Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 561 Hidden title task

Chapter 561 Hidden title task
Xu Feng drove slowly into the deep cave passage, and under the guidance of Xia Wu, several people came to an underground city.

It is said to be an underground city, but it is actually an underground cave. After artificial excavation, a human gathering place has been formed.

In this underground cave, the first thing you can see is a magnificent and tall temple built on the open space.

Hundreds of houses of different sizes were built around this temple, most of which are low-rise one-story houses, occasionally with two-story and three-story small buildings interspersed among them.

From the distribution and style of these buildings, Xu Feng found that the class in this shelter does not seem to be obvious. It seems that everyone is equal, and there is no so-called privileged class.

"Maybe it's because the apocalypse hasn't been around for long, and everyone's ideas haven't changed yet. Over time, all of this will slowly change!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

In his previous life, Xu Feng had entered countless secret realms where the apocalypse came. There, all the gathering places of surviving humans would be divided into obvious class antagonisms, and some even directly regressed to the slave society.

But here, Xu Feng has not found obvious class antagonism, at most it is the relationship between the leader and the led.

The only thing that made Xu Feng feel superior was the temple with the sun logo hanging on it, which was obviously the Sun Temple that Xia Wu was talking about.

Xia Wu led the two of them to the place in charge of registration. After briefly registering their information, they arranged a residence for them.

Although it is a one-story house, it looks very simple, but this kind of condition has already made Xu Feng and Chai Lu very satisfied.

"Your information has been uploaded, and an assessment will be arranged in a few days. If you pass, you can work in this city without taking the risk of going to the ground to cultivate farmland!" Xia Wu said softly after sending the two of them to the arranged residence .

Xu Feng knew in his heart that if he and Chai Lu failed the assessment, they would probably have to go to work on the ground like those people who saw them working in the farmland when they came in before.

Working on the ground is very dangerous, not only because of the red moon that exists above the head all the time, but also all kinds of mutant monsters, so anyone with a skill will do everything possible to stay and work in this underground city.

"During the few days you've been waiting, you can go to the Temple of the Sun to pray. If you can become a believer in the Sun God, you can stay in the underground city even if you don't have a job!" Xia Wu urged again.

After Xu Feng and the two thanked Xia Wu, they watched him leave. They looked at each other, entered the room and began to pack up.

Entering the room, Xu Feng opened the main task. Sure enough, the main task changed again when he got here.

[Main task (only): I am sworn to death with evil; task introduction, this is a world full of evil spirits, all kinds of mutated creatures are rampant, and the number of human beings is out of ten. It has reached the moment of life and death... The moonlight is so beautiful, look up look at the moon! 】

"I can't live with the evil? Is this for me to hunt and kill those mutated evil spirits?" Xu Feng looked at the name of the main task and guessed in his heart.

"Although the main mission has not been fully revealed, there is obviously a power to suppress the Moon Demon here, and the name of the main mission can already be revealed. Although the mission objective and failure penalty have not appeared, this is already very good, at least it shows my The direction is right!"

"Xu Feng, what are we going to do now?" Chai Lu packed up the house, and together with Xu Feng, moved in all the supplies on the off-road vehicle. This amount of supplies is enough for the two of them to use for more than three months.

"I'm going to visit the Holy Sun Temple!" Xu Feng said, looking at the magnificent temple outside the window.

If there is a place here that can completely suppress the power of the moon demon, it must be the magnificent temple in front of you. You know, even with the productivity level of modern society, you want to build such a magnificent temple in a cave under the mountain. A building is not an easy task.

"I'll go with you!" Chai Lu glanced at the cleaned-up room, thinking that she would live in this room with Xu Feng in the future, a blush suddenly appeared on her face.

Soon, the two came to the Temple of the Holy Day together. As soon as they entered the temple, Xu Feng immediately felt the solemn and solemn atmosphere in the temple. There were more than 100 people praying in the temple, bowing their heads and reciting hymns. Praise the sun.

As soon as he stepped into the temple, Xu Feng was pleasantly surprised to find that the power of the moon demon had been completely suppressed here, and the main mission finally revealed its true face.

[Main task (only): I am sworn to death with evil; task introduction, this is a world full of evil spirits, all kinds of mutated creatures are rampant, and the number of human beings is out of ten. It has come to the moment of life and death!As an outsider, you can choose to fight for humanity and destroy the mutated evil monsters in the world!The more monsters you eliminate, the later the evil spirits will take over the world!Mission objective: Destroy the mutated evil monsters.Completion: 3.28% (when the completion reaches 100%, complete the main task!).Failure Penalty: None. 】

After reading the main quest, Xu Feng couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that although he didn't get the correct content of the main quest, everything he did was on the right path.

"The degree of completion obtained should be the mutated monsters I hunted, and the big head is probably the huge octopus monster on the viaduct!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

The stronger the monsters hunted, the higher the degree of completion must be. Seeing the main task, Xu Feng felt an urge to rush out and hunt those mutated monsters immediately.

At this moment, Xu Feng suddenly received a system prompt;
[You have entered a special area, you can get the hidden title mission, Sun God Believer (shallow)!Do you want to receive it? 】

[Hidden Title Mission - Sun God Believers (Shallow): Mission content, pray in the Holy Sun Temple for 3 hours; Mission Reward: Obtain the title of Sun God Believers;]

[Title - Sun God Believer (Light): White quality, after wearing it, strength +1, agility +1, physique +1, spirit +1, can gain a slight increase in the power to resist the spiritual erosion of the moon demon;]

"Hidden mission?" Xu Feng couldn't help but smile after reading the mission carefully, especially the title attribute.

Although the Sun God believer is only a title of white quality, the attribute is really excellent, the four-dimensional attribute +1, in other secret worlds, this attribute, at least, can only be possessed by the title of green or even blue quality.

As for the attribute of "gaining a slight increase in the power to resist the erosion of the moon demon's spirit", it is really dispensable, and the word "slightly" is already very self-explanatory.

After Xu Feng chose "accept", he began to imitate the appearance of other believers in the temple, bowing his head and praying silently.

The prayers were written according to the scriptures. Xu Feng only read one sentence when the person next to him read it. There were only a dozen prayers in total. After listening to it twice, Xu Feng had already memorized it by heart.

With just a dozen or so prayers, the believers in the temple can pray for a whole day.

Seeing Xu Feng's piousness, Chai Lu patiently began to chant. Soon, the entire church was filled with deep prayers.


(End of this chapter)

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