Chapter 370

Xu Feng had noticed the abandoned inn next to the main road a long time ago, but he always thought that the level and rank of his portable secret realm were very low, and the probability of encountering other people nearby controlling the secret realm was too low, so he didn't care.

Restoration of any building in the Portable Secret Realm requires a lot of resources. Xu Feng's Portable Secret Realm is still in the stage of land reclamation. It is not very cost-effective to waste a lot of resources on building abandoned buildings. But now, since we have known in advance It is very necessary to restore the abandoned station in the vicinity of the secret realm where there are other secret realm apostles.

"Let's go and have a look at the abandoned inn!" Xu Feng nodded.

Soon, Xu Feng and Liang Xiaowan walked towards the abandoned inn together, and after a while, they stood in front of a courtyard.

Walking into the courtyard, most of the two ear rooms on the left have collapsed. The main structure of the main house in the middle seems to be in good condition, but the doors and windows are dilapidated and decayed. Weeds are overgrown in the courtyard, and some bones of birds and animals are scattered in the small courtyard.

The two walked into the small courtyard, and immediately heard a low roar coming from the ear room on the right.

A huge black cat jumped out from the broken door in the right ear room. It seemed that it had regarded this place as its own territory, and Xu Feng and Liang Xiaowan were regarded as intruders by it.

"This black cat looks quite handsome..." Liang Xiaowan showed a smile on her face, as if she was very interested in the black cat in front of her.

Generally speaking, wild cats like this look skinny because they are hungry and full, but the black cat in front of them has a round body and shiny fur. It looks like it was raised by a special person.

There was an oily green light in the black cat's eyes, and it jumped towards Xu Feng. It seemed that Xu Feng was weak and easy to deal with.

Xu Feng smiled. The black cat in front of him actually has a peak strength of the first level. Maybe it was because of the suppression of the level of the secret realm before, but now the level of the secret realm has been raised to the second level. , reached the second level of strength.

Sometimes Xu Feng is even envious of these creatures in the secret realm. They are only limited by the level of the secret realm when they upgrade.

Before Xu Feng could make a move, Liang Xiaowan suddenly stretched out her hand to grab the black cat, and grabbed the fur on the back of the black cat's neck. Her movements were gentle, without any trace of fireworks, as if the black cat jumped into her hands on its own initiative. .

The black cat was grabbed by Liang Xiaowan, and immediately became angry. It opened its teeth and claws and struggled desperately.

"Little guy!" There was a smile on the corner of Liang Xiaowan's mouth, and the aura on her body released a little bit. The black cat was frightened, and the hairs on its body stood on end. The body that was struggling so hard before, immediately relaxed. It fell down, as soft as a noodle, looking at Liang Xiaowan with a look of fear in his eyes.

Liang Xiaowan held the black cat in her arms. Because of its size, the black cat's two hind legs drooped outside, which looked a bit funny.

"Little guy, is this your home?" Liang Xiaowan held the black cat in her left hand and gently stroked it with her right hand.

The black cat responded listlessly, with its head drooping, and a look of lovelessness on its face.

"My lord, as long as this inn is repaired, the government will send people here in a short time. At that time, my lord will not only be able to obtain information from the outside world, but may also attract caravans!" Liang Xiaowan said softly.

Xu Feng nodded. The post station is equivalent to a government-run hotel, where servants delivering official documents and visiting officials rest and change horses on the way.

Ordinary people can also enjoy the post station service as long as they are willing to pay, so many caravans are willing to live in the post station even if there is no hotel nearby.

Therefore, attracting caravans is regarded as a hidden attribute of the station!
Xu Feng stood in the post station, and a repair interface appeared in front of him. To completely repair the post station, a lot of wood and stones, as well as some metal ores, would be consumed.

Wood, stone, and metal ore can all be collected by people, but the most important thing to repair the station is labor. It takes ten workers with construction attributes to repair.

"Ten construction workers are needed to repair this place. Look, can you train those water demons to become construction workers to work here?" Xu Feng suddenly thought of the water demon maid who served tea and water in Yizhuang. , his eyes lit up immediately, and he asked Liang Xiaowan.

"Young Master, construction workers are special talents. It's okay for me to train some maids who serve tea and water, but construction workers can't be trained. I don't know architecture either!" Liang Xiaowan shook her head.

Seeing the disappointed look on Xu Feng's face, Liang Xiaowan laughed softly and said, "Don't worry, my lord. I have a recruiting list here, which can be given to you. You only need to fill in the requirements on it, and you can recruit the ones you need. Talents!"

"Recruitment list?" Xu Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

There are many strange things with strange effects in the secret realm, and the recruitment list is one of them. After the secret realm apostles get the secret realm core, most of them are not very good at managing them, but just let them fend for themselves, and harvest once a month It's just "taxation", but there are also some apostles of the secret realm who will manage the secret realm they have obtained with their hearts. As the master of the secret realm, if they manage it well, the harvest will be several times or even ten times, dozens of times that of letting freedom go!
All kinds of talents are needed for business operations, and the recruitment list is often used. The recruitment list is also divided into grades. The higher the grade, the more capable special talents can be recruited. Xu Feng estimates that the recruitment list in Liang Xiaowan's hand is I'm afraid it's only the lowest rank in the recruitment list, but for Xu Feng, this is also a surprise.

Soon, Liang Xiaowan took out a scroll, opened it, and it was the zero-level recruitment list, which could recruit ten talents with ordinary skills.

Holding it in Xu Feng's hands, many talent attributes appeared in front of him.

Tailors, lumberjacks, butchers, water bearers, miners...

There are always hundreds of types, and Xu Feng is dazzled to see them. There are many types of jobs in it. Xu Feng thinks that they are all very useful for his portable secret realm. He wished that there would be dozens or hundreds of job listings like this!
"In the previous life, even if the talent recruitment list was placed in the middle and later stages, it was very valuable. It was hard to find one, and Liang Xiaowan could take out one at random..." Xu Feng stared at the recruitment list, and thought to himself: "It seems that this Liang Xiaowan I really can’t underestimate it, maybe it will bring me some surprises in the future!”


(End of this chapter)

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