Chapter 48 Test
On Monday, Xu Feng and his aunt came to the school together. As soon as they entered the school gate, the two were separated. Xu Feng walked towards the teaching building, while the accompanying parents were brought to the viewing platform.

When he came to the classroom, Xu Feng glanced at Zheng Hao's seat. Zheng Hao didn't come, and he seemed to have asked for leave.

You know, today is the college entrance examination test. If you ask for leave, you will automatically give up the college entrance examination. The homeroom teacher kept calling, as if to contact Zheng Hao, but no matter who you called, no one answered, and you were worried. .

At this moment, the radio in the classroom rang.

"All high school seniors, please gather at the school playground and get ready to start the college entrance examination!"

The students in the classroom who had obtained their initial occupations immediately stood up excitedly, and even those students who had not obtained their initial occupations also became excited.

Not getting the initial job, not becoming the apostle of the secret realm, does not mean that one's own quality is poor, and is not qualified to become the apostle of the secret realm, there are also some people who did not get the initial job because of bad luck, or are arrogant and look down on the ordinary potential level The initial occupation, if you want to enter the secret university, you can get a better initial occupation at a higher starting point.

Such people will suffer a bit during the college entrance examination, because compared with other people who have obtained initial occupations, they will have one less chance to comprehensively strengthen their physical attributes, and their test scores will be lower.

However, if such students can get a better qualification evaluation during the test, they will often get higher resources than others after enrollment.

Of course, the vast majority of students who did not obtain their initial occupations were all due to their poor physical fitness. Those who were able to obtain higher scores in the test without comprehensive strengthening and improvement were very few, as rare as a feather , the entire third grade may not be able to find one person.

"Everyone line up and follow me to the playground test. Who, stop jumping, adjust your mentality, save some energy, and try to get a good score in the test!" The head teacher finally gave up and continued to contact Zheng Hao and his family, and started The students in the command class lined up to go to the school playground.

At this time, the playground was extremely lively. In the past, students from the second and first year of high school and even junior high school were allowed to come and watch the fun, but today, only accompanying parents were allowed to watch the ceremony, and no one else was allowed to enter.

After all, there were too many teachers from various colleges and universities who came to Songtao No. [-] Middle School to recruit students this time. Some schools even led teams with a team of more than a dozen people.

It is possible to recruit students who have obtained S-level initial occupations. Which college can resist such a temptation?

On the school playground, a nine-story crystal tower with a height of more than two meters has been erected. This is a test tower for testing the potential of students. Previously, the test tower of Songtao No. [-] Middle School has always used six floors, but this time, the Songtao City Education Bureau I personally moved the top nine-story test tower here.

All of them show the importance attached to this college entrance examination.

"Nine-story test tower, the top test tower in China!" A student said in surprise, "Today is really an eye-opener."

"Hey, I heard that the nine-story test tower has a certain chance of granting talent to the tester when testing potential. I don't know if it's true!" Someone whispered excitedly.

"I know this, it's true! It's been spread on the Internet. In the whole of China, as long as there is a middle school with an S-level first-level secret realm, they are eligible to use the top nine-story test tower. Before, I wondered if we would have one. Opportunity, unexpectedly, the opportunity really came, it's just amazing!"

"Those transfer students really took advantage of it. Not only did many of them get B-level and A-level initial occupations, but even the nine-story test tower can be used!"

"Okay, what are you complaining about? Is there any quota limit? Whether you can get talent or not depends on yourself. It doesn't matter how many people there are..."

"Okay, keep your voice down!" The head teacher frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "The test tower is essentially a small secret realm. Just relax and leave everything to chance."

"I see that those people on the rostrum are all admissions teachers from various colleges and universities in China. All the top, first-rate, second-rate, and third-rate universities in the secret realm have come. All your performances are seen by these admissions teachers. The test scores are just one. On the other hand, it also depends on your overall quality!"

The head teacher's words made the eyes of the students who had only obtained D-level and E-level initial occupations brighten up, and they regained their spirits.

Xu Feng sighed slightly in his heart, high school students are still too naive, they believe whatever the teacher says!There is only one standard for the college entrance examination, which is the potential score. The higher the potential score, the more favored you will be by the higher-level secret university, and you will get more resources after entering the school.

In his previous life, Xu Feng's test scores were very low, and the six-story test tower had no effect on activating his talent. It can be said that Xu Feng missed an opportunity to activate his talent in vain in his previous life.

Now seeing the top nine-story test tower appearing in front of my eyes, I couldn't help but feel a desire in my heart.

There is not only one way to acquire talent, but it is definitely the easiest way to pass the top test tower. In his previous life, Xu Feng also obtained a lot of talent on his future growth path, but the level is very ordinary.

After Xu Feng drank Qingfeng Yuye, he obtained a special effect of "permanently increasing the recovery speed of mental power by 10%". In a sense, it can also be regarded as a kind of talent.

"You can't have too much talent, and you can't have too low a grade. As long as you get it, you'll earn it!" Xu Feng's mouth curled up slightly, and he looked at the nine-story test tower with a hint of burning in his eyes.

"Quiet, everyone be quiet!"

On the rostrum, Principal Wei Hong stood in front of the microphone with a happy face and shouted loudly.

"Students, the era you are living in now can be said to be the best era, but also the worst era! The appearance of the secret realm changes everyone's worldview, outlook on life and values ​​all the time!"

"Some people can become apostles of the secret realm and soar into the sky! But they will also face greater dangers, and they will die young! Some people, although unwilling, can only become ordinary people for the rest of their lives, but they can live in peace Living a lifetime, these two kinds of life, no one can dare to insist that the latter is definitely not as good as the former!"

"The college entrance examination is a dragon gate. If you jump over it, you will become a secret apostle in the future. Your life will become rich and colorful, and danger will be with you for life! If you can't jump over it, even as an ordinary person, in the future, It may not be as exciting as the apostles of the secret realm! Finally, here, I wish all the third-year students of Songtao No. [-] Middle School a good score in the test!"

"Now, the college entrance examination begins, please step forward one by one and touch the test tower!"

After Wei Hong finished speaking, all the high school seniors who were preparing for the test on the playground were all excited, gearing up, looking eager to try.


(End of this chapter)

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