Chapter 431

Xu Feng picked up this item, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He was no stranger to this kind of thing. At that time, Xu Feng even started a business for a while, and hoarded a batch of items that might increase in value in the future. There is this special gem.

"I really miss it..." Xu Feng muttered to himself, while checking the attributes of this special gemstone in his hand.

[Split Skeleton: Gemstone, low-grade spiritual grade, attribute, can be integrated into weapons, increase weapon damage by 50 points, can be integrated into armor, and increase physical defense by 35 points.Two items of the same attribute can be merged and promoted.The same piece of equipment can only fuse three gems, the success rate of the first fusion is 100%, the success rate of the second fusion is 70%, and the success rate of the third fusion is 30%.Use special items to increase the fusion success rate! 】

"50 points, not bad!" Xu Feng smiled, and smoothly integrated this special gemstone into his tearing tooth.

The attributes of this special gemstone are not fixed, everything depends on luck, some even have additional attributes, the value of ordinary gemstones is average, like the one obtained by Xu Feng, the general price is around [-], if there are additional attributes , the price will often double. If it is a very rare attribute, such as increasing real damage, or a gem with skills, the price will often be doubled. Such gems are called top-quality gems, and the price will often be a sky-high price .

"Is there a special gem in this secret realm?" Xu Feng couldn't help asking.

"It's just luck. Most of them are bone materials. These bone materials are hard, comparable to steel alloys, but only one tenth of the weight of steel alloys. They are very good forging materials!" Di Qiu said with a smile: "Only It's a pity that the forging materials produced in this secret realm can only be forged by blacksmiths above the expert level, so they can't be sold at any price!"

Xu Feng nodded, and walked to the corpse of the undead warrior. Soon, a progress bar appeared in front of Xu Feng.

【Analyzing the remains of undead creatures, please stay in this state and do not move...】

Ten seconds later, the progress bar disappeared, and Xu Feng completed one-tenth of the main task one.

[You have analyzed the corpse of a wandering undead soldier, the progress of main task 1: 10/[-]]


"Okay, Brother Di, let's go to the temple!" Xu Feng stood up and said to Di Qiu.

There was a hint of hesitation on Di Qiu's face, as if he didn't want to go to the temple immediately to join the others.

"Xu Feng, there is something I want to tell you..." Di Qiu hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to confess to Xu Feng, and said, "But let me tell you, you can't tell anyone else when you turn around, especially Deputy Zhou. long!"

"Hehe, you found a resource treasure land?" Xu Feng asked with a smile.

This is not the first time Xu Feng has encountered this kind of thing. When he entered the secret realm to explore in his previous life, he would often form a temporary team with other apostles. If someone found a benefit but didn't want to share it with others, he would act almost exactly like Di Qiu.

"No, it's an elite boss!" Scratching his head, Di Qiu said embarrassedly: "I discovered this by accident during my last exploration, and others didn't know about it. At that time, I was not strong enough to kill it, but this time I I bought a talisman and want to try it..."

Di Qiu told Xu Feng everything in one go, and then looked at Xu Feng eagerly.

If Xu Feng disagrees and chooses to report it, there is nothing he can do. If the other party is willing to kill the elite boss with him, with the strength Xu Feng has shown, maybe he doesn't need to use the talisman he bought. You can kill that elite boss.

Xu Feng knew in his heart that if he killed the boss together with others, he would have to hand over 50% of the spoils, and everyone else would share the rest equally. This was obviously unfair to Di Qiu who found the boss alone.

However, when most people encounter this situation, they will probably make the same choice as Di Qiu, temporarily concealing it, and after improving their strength, they will kill them alone, so that they can monopolize all the spoils.

Once the boss in this third-level secret realm falls, it will often drop items of very good quality.

"What do you mean now, do you want to form a team with me to kill that boss?" Xu Feng said with a smile, "How do you distribute the spoils?"

"I discovered the BOSS, so I have to choose the spoils first!" Di Qiu weighed in his mind repeatedly, and said after a long time: "I choose the first one, you choose the second one, then I choose the third one, and so on... ..."

Xu Feng nodded. An elite boss usually drops three to five items. According to Di Qiu's distribution method, the most valuable item will definitely be chosen by Di Qiu, and there is a high probability that he will drop more items. choose one.

However, since it was the boss that Di Qiu discovered, Xu Feng was not unacceptable to this distribution method, but during the battle, Xu Feng naturally couldn't use all his strength, and would only show the strength that Di Qiu knew.

Seeing Xu Feng nodding in agreement with his distribution plan, Di Qiu suddenly showed a smile on his face. With Xu Feng's joining, although the final income will be reduced, the safety has been improved, and although the previous battle was only Against an ordinary monster, Di Qiu could also feel that Xu Feng's strength could not simply treat him as an ordinary apostle who had just stepped into the third level.

After Xu Feng followed Di Qiu and left the dark brown plain, he encountered more and more undead creatures. The progress of Xu Feng's main task [-] was also progressing steadily, but the same monsters could not be analyzed. , can only resolve different types of monsters.

Therefore, Xu Feng had only completed 6/10 of the main mission one, and there were still four undead creatures short of complete completion.

"It's almost there, it's in the valley ahead!" Di Qiu glanced at Xu Feng, and felt more and more that it was a wise choice for him to invite Xu Feng to join.

Xu Feng's defense-weakening curse is too powerful. Originally, Diqiu's two giant wolf pets could barely break through the undead creature defense here, but under Xu Feng's curse skill, the damage of the giant wolf pets was doubled Ascension, the undead creatures that were originally like steel have become like tofu dregs, and the giant wolf's pet claws can break several bones.

"Brother Di, what kind of boss is that, tell me about it." Xu Feng laughed.

"It's an undead bone horse with a thick layer of bone armor covering its whole body. It looks like a battle armor. When ordinary attacks fall on it, it won't even show the white seal. It just slides to the side. I guess its Dodge attribute, at least 30 points or more..." Di Qiu said seriously: "In addition, it can also release ghostly cold air, run on all fours, and leave an obvious trail of cold air behind, remember, don't let it run Get up, once it starts to run, it will release the impact ability, which is extremely powerful, I saw with my own eyes that a rock as tall as a person can be smashed directly by it!"

Di Qiu seemed to have thought of something, and there was a look of lingering fear on his face.


(End of this chapter)

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