Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 377 Eight Pillar Gods

Chapter 377 Nine Pillars God

In the endless desert, after a sandstorm, a black pyramid appeared out of thin air. In the eyes of Muhammad, it was like a miracle. The entire camel team was stunned, and everyone knelt down in fear. On the ground, facing the black pyramid, they kowtowed non-stop, chanting prayers in their mouths.

"This is a miracle. It must be the temple where the ancient god lived. We must hold a sacrificial ceremony..."

"This must be the God of the Desert warning us, it is he who blessed us and allowed us to survive the sandstorm!"

"The ancient god is watching us, he is testing us..."

The people in the camel team talked a lot, and all looked at Muhammad!

At this moment, under the black pyramid, a huge black rock slowly slid away, revealing a deep and dark passage. After a while, a group of strong men with jackal heads, holding halberds, walked through the passage. out.

Seeing these wolf-headed and monster-like creatures, everyone showed horror on their faces, and their expressions became more pious.

"The servant of the gods has appeared, this is where the ancient gods live!" Someone whispered.

These monsters with jackal heads are the servants who serve the ancient gods in the legend, and they are called god servants. Everyone should treat them respectfully, and offending them is tantamount to offending the ancient gods.

Muhammad's face was full of shock, and he trembled with fright, chanting prayers aloud, and kept bowing to the black pyramid.

Soon, more than a dozen wolf-headed monsters walked out of the black pyramid, and they seemed to have spotted Muhammad's camel caravan. After muttering for a while, the group of monsters began to rush towards the camel caravan.

Muhammad immediately realized that something was wrong. The "God Attendants" on the opposite side were holding halberds and looked murderous. It seemed that they wanted to slaughter them.

Muhammad's face changed drastically, and he was the first to stand up, drew out the scimitar from his waist and shouted loudly: "Fight, fight!"

The others knelt down on the ground and kowtowed, and when they heard Muhammad's roar, they all showed confusion. They didn't know why they were fighting, and who was their enemy!
When the group of jackal monsters rushed into the crowd and began to slaughter, everyone seemed to wake up from sleep, shouting and pulling out their scimitars to stand together with the group of jackal monsters.

Muhammad swung his scimitar and slashed at a jackal monster, but was easily dodged by the jackal monster, and stabbed forward with the halberd in his hand. The small blade of the halberd cut a wound, and blood gushed out immediately, staining his entire left arm red.

Although these jackal monsters only wear a piece of rough linen clothes, they are strong and strong. The whole metal forged halberd weighs at least 30 kilograms, but it is like a wick in their hands. Cavaliers suffered heavy casualties, and blood stained the entire sand dune.

Muhammad knelt on the ground on one knee, panting continuously, his eyes full of despair, all the knights of the camel team were killed in battle, even the heads of the camels were beheaded, and the strong smell of blood filled the whole place. Piece of sand dunes.

"Devils, you are all demons!" Muhammad whispered, the next moment, a shadow enveloped him, and a jackal monster walked up to him, raised its halberd, and slashed at his neck go down.

Soon, the entire camel team was slaughtered. Zhang Hong, whose hands and feet were bound, was pressed by a camel corpse, unable to move at all. He watched the group of jackal monsters kill all the people in the camel team. .

Zhang Hong was just an ordinary person. He had never seen this kind of scene before.

At this moment, a jackal monster stepped forward, grabbed the camel corpse that was on Zhang Hong's body and threw it aside. Seeing this scene, Zhang Hong's eyes twitched twice.

This camel weighed at least 200 kilograms, and was easily grabbed by the monster in front of him and thrown five or six meters away. Only those apostles of the secret realm can possess such terrifying power!

Thinking of this, Zhang Hong suddenly realized that he might be involved in a new secret realm.

"I thought I had crossed over, but ended up breaking into a new secret realm..." Zhang Hong had a distressed look on his face, and couldn't help but said inwardly, "I'm really a villain. Ordinary people who enter the secret realm are close to death. No, it's ten deaths and no life, it's over..."

Just when Zhang Hong thought that he would be killed like the rest of the camel team, the jackal monster cut off the ropes that bound his hands and feet with a halberd in his hand, and then grabbed him and resisted. On the shoulders, after meeting with other jackal monsters, everyone walked towards the black pyramid.


When Xu Feng entered the secret realm, he immediately smelled a strong smell of blood. Walking along the smell of blood, Xu Feng quickly saw the corpse of Muhammad's camel team under the sand dunes.

Xu Feng frowned slightly. With such a strong smell of blood, it was obvious that the camel caravan had not been killed for a long time, and it was very likely that the murderer who killed them hadn't left yet.

"This camel team has more than 30 people, and everyone is armed. It seems that the resistance is quite fierce, but they were still killed. Could it be that they encountered large-scale sand robbers?" Xu Feng thought to himself. .

When Xu Feng came to the camel team, he immediately overturned his previous thoughts, because the goods of the entire camel team were still there and had not been touched by anyone. Fei's goods stay.

"Could it be just to kill people?" Xu Feng pondered: "Even if it's a vendetta, it's impossible to leave such a large amount of property untouched..."

Thinking of this, Xu Feng went directly to the sand dune to see if he could find the trace of the murderer. As a result, after climbing the sand dune, a black pyramid came into Xu Feng's eyes.

At this moment, in front of the black pyramid, nine huge stone pillars suddenly rose slowly. Each stone pillar was engraved with patterns of ancient gods, colorful and daunting.

Among the nine god stone pillars, one of them has already shone with luster. The god pattern carved on the surface of the stone pillar seems to be alive and lifelike under the light.

The other eight god stone pillars were all gray, as if they had been sealed.

Lord of the Desert!

Xu Feng stared at the shiny stone pillar. The god carved on the surface of this god stone pillar, surrounded by yellow sand, was the desert lord who had the ability to control yellow sand.

The gods on the other eight stone pillars also have their own powers. Some can control the atmosphere, some can control lightning, some can control plants, and some can control the undead...

"This is..." Xu Feng's eyes suddenly brightened. These nine god stone pillars represent nine gods with extraordinary abilities. The Black Pyramid has just grown from an ordinary person to a secret realm apostle with an S-level initial occupation.

"Although I already have an S-level job, it's not impossible to have a second job. Even if I can't start a second job, even if I can acquire an extraordinary skill, this trip is not in vain!" Xu Feng thought to himself.


(End of this chapter)

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