Chapter 557 Monsters
Xu Feng was driving an off-road vehicle on the road.

The journey is not all smooth sailing. Most of the time, the roads will be blocked by scrapped cars, and some of them will even spread hundreds of meters long. People continue to drive towards the shelter in the car.

Chai Lu was surprised by Xu Feng's strength, but this situation has been encountered more than once in the search for materials in the past few days. Even those alienated monsters with eyes all over their bodies are not Xu Feng's opponents. A car that weighs more than two tons is naturally a simple matter.

Soon, the two left the city and got on the highway. When they got here, there were a lot fewer scrapped cars blocking the road, and Xu Feng was finally able to drive faster.

"Try to reach the shelter in the evening!" Xu Feng laughed.

The journey of more than 300 kilometers, if there is no traffic jam, will take more than four hours at most. At this time, there are still nearly ten hours before dark, so there is still plenty of time.

If there is no accident, the accident happened very quickly. When the off-road vehicle drove to a viaduct, halfway through, Xu Feng suddenly stepped on the brake.

There was a piercing sound of rubbing, and the off-road vehicle left two black tire marks on the viaduct. It rushed forward seven or eight meters before finally stopping.

Chai Lu rushed forward. If she hadn't been wearing a seat belt, she would have hit her head on the windshield, causing her head to bleed.

"What's wrong?" Chai Lu rubbed her shoulders and asked.

"The road is broken!" Xu Feng said expressionlessly, unfastened his seat belt, got off the off-road vehicle, and walked forward.

Chai Lu hurriedly got out of the car and followed Xu Feng closely. After spending the past few days together, Chai Lu has discovered that staying by Xu Feng's side is the safest.

The two walked forward for five or six meters, and suddenly found that the viaduct in front of them had completely collapsed. If they wanted to continue walking, they had to fly at least a few hundred meters away with an off-road vehicle.

For Xu Feng, this difficulty is nothing, but under the viaduct, there is a huge pothole at the place where the viaduct collapsed. It is at least 20 meters high from the viaduct. Looking from the top down, it is dark and deep. Bottomless.

"What should I do now?" Chai Lu frowned. If she took a detour, it would take at least two hours and gasoline consumption should also be taken into account. This off-road vehicle can hold [-] liters of gasoline.
Xu Feng didn't speak, but stood on the edge of the broken viaduct, looking towards the huge pothole with a diameter of more than [-] meters below.

From this huge pothole, there is a very dangerous feeling faintly. It seems that there should be some powerful monster hidden inside.

"Be careful, there are monsters below!" Xu Feng whispered.

Chai Lu's complexion changed slightly, and she subconsciously took two steps back. One can imagine the strength of this monster to make Xu Feng so cautious.

This was also the case when I searched for supplies with Xu Feng before. Once in danger, Xu Feng would always stand up to protect Chai Lu at the first time, so Chai Lu has formed a conditioned reflex.

When Xu Feng stepped on it, a big hole was immediately created, the ground cracked, and with a slight hook of his toe, a piece of concrete the size of a football jumped up.

Xu Feng took advantage of the opportunity to kick the piece of concrete towards the pothole below. Compared with the huge pothole with a diameter of more than [-] meters, this piece of gravel is like a grain of sand.

A dull impact sound came from the pothole quickly. After a few seconds, no monsters appeared in the pothole, as if it was just an abandoned deep pit.

Xu Feng waited for a while with a blank face. After a while, he took out a soul fire talisman from the space package, and was about to throw it towards the pit.

At this moment, a heart-piercing roar suddenly came from the pit, as if a red-hot steel needle was stabbing the ears of Xu Feng and Chai Lu.

Chai Lu let out a muffled snort, blood flowed out of her ears and nose quickly, her body went limp, and she fell on the viaduct.

Xu Feng frowned slightly, this neighing sound was simply a sonic attack, not to mention Chai Lu, even a third-level apostle, who was unprepared for such a blow, would directly fall into a coma.

Xu Feng's soul had already been forged into a ball of steel because of his practice of tempering the spirit. Even so, he felt a slight pain in his head, and his eyes suddenly went dark.

This state lasted for two or three seconds, and when Xu Feng recovered, a huge tentacle about [-] meters long suddenly appeared in front of him.

This tentacle is like a giant octopus tentacle, covered with suction cups the size of a millstone, and there are countless eyes, large and small, on the surface of the tentacles. Even the location of the suction cups has a gap, a strange eyeball, Rotate back and forth in it.

This tentacle protruded into the air, but the eyes on it all stared at Xu Feng. Being stared at by hundreds of large and small eyes, even Xu Feng felt a chill.

Xu Feng raised his right hand and launched the attack first. The thirty soul fire talismans appeared insignificant in front of this thick tentacle, like moths flying to the flame.

Boom, boom, boom~
The paper talisman was quickly attached to the tentacles, and it exploded with a bang. A puff of dark red mist overflowed from the wound, like fresh blood flowing out.

The tentacles were irritated, no, the monster with tentacles was irritated, and the next moment, one after another tentacles covered with eyes stretched out from the deep cave, clawing and clawing in the air.

After a while, a mollusk similar to a huge octopus slowly crawled out of the huge hole with a diameter of more than [-] meters under the drag of eight tentacles.

Thousands of eyes, large and small, were also covered with this monster. After its body crawled out of the hole under the pull of its eight tentacles, all the eyes looked at Xu Feng in unison. .

In an instant, a voice sounded in Xu Feng's mind.

"The moonlight is so beautiful today, look at the moon..."

Xu Feng's face changed slightly. This huge and terrifying monster can actually hypnotize himself with the countless eyes on his body.

The power of this monster is comparable to that of thousands of mutated humans. Even Xu Feng, who has practiced the spirit training technique, felt dizzy at this moment. The moment you stare at him, you may be pulled into the illusion created by the other party.

At this time, Xu Feng had a splitting headache, and the Shura vines in the sea of ​​consciousness had spread around like spider webs, protecting Xu Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

But following the piercing chanting, the vines of the Asura Vine also began to break apart one by one.

Xu Feng endured his headache, pointed at the huge monster in front of him, and squeezed out a word from his throat.

"Curse, kill, art!"

In an instant, Xu Feng's mental power was like a flood that had been released from the sluice gate. At a speed visible to the naked eye, it dropped to less than half. At the same time, a waterfall of judgment data appeared in front of Xu Feng's eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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