Chapter 57 Soul Binding
The shadow cloak has very strong attributes. Whether it is the active skill of hiding, or the attributes added to the cloak itself, it all shows that it is worthy of being a spiritual weapon.

It's just that this spiritual weapon is still slightly flawed. The third passive attribute "Ji Zi must retaliate". After suffering ten times of damage from the opponent, it can summon a nearly invincible shadow cheetah remnant soul to assist in the attack. The reason why the cloak can become a spiritual weapon.

It's just that such a powerful attribute is in a sealed state. It is necessary to kill the Shadow Cheetah's enemy and smear blood on the cloak to release the seal. For Han Dong, it will not be resolved in a short while.

This most powerful attribute has been sealed, and this cloak of a low-grade spiritual rank can only exert the effect of a top-grade mortal rank at best.

More importantly, equipping this cloak requires soul binding. After soul binding, Xu Feng can no longer change the cloak-type equipment, and has to wear it all the time. Even if there is a cloak of better quality and attributes in the future, there is no way equipment.

Moreover, the cloak cannot be destroyed. Once the cloak is destroyed, the soul bound to the cloak will no longer exist. The lack of soul has a great impact on a secret apostle.

This is probably one of the reasons why Hongmen Ge Boyang was willing to give the cloak to Xu Feng so easily. After all, a spiritual weapon must start at least a million.

After Xu Feng got the cloak, he put it on his lap and stroked it gently, but there was no sign of wanting to wear it. Zhou Zhi seemed to see that Xu Feng didn't seem to want the cloak, so he grinned and said, "If you don't want to use it, It can be sold, the price of ordinary low-level spiritual items is between 120 million and 150 million, this..., there must be no problem selling seven to eight million."

"Your current krypton gold talent, if you upgrade it by one level, the effect may be even better than wearing this cloak..."

"Think about it, there are still seven or eight hours before you enter the solo secret realm, and there is still a chance to sell it. If it is later, I am afraid it will be difficult to sell..."

"Uncle Zhou, don't bother, this cloak suits me quite well." Xu Feng smiled, twirling the cloak with his right hand, and draped it towards his shoulder.

"Hey, I said..." Zhou Zhi was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped him, but at this time the cloak was firmly on Xu Feng's shoulders, and a flash of spiritual light flashed, and Xu Feng suddenly felt a pain in the head, as if he had been slashed , but soon the pain disappeared. Instead, the cloak on his shoulders had a blood connection with him, as if the cloak was already a part of the body.

Xu Feng smiled slightly, grabbed the cloak and threw it towards the recliner next to him. As soon as the cloak fell, Xu Feng thought, the shadow cloak seemed to be grabbed by an invisible big hand, and fell towards Xu Feng's shoulder like a rebound. go.

Soul binding effect!

Soul binding is not all disadvantages, and there are many benefits of invisibility. It seems that now, the shadow cloak has become a part of your body. No matter where it falls, you can feel it. Within a certain distance, as long as you move your mind, the cloak It will automatically return to his body, and it is very convenient to control it like an arm and a finger.

As for the sequelae that cannot be replaced with better quality equipment in the future, Xu Feng also has a way to solve it. The easiest way is to decompose this cloak into materials. One of the materials, and then use this material to recreate a higher quality cloak.

There is also an alchemy potion that can remove the soul binding without any sequelae. You only need to soak the cloak in this alchemy potion. It is indeed not worth the loss to use it for low-level spirit-level equipment.

The third method is to practice a technique called "Thousands of Gods and Illusions". The effect of this technique is to divide one's mind into countless parts, attach it to any object, and withdraw it at any time.The apostle of the secret realm who created this technique originally planned to practice another powerful mind-spirited spell, but the latecomers played a lot of tricks.

Attach the split mind to a group of wild beasts, and instantly create a beast army. Moreover, these beast army are fearless and fearless, and they fight fiercely. They don't care about their own life or death. , Just take back the attached mind, and there is no loss to yourself.

Relying on this skill, the combat power completely crushes the so-called beast master.

There is also the attachment of the mind to the lost long sword, which can be manipulated like a thousand swords returning to the clan. Each sword can display a set of sword skills. Fighting is like fighting with several master swordsmen. It is completely crushed, and even In the later stage, you can still learn the sword array, which is even more out of control, and your combat effectiveness soars.

This skill is easy to practice. By chance, someone discovered that after practicing this skill, he could actually put his mind back into the soul-bound equipment. This skill became a big seller in an instant. Almost everyone has a copy, and the price has dropped to the price of cabbage.

This technique will not be spread until the later stage, but Xu Feng has known the cultivation method for a long time, but now he has not found the fundamental method, as long as he finds the fundamental method of the spell master, he can cultivate his own internal force after getting started With true qi, one can practice "Thousand Gods and Myriad Illusions", and take back the trace of mind that was torn apart by the shadow cloak.

"Hey, it's just a spiritual weapon. It's too impulsive, too impulsive. You should think about it more..." Zhou Zhi frowned slightly, and couldn't help sighing.

In his opinion, Xu Feng was attracted by the quality of the shadow cloak, and he couldn't wait to have a spiritual weapon, so he recklessly equipped this cloak. When the apostle level is higher in the future, after obtaining a better quality cloak, he will surely to regret.

"Okay, Uncle Zhou, I'm not even an official apostle now, this cloak can be used for a long time, maybe if I'm lucky, if I avenge the shadow cheetah, then this cloak will last even longer, don't worry! "Xu Feng smiled and said: "I need to concentrate all my strength now to clear the solo secret realm. This cloak can be of great help."

Xu Feng also wanted to try the skill of escapism, but now it was not night, and the skill could not be used, so he had to give up.

Outside the lounge, the personal presentation session has come to an end. Perhaps because there are too many students with high potential qualifications this time, the admissions teachers of various universities have also raised their eyes, and the scores given by the personal presentation session are not high.

However, Han Yuan was selected and recruited by a second-rate secret university without any accident. As soon as he entered the lounge, this fat man of two hundred catties rushed towards Xu Feng impatiently, hugged him, excitedly lol.

"Passed, passed, haha, I passed the exam, Jiangnan University, I was admitted by Jiangnan University!" Han Yuan said excitedly.

"Congratulations!" Xu Feng laughed.

"What about you, have you chosen any top university?" Han Yuan asked.

During the time when Li Dong left, the six top universities contacted Xu Feng in advance and offered their own conditions. Sure enough, most of them were scholarships, and incentives such as tuition fee reduction, accommodation fee, and food fee. Two top universities even asked Xu Feng to disclose the content of his S-level talents, but Xu Feng naturally rejected them all.

The students in the lounge are less than half of the entire third grade. Many students with D-level and E-level potential qualifications who failed the rankings choose to go home directly. Anyway, no matter where they are, they can enter the solo secret realm.

At this moment, a white light suddenly rose in the lounge.

A student sitting cross-legged on a reclining chair disappeared out of thin air. Three seconds later, a pool of minced meat appeared on the reclining chair. Blood slowly flowed down and fell to the ground drop by drop, making a penetrating sound of "tick".


(End of this chapter)

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