish the pictures that popped up, and it took him a long time to sort out the logic and understand three or four out of ten of them.

"Hiss, this Angela company has something!" Xu Feng couldn't help sighing.

From the content stored in the memory chip, Xu Feng unexpectedly found that although the Angela Company has become the running dog of alien creatures, on the one hand, it suppressed the surviving human rebels, and on the other hand, it obtained a large amount of high-tech materials from the alien creatures for research. .

But in fact, they are not very loyal to alien creatures. In addition to researching human body transformation and creating experimental bodies, Angela Company is also secretly researching mechanical creatures and wants to form its own mechanical army.

In addition to these, Angela's company is still secretly researching...

"This, is this an alien creature?" Xu Feng looked at the last picture left on the screen. It was a huge creature with a height of more than ten meters. It looked like a deep sea king squid, several seven or eight meters long. The tentacles supported a head more than one meter high, and at the same time, it was wearing a light shield similar to an aerospace helmet.

This huge alien creature was lying on a special operating table, and a group of researchers in white coats were surrounding the operating table to study the body of the alien creature above.

"They actually captured a living alien creature, and they dare to treat it as a research object?" Xu Feng opened his eyes wide, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"It's just crazy!"

This is like raising a few pet dogs at home. Suddenly, one day, these pet dogs kidnap the owner, put them on the operating table, and study the owner's body.

"It's no wonder that this place will be destroyed. Apart from other technology companies, only their masters, those alien creatures, can have such terrifying power!" Shui Sheng said with a shocked expression.

"Then, that 'general' was not researched by Angela Company, but..." Zhang Zibing's face was pale, as if he had been greatly frightened, and his body could not help but tremble slightly.

Originally, he thought it was the mutiny of the mechanical creatures researched in the base, which caused the fall of the base. Therefore, as an experimental subject, he was awakened by the intelligence brain of the base and asked him to wipe out the rebellion. Unexpectedly, in a sense, The real rebel is Angela's company!
After understanding the contents of the memory chip, Xu Feng and Shui Sheng's series of missions also changed. The second round was completed perfectly, and the third round of missions started automatically.

[Serial side missions: Find imprisoned alien creatures!The content of the mission is that there is a real alien creature imprisoned inside Angela Company. Search the entire base, and you must find it, but be careful, although it is imprisoned, it has not lost its power. Otherwise, Angie It is impossible for La Company to be wiped out in such a short period of time! 】


(End of this chapter)

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