Chapter 553 Disciple
Seeing the main mission, Xu Feng couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

"What kind of weird world is this that can affect the apostle system?" Xu Feng was surprised.

In Xu Feng's view, the apostle system runs through all the heavens and worlds. Not to mention a small third-level secret realm, even a ninth-level secret realm, the apostle system will not have any problems.

Even in his previous life, he experienced hundreds of secret realms, many of which had eight or nine rules of instant death, but this situation has never happened today.

"The main task is to look up at the moon?" Xu Feng suddenly felt chills all over. The instant death rule in this strange world is that you can't look up at the moon, but the main task has been tampered with, and Xu Feng doesn't even know the punishment for mission failure.

As long as the task penalty for advancing to the secret realm is not of the Flesh Mill type, there is a high probability that there will be no penalty of directly obliterating the task failure, but no one can guarantee that this kind of failure penalty will not appear, in case it happens...

"You will die if you do the task, and you may die if you don't do the task. Even the result is more terrible than death. For example..." Xu Feng looked straight ahead, looked left and right, and said in a low voice: "If the task punishment is to stay forever In this secret realm, it would be better to die!"

"There are still three or four hours before night, and before that, I must find a safe place!" Xu Feng said to himself.

The surroundings look very quiet and peaceful, but that doesn't mean it will always be like this. According to the previous mission background introduction, the most dangerous time in the secret realm must be at night when the moon appears.

Although Xu Feng was also very curious about what the red moon with eyeballs looked like, he would never take the initiative to die and look up.

Leaving the grass, Xu Feng ran along the plastic runway towards the towering residential buildings in the distance. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the opposite side, with his head held high, motionless, as if he was staring fixedly at the top of his head. what.

Xu Feng's heart sank, and he subconsciously wanted to stay away from this figure. He was obviously bewitched, and looked up at the red moon, causing a mutated monster.

In the weird world, one cannot underestimate any weird creature, otherwise, it is likely to violate the immediate death rule of this world without knowing it.

Just when Xu Feng was about to take a detour and leave here quickly, he suddenly saw this figure in the distance, who was wearing the clothes of an inner disciple of Wanfazong.

"This is the disciple who is preparing to advance to the middle-level apostle with me..." Xu Feng thought to himself.

In Wanfazong, most of the disciples are natives of the ninth-level secret realm, but there are also quite a few of them, like Xu Feng, are apostles recruited from the real world.

This situation will change after the Tongtian Tower appears. At that time, most of the restrictions between the secret realm and the real world will gradually disappear, and the fusion between the secret realm and the real world will accelerate, and the creatures in the secret realm will also be able to be aboveboard. appear in the real world.

The various sects in the secret realm also began to vigorously recruit disciples in the real world. From then on, the number of disciples in these sects that entered the world began to increase greatly.

However, Xu Feng had never heard of Wanfazong's sect in his previous life, and it is obviously not a secular sect. It should be the same as those legendary hidden sects, it is a sect that escapes from the world. I don't know if the disciples will be apostles in the future. Disciples are the main ones.

Seeing that it was the sect disciple who participated in the promotion with him, Xu Feng stopped immediately, hesitated for a moment, and continued to walk forward.

"We can't just ignore death, let's see if there is any hope of saving us..." Xu Feng thought to himself, "It seems that the moon doesn't appear in the sky at night, but also during the day."

This also confirmed Xu Feng's previous guess that the world is in an environment where the rule of death may be violated anytime and anywhere, even in the daytime, it is not safe.

"Never look up at the sky!" Xu Feng muttered silently, wanting to deepen his impression and prevent the appearance of instinctively looking up.

Xu Feng stopped ten meters away from the disciple who was looking up at the sky, and asked, "Senior brother, are you alright?"

There are too many lineages of Wanfazong, and the costumes of the inner disciples are almost exactly the same, only some changes are made in certain positions to show the difference, just like Xu Feng's grinding knife lineage, this is a different piece at the hem of the skirt. In an eye-catching corner, the word "grinding" is embroidered.

Some sects use colors or simple patterns to distinguish their own sects from other sects. Looking from behind, there is nothing different about the clothing of the inner disciple in front of him.

"The moonlight is so beautiful, let's look up at the moon..." The inner disciple with his head held up slowly turned around, and with his head held up, he also slowly looked straight ahead, staring at Xu Feng and muttering to himself .

"The moonlight is so beautiful, look up at the moon, the moonlight is so beautiful, look up at the moon..."

This disciple seemed to be dazed, his eyes were dull, and he kept murmuring, walking towards Xu Feng slowly.

Xu Feng frowned slightly. It seemed that this disciple had completely lost his self-awareness and was controlled by something.

The next moment, Xu Feng felt his hair stand on end. He found the disciple's forehead, cheeks, and even neck...

As long as the skin was exposed, pairs of eyes were opened, and these eyes were all looking straight at Xu Feng.

At the same time, the voice that was originally just a murmur began to grow louder and louder in Xu Feng's ears, as if a magic voice filled his ears. After a while, his ears felt a tingling pain.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the Shura vines that were originally shrunk into a ball seemed to be stimulated. The 48 auxiliary vines all unrolled, opening their teeth and claws, like tentacles ready to pounce.

At the same time, Xu Feng received constant danger warnings deep in his heart, and the C-level talent "Iron Will" in the skill bar also began to shine slightly, obviously passively triggered.

"It's a pity..." Xu Feng frowned, sighed, and turned to leave.

However, this disciple who had completely lost his mind kept staring at Xu Feng. Seeing Xu Feng leave, the disciple also started to quicken his pace and rushed towards Xu Feng.

"The moon is so beautiful, look up at the moon..."

The disciple felt eager to share it with others. As he ran faster and faster, there was a sound of bone breaking and rubbing.

Xu Feng looked back, and saw that the disciple was already on all fours, with his head turned upside down, like a big spider, quickly pounced towards him.

In just a few minutes, this disciple's face has become ferocious, his tongue sticks out more than a foot long, and his fangs are also quickly sticking out. There are red eyes shining all over his body. .

"Monster..." Xu Feng sighed, stopped, flipped his right hand, took out a Soul Fire Talisman, and threw it towards the disciple who was getting closer.


(End of this chapter)

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