Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 436 Strategic Treasure

Chapter 436 Strategic Treasure
Xu Feng looked up, and saw a majestic hall rising from the ground in the distance. The entire hall was made entirely of white bones. Even from a long distance, one could feel the ghostly chill emanating from the entire temple.

"The ghostly aura inside the temple is ten times that of the outside. Even a third-level apostle will be hurt if he stays in the temple for too long..." Di Qiu looked at the temple in the distance, with fear in his eyes, and said in a low voice : "With my strength, if I persist in the temple for half an hour at most, I must withdraw, otherwise I will suffer erosion damage!"

"Where are the others?" Xu Feng asked subconsciously, frowning slightly.

Di Qiu shook his head and said: "The strength of the elite teams is about the same. Most of them last about 10 to [-] minutes. The three directors persisted for a longer time, but it didn't help!"

"No wonder it's been so long, and I haven't conquered this secret realm..." Xu Feng sighed.

If the core of this secret realm can be found, and this secret realm can be conquered thoroughly, then there will be no disaster of undead in the previous life, and Songtao City will naturally be preserved.

But it's a pity that the city guard office of the core of this secret realm doesn't even have any clues. This secret realm was not successfully captured in the previous life, so Xu Feng naturally doesn't know what the core of this secret realm is.

"The biggest possibility is that Lich's phylactery!" Xu Feng guessed in his heart: "It may also be its weapon, the Withered Bone Sword. If we can find the Withered Bone Sword before the Lich's body is assembled, it will be fine." At that time, the King of Destruction can be liberated, and then you can ask the King of Destruction to destroy this secret realm!"

This third-level secret realm is rich in resources, and it is also a unique undead secret realm. If it can be used, the benefits will be huge.

You know, a zero-level kobold mine before can support more than 1 zero-level apostles. If this third-level secret realm is fully opened, it can attract at least three-level apostles from four or five surrounding cities to come and explore. At that time, the entire Songtao City can benefit.

It's a pity that Songtao City's secret realm apostle level is too low, and its overall strength is relatively weak. Therefore, for Songtao City, the secret realm of Withered Bones Temple is not only not beneficial, but a scourge that must be eradicated as soon as possible.

"This secret realm fits well with my portable secret realm. It would be great if they could be integrated!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

The two soon came to the first temple, and Di Qiu looked around.

"Hey, why didn't anyone come to join us?"

Because Xu Feng and Di Qiu were going to the valley to hunt the undead bone horse, they took some detours and wasted a lot of time. The others should have arrived earlier, but now they are nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe something is delayed!" Xu Feng guessed, frowning slightly.

"Let's wait here first, it's best for everyone to enter together..." Di Qiu glanced at the open gate of the temple, his face full of fear.

Xu Feng nodded, and focused his attention on the horns of the strange objects in the parcel column. It didn't take long for the horns of the strange objects to evolve by themselves, and they already had some appearances.

The previous horn was more than a foot long, Xu Feng originally thought it would evolve into a short sword, and generally such long horns are most suitable for forging into a short sword.

But now, this horn has been bent, not in the shape of a dagger at all.

Xu Feng immediately looked forward to it. It didn't take long for this strange horn to evolve by itself. Xu Feng took it out from the package and observed it carefully. It turned out to be a horn.

[Desire for Victory (War Horn): A special wonder, the best of the spiritual ranks.Attributes: Blowing this item will make a deep sound, which will temporarily increase all attributes of the blower and his allies by +10, blood value +1000, defense by 15%, resistance by 15%, and movement speed by 30% %, attack damage increased by 20%, and this effect lasts for 30 minutes.This item can only be used once in 12 hours. 】


"This is a strategic treasure?" Xu Feng had a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect this strange horn, which evolved by itself, to be a strategic treasure.

An ordinary piece of top-grade spiritual equipment can at most change the strength of Xu Feng alone, but this kind of strategic treasure can raise the strength of the entire army to a higher level before a large-scale battle.

"If we could have such a strategic treasure in the test in the previous life when we faced the coalition forces in the secret realm, we might be able to survive to the end!" Xu Feng thought regretfully.

In his previous life, Xu Feng had only heard of the name of the strategic treasure, but he had never owned it, or experienced the effect of the strategic treasure himself. He never thought that he would have the opportunity to own a strategic treasure in his second life.

To be honest, this item is really a bit of a waste in Xu Feng's hands. If it is placed in the hands of a strategist and military strategist who can command thousands of troops, it will definitely play a greater role.

"It's a pity that everyone doesn't know the importance of strategic treasures now. When the Tongtian Tower appears and often encounters large-scale army battles, the effect of strategic treasures will be highlighted." Xu Feng thought to himself.

It's not that Xu Feng didn't want to take advantage of this time to acquire a few more strategic treasures, but the strategic treasure itself is a very rare item. Even if Xu Feng searched deliberately, it would be difficult to find one or two of them. A strategic treasure, Xu Feng probably couldn't remember it at all.

Xu Feng held this war horn in his hands and kept playing with it. This war horn is like jade, white and crystal clear, just like a work of art. Just looking at its appearance, who would have thought that this item would be a valuable item? A city-linked strategic treasure.

"Hey, Xu Feng, look over there?" Di Qiu suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face, pointing to the front left and said hastily.

Xu Feng looked in the direction Di Qiu pointed, and saw a huge skeleton monster over ten meters in size, roaring continuously, as if it was attacking something.

"It's Director Zhou Zhi!" Xu Feng had sharp eyes, and immediately saw several figures running towards the temple in front of this huge skeleton monster, and the leader was Deputy Director Zhou Zhi.

At this time, Zhou Zhi was quite embarrassed. He never expected that after entering the secret realm, he accidentally joined a few team members and rushed towards the temple, and encountered a group of giant skeleton monsters.

This group of giant skeleton monsters seemed to smell the smell of strangers on them, and they chased them all the way. The other giant skeleton beasts gave up chasing impatiently. It seems that he has a vengeance with them to kill his father, and he has been chasing after him.

"Deputy Director, is this giant bone beast the one we wounded last time? Look at the rib on its chest, which is still scorched black. It seems to be the mark that Zhou Jie hit with a big fireball last time!" Hou Zi Fitness is an agility profession, and he moves very fast, so he still has time to look back at the giant skeleton beast.

"Damn it, if it weren't for the lack of people, I would have to keep this monster today!" Zhou Zhi spat fiercely, looked back at the giant skeleton beast, and said unwillingly.

"Deputy Director, the temple is in front of us. As long as we enter the temple, this big guy will retreat!" Zhou Jie's body is surrounded by air currents. Although he is a mage, his moving speed is not slow. an acceleration skill.

"Enter the temple first, and get rid of this guy!" Zhou Zhi quickly made a decision, and the group immediately fled in the direction of the first withered bones temple.


(End of this chapter)

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