Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 511 Golden Fin Dolphin

Chapter 511 Golden Fin Dolphin

Although the golden fin dolphin is precious, in Zhou Mo's opinion, it is far inferior to the ten contestants in front of him. You must know that the ten contestants in front of him are from tens of millions of college students in the country. It's a certainty. As for whether they can take the last step, no one knows, but the ten people in front of them obviously have a much better chance than the others.

If these people get hurt here, Zhou Mo and the others will definitely be punished. Most importantly, they may ruin the future of these students, so the gain outweighs the gain.

"Ms. Zhou, they are just some golden dolphins. As long as they don't meet the golden dolphin king, how can those ordinary dolphins pose a threat to us?" A contestant wearing the uniform of Xijing University said a little dissatisfied.

Zhou Mo suddenly laughed angrily. The ship they were on had a very strong defensive formation, and it could withstand ordinary attacks. But since the warning was issued in advance, it is obvious that the group of golden fin dolphins they encountered had the ability to destroy the ship. The strength of the ship, I am afraid that the number of golden fin dolphins is at least three hundred, and it is very likely that there will be a golden fin dolphin king.

Zhou Mo wanted to say something, but was stopped by the senior apostle mentor with a smile.

"Old Zhou, since they don't want to go down, let's stay here!" Fan Xiong glanced at these students and said, "They are all a group of restless masters. We can protect them for a while, but we can't protect them for the rest of our lives. We will suffer sooner." It’s better to learn a lesson than to fall down and be unable to get up again in the future!”

"That's right, Professor Zhou, besides, we are still there to protect you!" Another escort teacher echoed with a smile.

Zhou Mo had no choice but to nod when he heard the words, and stopped insisting. When the other contestants saw it, they cheered and jumped up, one by one, leaning on the side of the boat, looking into the distance, wanting to be the first to spot the golden fin dolphin.

After a while, a large wave of Jinhuanghuang appeared in the sky. Each of these golden-finned dolphins was more than three meters in size, and their skin was black and blue. Only the fins of Jinhuanghuang looked very beautiful.

The golden dolphin kept jumping out of the water, and it looked like a rolling wave, rushing towards the ship.

"It's strange, these golden fin dolphins seem to come here specially for us..." Professor Zhou Mo stared at the golden fin dolphins, and couldn't help but whispered.

The sea is wide and endless, and the ship is like a drop in the ocean in the ocean. The probability of the sailing route colliding with the group of golden fin dolphins is too small, almost zero, and at this time the ships have turned to avoid, but these golden fin dolphins are still rushing towards the ship Come on, it's obviously not as simple as bumping into it by accident.

Soon, the group of golden fin dolphins was getting closer and closer. The smiles of the excited contestants quickly disappeared from their faces, and each of them became cautious and ready for battle.

A light blue light curtain rose quickly, enveloping the entire ship. This is the ship's built-in defense formation, which can resist the attacks of low-level apostles. At the same time, the three main guns on the ship are also all Aimed at these golden fin dolphins.


When the golden dolphins were 800 meters away from the ship, the captain gave an attack order. For a while, the guns roared, and the three main guns roared at the group of golden dolphins, and shells hit the fish school one by one.

At the same time, the two rapid-fire guns were also ready, waiting for the golden fin dolphin to enter the attack range before attacking.

The shells exploded in the group of golden dolphins, blowing them out one by one, but the moment these golden dolphins were attacked, a layer of water rippled on the surface of their blue-black skin. Even if it was hit by a shell in the front and flew out, it was only slightly injured. After falling into the water, it quickly joined the school of fish and continued to rush towards the ship.

The three main guns fired hundreds of shells, but only slightly slowed down the approaching speed of the group of golden dolphins, and not a single golden dolphin was killed!
"Is the defense of the third-level spirit beast so strong? Can it face the main gun of the battleship?" A student showed a shocked expression on his face and couldn't help asking loudly.

"Those are not ordinary third-level spirit beasts, each of which is equivalent to a third-level peak strength elite boss!" Zhou Mo said with a cold snort: "Coupled with their racial talents, every one more within a hundred meters Companion, the overall defense is increased by 5%, and the damage can be shared equally. Unless you have the strength to kill all the golden fin dolphins within a [-]-meter range with one blow, otherwise, if you encounter a group of golden fin dolphins, it is best to avoid them. A wise response!"

"We can't escape now!" the student whispered.

"Hehe, with your current strength, it's okay to encounter a small number of golden fin dolphins, but if the number exceeds a hundred, you have to be careful!" A middle-level teacher on the other side reminded with a smile.

You know, each of them has the peak strength of the third level, but in the face of hot weapons, if it is some small-caliber pistols, they still have the confidence to resist with their bodies, but the main gun of the battleship, as long as it is not an apostle who specializes in body training, one shot Cannonballs can put them directly into a near-death state.

If you want to rely on your body to resist the main guns of the battleship, you must reach the peak of the middle level, or even a high-level apostle.

Xu Feng stared at the roaring main cannon, and calculated in his mind that with his current strength, he was still a little weak against the main cannon attack head-on, but as long as he was not hit directly, it was only the explosion and flying shrapnel, with his Now the defenses of the black iron body and the devouring body can still be resisted.

The most important thing is that with only three main cannons, it is almost impossible to hit Xu Feng, and with the effect of controlling energy, Xu Feng can even slightly change the route of the cannonball during flight, even The shells were detonated ahead of time, so three or five warships on the sea would not be able to pose a threat to Xu Feng.

"Apostles are the only ones who can pose a threat to the apostles!" Xu Feng couldn't help but whispered the most famous sentence from his previous life.

Da Da Da~
Two rapid-fire cannons started to attack, with hundreds of shells per second, which can easily tear through the defense of any steel warship, but they are very powerless when facing the golden fin dolphin!

A gold-finned dolphin suddenly leaped high and slammed into the ship's defensive circle. For a while, the light curtain of the defensive circle rippled, but the golden-finned dolphin was hit with blood on its head and let out a miserable cry. screamed, and fell into the sea.

Suddenly Xu Feng's eyes lit up, he grabbed forward with both hands, and yanked back violently. This golden dolphin, which was about to fall into the sea, seemed to be grabbed by an invisible big hand, and was pulled up abruptly. deck!

"Huh, Yuan Control?" Teacher Zhou Mo on the side showed a look of surprise on his face.

"It's not like element control technique, there is no element force fluctuation, and at his current level, even if he learns element control technique, it is impossible to catch this golden dolphin through the defensive circle!" Another teacher shook He shook his head and said in a low voice.

The two teachers subconsciously looked towards Fan Xiong, who had the highest level of strength.

After pondering for a moment, Fan Xiong shook his head and said, "It's a bit like the art of controlling qi. I can feel a wave of airflow. However, the technique of controlling qi requires extremely high talent. With his current strength, I'm afraid there is no way to get started!"

Several teachers discussed in low voices, but Xu Feng looked excited, took out a spiritual weapon dagger, and jumped towards the injured golden fin dolphin.


(End of this chapter)

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