Chapter 375
Not far away, the area covered by space folding is full of weird and strange lights. It looks like countless mirrors are overlapping and merging together, and each mirror surface is an identical workshop.

In this grotesque light, there will be a trace of emerald green light from time to time, but this emerald green light is very shallow and faint, as if it has not yet fully conceived.

Zhou Zhi stared at this area for a long time. Finally, under Xu Feng's guidance, he saw that emerald green light, and couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

If it weren't for Xu Feng's guidance, even Zhou Zhi would not have been able to spot this emerald green light. Xu Feng had just arrived and found something abnormal. Zhou Zhi was ashamed of his vision.

"The door to the secret realm has not yet solidified, even if it is a level 2 secret realm, it is still too dangerous to break into it at this time!" Zhou Zhi shook his head.

If the gate of the secret realm is solidified, Zhou Zhi doesn't mind Xu Feng going in to explore it. After all, there is no level 2 secret realm around Songtao City, and this is probably the first one.

Now Xu Feng is also a Level 2 Secret Realm Apostle, and needs to explore the Level 2 Secret Realm to improve his experience as an apostle.

"Uncle Zhou, if you want to explore the secret realm, this time is actually the most suitable time to go in!" Xu Feng said with a smile: "The world on the opposite side has not yet fully integrated with the world we are in, so there will be no customs clearance tasks when entering. Once the gate of the secret realm is completely solidified, you can come out."

"I don't need to do customs clearance tasks, which means that I can spend all my time and energy on exploring the secret world. After I have collected enough information and come back, I can send people in. Wouldn't it be more effective?" Xu Xu Feng laughed.

"Who did you listen to?" Zhou Zhi frowned.

The current general view is that entering the secret realm will be very dangerous before it is fully integrated. Maybe at the moment of entering, it will fall into an infinite loop space, trapped inside and unable to get out, or at the moment of entering, It was directly torn into pieces by the power of space.

It was the first time Zhou Zhi heard Xu Feng's statement.

"I'm in Yanjing, and I heard it from a priest in Longhu Mountain!" Xu Feng scratched his head, rolled his eyes, and said softly.

It is indeed too early to throw out this point of view now. At least a few years later, when more and more secret realm apostles break into the space folding area, or are involved in the space folding area, this point of view will be slowly accepted by people.

"The Taoist priest of Longhushan?" Zhou Zhi frowned slightly. The status of Longhushan among the apostles of the secret realm is like the status of ancient Shaolin Wudang in the hearts of people in the Jianghu. Whoever it is, they have to be given a little face. Zhou Zhi is not surprised that the Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain knows some information that other apostles of the secret realm do not know.

"Okay, be careful yourself!" Zhou Zhi finished speaking, glanced at the director of the machine repair factory not far away, and said softly: "As for that mechanic, save it if you can, and put your own life first!"

As the apostle of the secret realm, he was accompanied by death all the time, and he didn't think much of his own life, let alone an irrelevant person.

"I understand, Uncle Zhou!" Xu Feng smiled and walked towards the space folding area.


Liu Hong is 32 years old this year. He is a technical director of the machine repair factory. He is currently in charge of the transformation of a production line. The transformation of this production line involves an order of tens of millions. The leaders of the factory attach great importance to this matter. With a technical team, they spend day and night on the production line.

On this day, Liu Hong was on the production line when he suddenly heard everyone in the factory yelling and ran out of the factory in a panic. At first Liu Hong thought there was an earthquake, but he didn't feel the ground shaking.

"There are celebrities coming to the factory, and they all ran out to watch?" Liu Hong wondered in his heart.

"Xiao Wang, pass me that wrench!" Liu Hong pointed to the work truck and said to a member of the transformation team.

"Okay, Liu Gong!" The young technician wearing a helmet was also attracted by the noise of the people, and kept staring at the factory gate. Hearing Liu Gong's order, he immediately ran to the tool cart and picked up a wrench. , and handed it to Liu Hong.

Liu Hong lowered his head, and was about to take the wrench, but he was in vain after grabbing one. He tried to stretch forward again, but he still couldn't catch the wrench.

At this moment, Liu Hong thought that Xiao Wang was joking with him, so he frowned and looked up at Xiao Wang sternly.

It turned out that Xiao Wang was staring at him with horror on his face. The wrench he handed over seemed to have been folded seven or eight layers. Liu Hong was surprised, and subconsciously grabbed the wrench again, only to find that his His hand clearly reached the wrench, but he couldn't grasp it no matter what.

Xiao Wang let out a scream, threw the wrench in his hand, turned around and ran out of the factory, Liu Hong realized that something was wrong, the wrench thrown by Xiao Wang did not fall to the ground, but was suspended in the air. In mid-air, like a kaleidoscope, it has been folded countless times.

Just when Liu Hong was about to flee, there was a muffled sound next to his ear, his eyes blurred, his whole body seemed to be sucked in by something, and he lost consciousness instantly.

When Liu Hong regained consciousness and woke up, he found that he was hot and thirsty, and his whole body was tied up, and he was slowly walking forward on the back of something.

Liu Hong opened his eyes and looked around in confusion. He found himself in a desert, being carried by a camel.

This is a camel team, there are about [-] camels, and each camel rides a rider who is wrapped in coarse cloth and only shows two eyes. These riders wear machetes, and some of them hang A pair of crossbows, and a stern look in the wolf-like eyes.

"Are you awake?" An old voice sounded in Zhang Hong's ear. Zhang Hong found that he seemed to have never heard of the language these people spoke, but after listening to it, he could clearly understand that what the other party said was What's the meaning!
"Who are you, you guys? Why did you tie me up?" Zhang Hong was a little scared. Although he spoke Chinese, what these riders heard was the same language as them.

Hearing Zhang Hong's words, the old man lifted the thick veil, revealed an old face, and laughed loudly: "We found you unconscious in the desert, we rescued you, but there is no body on you. Any property, there is no way, we can only capture you as a slave and sell it! But if you have money, you can redeem yourself, or tell us your family, notify your family to redeem you..."


(End of this chapter)

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