Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 536 Re-entering the Shrine of Dry Bones

Chapter 536 Re-entering the Shrine of Dry Bones
"You can only specify to enter the secret realm that you have been to? Fortunately, I have been to the bone secret realm, otherwise it will be troublesome!" Xu Feng was surprised and couldn't help but feel scared for a while.

If he has not been to the secret realm of the Temple of Dry Bones, he cannot use the star gate to go there, then the secret realm of the Temple of Dry Bones is likely to follow the trajectory of the previous life, and it will explode completely in the past few days. At that time, the entire key delivery will be involved. Naturally bear the brunt, then his previous actions to save his father will become meaningless.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng couldn't help but burst into cold sweat.

"Choose 2! Go to the secret realm of the Temple of Dry Bones!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

In an instant, the three hundred star coins held by Xu Feng turned into a stream of light and merged into the void. Xu Feng suddenly felt top-heavy, as if being pulled forward by a mysterious force, even if it was the magical power of controlling energy, It also loses its utility at this time.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Feng suddenly felt that his feet were hard, and he staggered, barely standing still, but there was a cracking sound from his feet.

Looking down, it turned out to be a skeleton.

"It didn't turn into an undead creature?" Xu Feng showed a look of surprise on his face. The skeleton under his feet was in complete shape. In the environment like the withered bone temple secret realm, it should be transformed into an undead creature very quickly, but now It doesn't, which is kind of weird.

"No, the breath of undead in this secret realm seems to be much weaker, not even one-tenth of what it was before!" Xu Feng stood upright for a while, and immediately noticed the strangeness of the secret realm.

The last time Xu Feng entered the secret realm, the aura of undead in the secret realm was already thick enough to condense into rain and fog. Not to mention a corpse, even if a living ordinary person entered the secret realm, it would not be long before it would turn into a corpse. undead creature.

The apostle of the secret realm with a physique lower than 20 enters the secret realm, and will be eroded by the breath of the undead in the secret realm at all times. He must wear a special isolation suit, but wearing that isolation suit will affect the battle, which is why One of the reasons why the withered bone temple secret realm is only a third-level secret realm, but its difficulty is comparable to that of a fourth-level or even fifth-level secret realm.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng raised his head and looked around, and looked towards the volcano where the Bone Charmander was found before. The active volcano that had been emitting thick smoke and sparks before has now also quieted down and turned into an extinct volcano.

Seeing this volcano, Xu Feng thought of the bone fire dragon, and directly summoned the bone fire dragon from the secret realm.

At this time, the Bone Fire Dragon was lying on a spiritual vein in the backyard of Xu's house, sleeping comfortably, and was summoned directly by Xu Feng, and suddenly felt a little dazed. He looked at Xu Feng innocently, as if to let Xu Feng Then take it back to the portable secret realm.

But soon, the Bone Fire Dragon seemed to have discovered something, let out a roar of surprise, and jumped up and down towards the dead volcano that was already silent in the distance.

At this time, the Bone Charmander was already more than three meters long, and it looked no different from an ordinary adult tiger and bear, but Xu Feng knew that the Bone Charmander was still immature at this time, at least its pair of bone wings had not fully grown come out.

The Bone Fire Dragon, which is fused with different fires, has unlimited potential. Once it grows up, it will become Xu Feng's greatest support.

Seeing the Bone Fire Dragon happily running towards the old home, Xu Feng also had a smile on his lips. This secret realm is undoubtedly a dangerous place for others, but for the Bone Fire Dragon, it is just a place of high return. just home.

"Go to the first temple first, will my father ask someone to leave some clues for me?" Xu Feng thought to himself.

Soon, Xu Feng came to the first temple. Xu Feng had already explored this temple last time, and it was precisely because he killed the stump of the arm that the entire temple was destroyed. It also increases the power of the lich in a disguised form, and at the same time accelerates the recovery of the lich in a disguised form.

Looking at the Temple of White Bone, which had become a ruined wall, Xu Feng was silent, and searched carefully for a long time, but he couldn't find any message from Xu Nantian.

Xu Feng had no choice but to shake his head, took out a piece of ordinary metal material, used forging techniques to forge it into a treasure chest-like object, and put a letter that had already been written inside.

At the same time, he pressed ten taels of gold on the letter, and left a message saying "Send this letter to the City Guard Office of Songtao City, and you will get a piece of spiritual power equipment!".

At this stage, the spiritual weapon is still very attractive to a low-level apostle. Xu Feng uses the treasure box to attract the attention of the apostle who enters, and at the same time drives them away with profit. Regardless of whether the apostle who found the treasure box is Song Tao or not People from the City Guard Office will have a high probability of handing over this letter to his father Xu Nantian.

Xu Feng looked at the treasure chest and couldn't help sighing. This first temple of bones is the closest temple to the entrance of the secret realm. If you want to go to other temples, you need to pass through here. Put the treasure chest here, there is a high probability People will find out, but whether the letter will be delivered to his father Xu Nantian depends on luck.

If you don't enter through the star gate, you can't leave through the entrance of the secret realm normally, even if you leave, you will go back to Wanfazong directly. Now Xu Feng can't wait to return to Songtao City immediately.

After finishing all this, Xu Feng walked directly towards the second temple. If he wanted to truly kill the final boss of this secret realm, he had to restore it completely before killing it.

People in this small world before didn't know where the phylactery of this lich was, so they could only dismember it and suppress it. What the phylactery is is also known by the world, so Xu Feng already knew what its phylactery was and where it hid it.

Soon, Xu Feng stood in front of the gate of the second bone temple, which suppressed the left leg of the Lich. The moment Xu Feng stepped into the temple, all the originally silent undead creatures in the temple suddenly disappeared. After waking up, several skeleton warriors at the entrance of the temple suddenly had green flames burning in their eye sockets, shook the thick layer of dust covering their bodies, pulled out their bone knives and shields, and rushed towards Xu Feng .

The talent attribute, the enemy of the undead with the body of black iron, makes Xu Feng the public enemy of the undead creatures. As long as they sense Xu Feng's existence, the undead creatures will ignore the detection between levels and strengths, and attack Xu Feng endlessly .

This is an honor that can only be obtained when the relationship reaches the "mortal enemy".

Seeing several third-level undead warriors shaking and rushing towards him, Xu Feng flipped his wrist, and a stack of soul fire talismans appeared in his palm.

One, two, three...

A soul fire talisman against a skeleton warrior directly exploded the skeleton warrior's body!
The level of the soul fire talisman has been raised to the full level, plus the damage bonus of the enemy of the undead, the ordinary third-level mobs can't withstand Xu Feng's casual blow at all.

In the Temple of White Bone, Xu Feng swept all the way, and soon came to the hall of the temple where the left leg of the stump was suppressed.


(End of this chapter)

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