Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 517 Cultivation of Immortals

Chapter 517 Cultivation of Immortals
"The Knife Grinder belongs to the sect of cultivating immortals, and what he pursues is the way of eternal life!" The old man sighed.

Xu Feng's expression moved. There were indeed many sects of cultivating immortals in his previous life. The Xuantian Sect he met in the secret realm before was one of them. The three major gates in the real world are actually related to sects of cultivating immortals. Xu Feng Feng had planned to join a sect of cultivating immortals before, but the sect he expected had not yet appeared in the world, so he had to wait patiently for a few more years.

After the Tongtian Pagoda appeared and the Three Ranks of Heaven, Earth and Human appeared, the sects of cultivating immortals in various secret realms would gradually enter the real world and recruit disciples. At that time, there would be another battle between dragons and tigers.

In the previous life, Xu Feng was too weak to be qualified to participate in it, but in this life, Xu Feng believed that with his current strength, he would definitely have no problem joining a good cultivating sect.

"Do you think I'm lying to you?" Seeing that Xu Feng was unmoved, the old man frowned and asked.

"Hehe, old man, since it's a sect of cultivating immortals, why don't they open their doors and recruit disciples in a fair manner, instead of stealing people everywhere?" Xu Feng sneered.

"The knife sharpener grinds the body, the heart, and the soul..."

"There are [-] lines in the sect, and each line can only have one true inheritor!" The old man sighed: "I was nearly forty years old before I obtained the fate of immortality and set foot on the road of cultivating immortality. Up to now, it has been eight years. For ten years, after going through hundreds of worlds, I have been unable to take a single step!"

"The immortal road is difficult, the immortal road is difficult!" The old man's face was flushed, and he sat down slowly, took out a whetstone and a rusty dagger, and slowly sharpened it.

"You are now a ninth-level peak apostle. As long as you start the trial and pass it successfully, you can become a detached person!" Xu Feng said calmly, "A detached person is no different from the fairy you mentioned, right? Why? Why don't you do it?"

"You actually know the detached one?" Surprise appeared in the old man's eyes. Only high-ranking apostles would have access to the information about the detached one, and generally high-ranking apostles would not spread the information about the detached one. Most of the apostles in the secret realm, Everyone thinks that the ninth-level apostle is the apex that can be reached, and they don't know that there are higher-level existences above the ninth-level apostle.

Xu Feng just smiled and didn't speak.

The old man stared at him for a long time, shook his head and said, "It's so difficult to become a detached person..."

"Forget it, I don't bother to talk to you so much anymore, take a break, I will take you back to the sect, as long as you can become a high-level apostle within three years, I will hand over the inheritance of my lineage to you!" The old man continued: "Don't think that I am harming you. After three years, when you become a high-level apostle, you will understand how lucky you are!"

"What if I don't become a high-ranking apostle after three years?" Xu Feng couldn't help asking.

"That means that you have no destiny with my lineage of immortality!" The old man suddenly sneered, and said, "Since there is no destiny, what does your life have to do with me?"


Fan Xiong opened his eyes and found that he was already lying on the hospital bed. At this time, his whole body was wrapped in bandages like rice dumplings, only his eyes and mouth were exposed.

"Professor Fan woke up!" The escort who had been guarding the bed saw Fan Xiong open his eyes, and immediately rushed out of the ward and shouted.

After a while, a group of people gathered around one after another. Fan Xiong glanced at it and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Those who have been guarding outside his ward are all from the Sixth University and the City Guards Department.

Seeing that Fan Xiong woke up, a member of the city guard office couldn't wait to ask.

"Professor Fan, you are awake, can you tell me in detail what happened?"

The disappearance of the top ten players in the college student league quickly spread throughout the country. It was like an earthquake, and everyone who followed the league was stunned.

"Ahem, it was done by an organization claiming to be the Witch League and an organization called the Knife Grinder!" Fan Xiong took a deep breath, endured the pain all over his body, and slowly began to see and hear everything he heard. out.

Fan Xiong didn't know that the Knife Grinder was just a person's name, not an organization's name, and trying to find an organization with this name was tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

While everyone was shocked by this incident, Xu Feng was taken to a secret place by the old man.

The sect that the old man said was in this secret realm. To Xu Feng's surprise, the level of this secret realm turned out to be level nine. Even in his previous life, Xu Feng had never entered a secret realm with such a high level. In this life, he was only a low-level apostle, yet he actually entered a ninth-level secret realm.

"This, this is a level nine secret realm!" Xu Feng said in surprise.

You know, low-level apostles have no way to enter high-level secret realms, let alone ninth-level secret realms. With Xu Feng's current strength, even fourth-level secret realms cannot enter, and the power of the world will block him from the entrance of the secret realm. .

"Hehe, it's good to know that it's a ninth-level secret realm. Don't run around after entering. With your strength, it's easy to lose your life in this secret realm!" The old man smiled and pulled Xu Feng to continue walking forward.

In fact, this ninth-level secret realm has been completely conquered by the sect where the old man lives, and all dangers are within the controllable range. The entire secret realm belongs to the sect.

Soon, the two came to a mountain gate. The rocky ground was flat and open, extending from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain!

At the foot of the mountain there is a huge archway with several large characters written on it.

"The School of Ten Thousand Laws!"

The font is strong and powerful, Xu Feng only glanced at it twice, and the sound of wind and thunder, and the neighing of dragons and tigers sounded in his ears, which scared him away quickly.

"Elder Mo Dao!" The two disciples who had been guarding the doorway hurried forward to salute the old man.

"Yeah!" The Knife Grinder nodded lightly, grabbed Xu Feng's shoulder, and continued to walk forward.

Seeing the two leaving, the two disciples guarding the gate began to whisper.

"Elder Mo Dao has arrested another inheritor? In the past few years, the elders have arrested one person every one or two months. There are about thirty or forty people, right?"

"Hehe, I'm in a hurry now, what did I do long ago? His vein will probably become a hidden vein in a short time!"

"Hey, if it weren't for the fact that the martial art of that branch is too difficult to practice, I would like to give it a try. After all, as long as you get started, you can become a true disciple, and in a few years you can become the master of the branch. It's very cool to think about it. ah!"

"Haha, based on your aptitude, you still want to become a pulse master, so just guard the gate with me honestly!"


(End of this chapter)

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