Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 452 Slave Contract

Chapter 452 Slave Contract
Thirty lightning bolts gathered on the top of the bone fire dragon, like a field of thunder, and the terrifying power enveloped the bone fire dragon like a catastrophe!
The Bone Fire Dragon let out a terrified howl, spread its wings, and quickly fell towards the ground. During its fall, thirty thunderbolts slashed at its body fiercely.

For a moment, the bone fire dragon's skin was cracked, and a pair of membrane wings were torn apart by lightning. The bone fire dragon lost its balance in the air, and its body fell heavily to the ground.

The power of the lightning strike talisman is second only to the soul fire talisman, but because it has the attribute of destroying evil, when attacking undead creatures, the damage caused is more terrifying than the soul fire talisman.

At the same time, the 48 Asura auxiliary vines also quickly rushed towards the soul body beside the bone fire dragon, as if they encountered something delicious.

The soul body that was illuminated by the soul mirror before was all in a daze, and it didn't react when it was bitten by the Shura vine, but the bone fire dragon's soul body, when faced with the attack of the Shura vine, began to resist on its own On the one hand, he exhaled the aura of the undead, causing the nearby Asura vines to wither slowly, on the other hand, he exhaled the breath of flames, continuously burning the Asura vines, and for a while, he even got into a stalemate with 48 Asura vines.

After 30 seconds, the bone fire dragon's soul body began to disappear slowly. It was not swallowed by the Shura vine, but it was time to manifest the soul, and the bone fire dragon's soul body returned to its body again.

Facing this scene, Xu Feng did not show any surprise on his face. He knew that the stronger the creature, the stronger its soul body would be. In the state of the body, the soul-revealing time of the soul-revealing mirror is too short, and it is quite normal that the bone fire dragon's soul body was not killed.

Even if the battle spirit Asura Vine returned without success, the bone fire dragon's soul body didn't suffer much damage, but the bone fire dragon was seriously injured after being hit by thirty lightning bolts.

At this time, most of the bones of the Bonefire Dragon's body have been cracked, and the fleshy wings are tattered, which can no longer bear its huge body. Constantly extracting the origin of the bone fire dragon, a decaying breath radiated from the bone fire dragon.

Bone Fire Dragon raised his head and looked towards the magma waterfall not far away, his eyes full of longing.

The Bone Fire Dragon struggled desperately, dragging its broken body and iron chains, and crawled towards the magma waterfall not far away. It seemed that it wanted to obtain energy from the magma waterfall to repair its body.

"Submit, are you willing to be my mount?" Xu Feng grabbed an iron chain pierced into the bone fire dragon's body, pulled it hard, and asked in a deep voice.

Once Xu Feng showed great strength, the attributes of the enemy of the undead would change from hatred to awe, but not all undead creatures would choose to submit to the strong.

At this time, although the frontal bone fire dragon was seriously injured and its body was in dilapidated condition, it still did not choose to surrender to Xu Feng. When Xu Feng grabbed the chains that bound it, the bone fire dragon staggered, its head the size of a three-story building turned around. Come over and let out a roar towards the tiny Xu Feng on the ground.

The Bone Fire Dragon at this time gave Xu Feng a feeling of sternness, and the decaying aura emanating from the Bone Fire Dragon became more and more intense, which also made Xu Feng feel a little annoyed.

"Since you don't surrender, let's destroy it!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

Since the Bone Fire Dragon can reveal its soul, it means that its wisdom is not much worse than that of humans. Xu Feng didn't bother to persuade him to surrender, so he just killed it directly. It will be easier to deal with the Lich Mu Ledan in the future.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng took out another thirty lightning strike talismans. All thirty lightning strike talismans contained a trace of the power of the sun, and the surface of the talismans exuded a faint purple halo.

Just when Xu Feng wanted to throw it all out, he hesitated again.

"With the current state of the Bone Fire Dragon, it would be a waste to use thirty..." Xu Feng thought to himself, and drew back some lightning strike charms!

Boom, boom, boom~
More than a dozen thunderbolts fell in the sky again, illuminating the surroundings like daytime, and all these thunderbolts bombarded the huge body of Bone Fire Dragon;
There was a crisp cracking sound, and the bone fire dragon's spine was directly shattered by a lightning bolt, and it was broken into two pieces. At this time, the bone fire dragon has become disabled, not to mention crawling, even standing up has become crippled. An impossible thing.

Bone Fire Dragon lowered his head and stared at Xu Feng with a begging look in his eyes. It seemed that Bone Fire Dragon still chose to give in when faced with the threat of death!
"Don't you think it's too late to beg for mercy at this time? Hmph, it's a pity, I gave you a chance!" Xu Feng was expressionless, looking at Bone Fire Dragon with stern eyes. Lightning, at this time, even Xu Feng couldn't forcefully terminate it.

"Save me, I am willing to dedicate my loyalty to you!" A ghost voice sounded in Xu Feng's mind: "I know that this strange fire was bred in the lava sea under the volcano, and I can dedicate it to you!"

"Different fire?"

These two words sounded like thunder in Xu Feng's mind, causing his face to change, and his eyes were as big as copper bells.

Without further ado, Xu Feng rushed to the bone fire dragon, reached out and grabbed one of the bone fire dragon's toe bones, and sent a thought to the bone fire dragon: "Don't resist!"

The next moment, the Bone Fire Dragon disappeared, and Xu Feng took it into his personal secret realm. The remaining lightning bolts struck the iron chain that the Bone Fire Dragon was lying on before. For a moment, countless sparks flew everywhere.

Xu Feng put the Charmander Bone into the portable space, and the power of the space directly cut off the chains that bound the Charmander Bone. At the same time, when the Charmander Bone let go of his mind, Xu Feng controlled the moment he put it into the portable space. It was also torn partly and merged into Xu Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, Xu Feng's upper limit of [-] points of mental power was also reduced by [-] points, leaving only [-] points of upper limit of mental power!
This is the consequence of forcing a pet contract without using the contract scroll.Xu Feng also had a few sandworm pets before, but they used blood contracts, and blood contracts can only be used on flesh and blood creatures, and undead creatures cannot use blood contracts.

What Xu Feng used was the most dangerous contract with the lowest success rate. As long as the contracted creature relaxed his mind and tore part of his soul at the same time, Xu Feng would permanently lose part of his upper limit of mental power as the price of the contract. The soul torn off by the creature is refused, and used to control the contracted creature.

You should know that for pets signed with a pet contract, the status between the owner and the pet is equal. If the owner treats the pet badly, the pet can also go on strike.

However, Xu Feng's method of forcibly splitting the soul of the contracted creature is an unequal slave contract. As long as the soul of the contracted pet is integrated with his lost spiritual power, the life and death of the contracted creature will be completely controlled by Xu Feng. hands.


(End of this chapter)

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