Chapter 448 Nether Gem
The Nether Stone Man's defense is extremely strong. Although it is not an elite boss-level monster, in terms of defense, even the boss may not be as good as it.

It's a pity that the Nether Stone Man couldn't fly, and Xu Feng was floating in mid-air. The Nether Stone Man couldn't do any harm to him at all, so he could only stand on the ground, waving his arms and roaring impotently.

Xu Feng held a stack of soul fire talismans in his hand, and with a thought, all the paper talismans came out of his hands and flew towards the Nether Stone Man on the ground. This time, there were ten soul fire talismans. Once they all exploded, the damage There are more than 5000 points. Although the Nether Stone Man is an elemental creature and does not have the damage bonus of the enemy of the undead, but with [-] points of damage, even an ordinary third-level elite boss may be seriously injured.

Boom, boom, boom~
The ten paper talismans covered the whole body of the Nether Stone Man, and they exploded almost at the same time. For ordinary people, the pain that can tear apart the soul is enough to drive anyone crazy, but the Nether Stone Man Immune to this effect.

However, the Nether Stone Man cannot be completely immune to the damage caused by the ten Soul Fire Talismans. It is only the unique soul damage of the Soul Fire Talisman. Unexpectedly, the Nether Stone Man can also be immune to 50%. As a result, the ten Soul Fire Talismans only exploded The damage to [-] points directly blasted the Nether Stone Man's body into fine cracks, but it didn't lose the ability to continue fighting.

"It's really strong!" Xu Feng exclaimed, and took out ten more Soul Fire Talismans!After learning the barrage attack, Xu Feng's paper talisman consumption has increased significantly, but his combat efficiency has also improved a lot.

Boom, boom, boom~
Another ten soul fire talismans were attached to the hard body of the Nether Stone Man. This is the horror of the barrage attack. It can use powerful firepower to forcibly kill a monster comparable to an elite boss.

If it was replaced by the other members of the elite team, it would probably take half a day just to besiege and kill this monster. The terrifying defense will definitely make them helpless. Grind to death.

After a battle, all the supplies of everyone may be exhausted before it is possible to kill this Nether Stone Man.

The ten paper talismans exploded again. This time, the Nether Stone Man couldn't bear the damage, and his whole body was blown apart, and the gravel flew. Xu Feng stared at the Nether Stone Man's head, and flew over with a "whoosh" sound. .

The head of the Nether Stone Man also made a crisp sound, disintegrated in the air and scattered all over the place. Xu Feng floated down from the air and searched carefully around. After a while, Xu Feng picked up the remains of the Nether Stone Man. He picked up a gem the size of a duck egg, and a smile appeared on his face.

This obsidian gem weighs more than 1000 grams. Whether it is forging weapons or equipment, only a few grams are needed to increase the sharpness of the weapon and the basic attributes of the equipment. It can be said that such an obsidian gem is worth more than the same The volume of gold is more than ten times or even dozens of times more valuable.

"With this gem, I can increase my S-level talent by another level, or activate a few more curse skills, haha, I've made a lot of money!" Xu Feng said secretly in his heart.

This is why Xu Feng was willing to step down and spend some time to solve this obsidian man. It is really this obsidian gem, which is too valuable.

After killing the Nether Stone Man, Xu Feng continued to walk towards the distant volcano. The closer he got to the volcano, the temperature didn't rise, but became colder and colder. There were even black ice crystals appearing on the surrounding obsidian rocks. , even exhaled white gas.

Xu Feng looked at the magma, thick smoke and sparks gushing out in the distance, and suddenly felt an extremely unreal illusion.

Click, click~
The closer you get to the volcano, the more obsidian rocks there are, just like a stone forest. As soon as Xu Feng approached, many obsidian rocks with a height of more than one meter, two meters or even three or four meters high began to crack. , making a crisp crackling sound.

One, two, three...

After a while, around Xu Feng appeared more than a dozen stone figures that were pitch-black and shining with metallic luster. These stone figures were somewhat different from the Nether Stone figures before. The surface was covered with a layer of black ice crystals, which was different from the previous stone figures. Compared with the Nether Stone Man that he met, the Stone Man in front of him seemed more like a ghost creature.

What makes Xu Feng feel regretful is that the brows of these ghost stone figures are smooth, and they are not inlaid with ghost gems like the previous one.

Seeing so many Nether stone figures but no Nether gems, Xu Feng suddenly lost interest, took a deep leap, and flew at a low altitude, wanting to quickly pass by.

At this time, the sky was full of thick smoke, and magma condensed into stones from time to time, falling from the sky, and there were big pits smashed everywhere around, like the end of the world.

Xu Feng couldn't fly too high, so he could only fly at low altitude like he did with the Nether Stone Man before, and he didn't dare to fly too fast, otherwise he would easily collide with the chilly rocks that kept falling from his head.

As Xu Feng flew at a low altitude, there were continuous cracking sounds from the obsidian rock below, and ghost stone figures emerged from the obsidian rock, all roaring towards Xu Feng.

"They sensed the aura of a stranger, so they all came to life?" Xu Feng was a little puzzled, and subconsciously glanced down. At this moment, there were already hundreds of stone men with black ice crystals shining all over their bodies densely on the ground.

At this moment, a three-meter-high stone man suddenly picked up a huge rock with a diameter of one meter from the ground, turned around twice, swung his hands, and threw the rock towards Xu Feng.

A low whistling sound came from Xu Feng's ear, he subconsciously glanced at the sound, his face suddenly showed a look of surprise, his eyes widened, and his body subconsciously floated to the left.

The rock thrown over made a low whimper, and a biting cold wind blew up, and it was thrown into the air from a distance of more than a foot from Xu Feng's door.

Xu Feng watched as the rock flew up another ten meters, paused briefly in the air, and then smashed heavily towards the ground.

"Good guy, there are also long-range units among the ghost stone figures!" Xu Feng looked at the stone figures on the ground and couldn't help but whispered.

The act of throwing stones at Xu Feng seemed to press some kind of switch. Almost all the stone men began to look for the rocks around them and threw them towards Xu Feng.

Most of the stone men whose height is less than two meters cannot fly to the height of Xu Feng, and all their strength disappears, but those stone men whose height is more than two meters, or even three meters, four meters, The stones thrown can reach Xu Feng's height, and even pose a threat to Xu Feng.

For a while, Xu Feng in the air also became a little flustered, and kept dodging these rocks, but there were too many rocks, Xu Feng couldn't dodge in time, and was hit hard twice. He had no choice but to fly upwards continuously. After a while, Xu Feng got into the thick smoke and disappeared.


(End of this chapter)

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