Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 429 Entering the Secret Realm

Chapter 429 Entering the Secret Realm
Xu Feng stepped into the entrance of the secret realm exuding gray-white mist, and suddenly felt a sense of boredom welling up in his heart, as if stepping into a desperate place. He felt disgust from the bottom of his heart, and he didn't want to approach such a place.

Soon, a translucent light curtain appeared in Xu Feng's mind, like a waterfall, flowing with dense lines of words.

【Starting to enter the A1-level secret realm...】

[The time in this secret territory and the time in the real world have been adjusted to 24:1 by the master of the secret realm, please pay attention to the time difference...]

[Start assimilating the entrant with this world...]

[You will automatically master the relevant language, you can interact with the characters in this world smoothly, and forget it after leaving this world, unless you learn the relevant language skills in this world, you can keep it permanently...]

[The system detects that you are entering this secret realm for the first time, and will disguise your identity for free, and you will have to pay a certain price to disguise your identity if you enter again...]

[After entering the secret realm, you will automatically get a main task, you must do your best to complete it, otherwise you may be severely punished...]



Xu Feng opened his mouth and tried to say a few words, and a series of undead words came out of his mouth. A smile appeared on Xu Feng's face, and a look of nostalgia appeared in his eyes.

This is a BUG in the secret realm, or a shortcut. For mages, if they master the undead spell and use the undead language to recite the spell, the released spell will get a certain degree of bonus.

For any race's spells, if you recite the spell in the language of this race, you will get such a bonus. Some language bonuses can even reach 80% to 100%, which is amazing.

This also led to mages being forced to become hard-working language scholars. They had to be proficient in dozens of ethnic languages. Some mages even degenerated in order to study the devil's language and became half-devils who were neither human nor ghost.

I don’t know when it started. The shortcut to obtain the language of this world by entering the secret realm for the first time has spread among mages. Although the language that is automatically mastered after leaving the secret realm will be forgotten, if you learn the relevant language skills in the secret realm, you will be able to leave the secret realm. It can be preserved permanently.

Mastering this language, and then learning this language skill, this is obviously a bug-like learning method, which has gradually spread among the mages, and this method has another advantage, that is, it will not Corroded by something similar to the Devil's language, it becomes depraved, but the related secret realm is hard to find, and once discovered, it will be regarded as a secret.

If you put it in the previous life, you can definitely get a lot of money if you sell such information about the secret realm of the Withered Bones Temple to the secret realm apostle of the mage profession.

Xu Feng smiled, looked at his attire, and found that he had transformed into a skeleton soldier of the lowest level. This transformation is just a disguise. Once a battle occurs, it will be invalid immediately, and it can also be destroyed by something like " Investigative skills such as "Ghost Baby Sky Eye" can see through.

Xu Feng looked around, and sure enough, because he didn't use the companion contract, he and several other team members were all separated.

The meeting place has been agreed before, Xu Feng only needs to confirm his location now, and then go to the meeting place.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew in front of Xu Feng, carrying a smell of stench and corruption. On the dark brown ground, fine sand flowed, as if small insects were swimming fast on the ground. After a while, a few lines of words made of mud appeared in front of Xu Feng.

[You have obtained the main task!Main Quest 1: Wailing of the Dead.Mission briefing, this is a lifeless world where only the undead can survive.If you want to explore the mysteries of this world, you must have a deep understanding of the undead creatures in this world.Task content, learn about ten kinds of undead creatures in this world, and get clues from them!Mission progress, 0/10. 】

[Main task 2: The secret of the temple.Mission introduction: This world used to be a world full of vitality and vitality, but it was destroyed by a lich.This lich was also dismembered by angry people, but they couldn't kill it, so they could only build a temple to suppress its remaining limbs!Task content, find one of the temples, and touch the remnants of the temple's suppression!Mission progress, 0/1.Task reminder: Be careful, these stumps still have the power of that Lich. When this world is destroyed and completely occupied by undead creatures, all stumps will become the objects of offerings by these undead creatures. If you want to contact the Lich's stump If you don't have limbs, you must defeat those undead guards in the temple! 】


Xu Feng carefully looked at every word in the main quest. Although neither of the two main quests showed the penalty for failure, Xu Feng always had a bad feeling. Would love to see things happen!

A few minutes later, another gust of wind blew by, and the handwriting made of mud on the ground was quickly blown away by the gust of wind. However, all the content of the main line was included in the imprint of the apostles. Xu Feng can call up the content of the main line from the imprint of the apostles at any time to view .

"First of all, I need to determine where I am now!" Xu Feng raised his head and looked around. This is a plain, and as far as the eye can see, it is all a piece of dark brown soil. There is not even a single grass growing on the ground. A dead end.

Xu Feng grabbed a handful of soil casually, and suddenly felt a tingling pain in the palm of his hand. Looking carefully, the soil seemed to be soaked in blood, exuding a stench, and at the same time, it was very corrosive. Physique, even can't resist the close contact of this corrosive force.

"This place is really unfriendly to living people!" Xu Feng threw away the soil in his hands, took a deep breath, and immediately felt a burning sensation in his lungs, and couldn't help but sigh.

Since there were no landmark buildings around, Xu Feng had to choose a direction at random to move forward. Looking from a high altitude, he saw a white skeleton soldier wandering aimlessly on a large dark brown plain. It looked very bleak.

Xu Feng walked forward for about a kilometer, and finally saw a living person. This person was a member of the elite team, and he was a teammate of several people Xu Feng knew, who had fought together in the dead man's ditch. Diqiu, the animal trainer.

At this time, Di Qiu summoned two giant wolves, and they were besieging a wandering undead warrior wearing tattered armor. Many parts can no longer be covered, and it feels as if it has just been dug out of the ground.

However, this undead warrior is quite strong, almost as strong as a third-level peak apostle. With a two-handed sword in his hand, two giant wolves can't get in at all.

At this time, Di Qiu's face showed a look of anxiety. The undead warrior in front of him is very powerful. For a long time, we must make a quick decision.

"Are you going to use that hole card so soon? You have just entered the secret realm..." Thoughts were spinning in Di Qiu's mind, and he was really reluctant to use that life-saving hole card. At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind. up.

"Brother Di, I didn't expect to meet you here!"


(End of this chapter)

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