Chapter 578
Xu Feng looked at the task bar, the newly obtained title task, Risheng Disciple, with a cold expression on his face.

Saint of the Sun (Title): Strength +10, Dexterity +10, Constitution +10, Spirit +10, gain the state of the Holy Sun.Holy Sun Radiance: Immune to the spiritual pollution of all moon demon puppets, has the ability to look directly at the moon demon for a short time, but will not be mentally polluted; where the sun shines, the recovery speed of the power of the sun increases by 300%, and the power of the power of the sun increases The effect is increased by 50%; (this title is the ultimate title and cannot be improved any more)

This title hides the task, and also shows the final task reward attributes. The attributes of the title, Sun God Disciple, are much higher than the previous fanatics. More importantly, it allows Xu Feng to have a short-term direct vision of the moon The ability of demons not to be mentally polluted greatly increased Xu Feng's safety in this secret realm.

You know, many people have degenerated into moon demon puppets because they subconsciously raised their heads and saw the red moon hanging high in the sky.

Once Xu Feng obtained this title, the biggest threat in this secret realm would no longer exist, and the difficulty of clearing the level would drop a lot.

However, after becoming a disciple of the Sun God, Xu Feng's connection with the Sun God in this secret realm will become closer, even the kind that cannot be parted!It is more likely that Xu Feng will become a puppet of the Sun God just like those mutated monsters polluted by the spirit of the Moon Demon the moment Xu Feng obtains the title of Sun God Disciple.

"It's really a good plan. It's like boiling a frog in warm water to sink people into an urn. The method is gentle, but the essence is no different from that of the Moon Demon..." Xu Feng thought to himself, "Maybe it's because the distance is too far to be like the Moon Demon. Otherwise, the methods used by the Sun God may be even more brutal than the Moon Demon!"

Thinking of this, Xu Feng immediately decided to give up the title promotion task and concentrate on doing the main task. Once the main task is completed, he will leave this secret realm immediately!

"The sun god and the moon demon are like two gods. In this secret realm, they possess ruling-level power. If I am now a ninth-level apostle, I can still deal with the two and use the contradiction between the two to gain benefits. But now I'm too weak, it's like an ant participating in a fight between two elephants, and the only end is to be crushed into powder!"

If you want to participate in the battle between two elephants, you must have the strength of a hyena at the very least, but Xu Feng is just a little ant now. In this situation, staying away is the only choice.

At the moment when Xu Feng was about to give up the mission of the title of Risheng Disciple, a sudden change occurred in the mission bar.

A bright golden light illuminated Xu Feng's eyes.

"This, this is..." Xu Feng showed a shocked expression on his face: "This is a golden branch mission? How is it possible, this is only a third-level promotion secret realm, how can there be a golden branch mission!"

You must know that the golden branch mission can only appear in high-level secret realms above level seven, and once it appears, it must be completed by the concerted efforts of all the secret realm apostles in the entire secret realm.

In the previous life, after Xu Feng was promoted to the seventh-level secret realm apostle, he had encountered two golden branch quests. Unfortunately, the apostles in the secret realm are essentially competitive relationships. They want to work together, or even sacrifice their own interests to help others. It was an impossible thing at all, so the two gold side missions all failed.

As for the personal golden side quest, Xu Feng had never even heard of it in the past 20 years.

[You have triggered the golden side quest, Inverse Attack - the following can be started!Task content: As a believer of Apollo, don’t quit and become a puppet of Apollo. With an unyielding heart, you want to get rid of the spiritual shackles of Apollo, and you can even go up below, usurp the power of Apollo, steal the authority of Apollo, and become a thief. Fire!Mission goals: 1. Become a disciple of the Sun God; 2. Comprehend the anode state; 3. When the moon demon descends on the earth, purify and destroy it;]

The corners of Xu Feng's mouth twitched after watching this golden side mission.

"As expected, it's a golden side mission. With such difficulty, the chance of completing it is extremely slim. It's simply an impossible mission." Xu Feng sighed in his heart.

Of the three mission goals, the only one that Xu Feng is sure to complete is the first one, becoming a disciple of the Sun God!

The way to advance to the mission of hiding the title has been given, which is to hunt and kill the moon devil puppets, use the holy sun extraction technique to obtain the moon devil spirit, sacrifice to the sun god, and please the sun god!As long as there are enough moon demon spirits, one can become a disciple of the Sun God.

Or find something similar to the Fallen Egg and sacrifice it to the Sun God, but this kind of thing is hard to come by, and you need to try your luck.

Xu Feng stared at the golden side mission for a long time. This mission is too difficult to complete, and there is no mission penalty. But this is the only way for Xu Feng to enjoy the benefits of the title and at the same time avoid being affected by Japan. God's method of mind control.

"Even if the chance of completing it is small, you still have to try it. In the worst case, if you fail, you can directly complete the main task and leave this secret realm!" Xu Feng gritted his teeth.

After accepting this golden side quest, Xu Feng no longer had any scruples. He would participate in almost every mission of the Holy Sword Squad. Even when the Holy Sword Squad came back to rest, Xu Feng would go out alone to hunt mutant monsters.

Fast forward more than ten days, Xu Feng has accumulated hundreds of moon demon spirits, and the progress of the main mission has reached 99.99%, which is only one step away from clearing the secret realm. Can directly complete the main task and leave this world.

On this day, Xu Feng came to the sacrificial hall alone, and piled up all the moon demon spirits obtained these days on the altar. Finally, Xu Feng took out two more moon demon spirits, one like a sapphire Generally, one is like a diamond.

These two moon demon spirits were different from other ordinary moon demon spirits at first glance. They were obviously much more advanced. Xu Feng put these two on top, then knelt down in front of the altar, and began to pray.

The next moment, the holy day logo began to shine, sweeping away the offerings on the altar. When the offerings disappeared, Xu Feng seemed to hear a shrill cry.

The light that bloomed from the holy day logo suddenly began to shake like a flame, as if it was burning.

At the same time, Xu Feng also felt a huge power of the holy sun covering his whole body. At the same time, the seeds of the power of the holy sun in his body also changed, as if they had turned into a vortex, and began to continuously absorb the seeds that enveloped his body. The power of the holy sun on the surface!

After a while, Xu Feng's whole body began to glow, as if he had become a naked man!
At the same time, a majestic voice also appeared in his mind, like a sea tide, wave after wave, constantly impacting Xu Feng's will!
At this moment, Xu Feng's cultivation of God-forging technique and C-extreme innate talent of iron will seemed to be ineffective. In this voice, Xu Feng began to sink slowly, and his eyes became confused.

At the same time, Xu Feng's title also began to change. The original title of fanatic believer of the sun god gradually changed to four words, disciple of the sun god!

I don't know how long it took, Xu Feng's eyes finally regained clarity. Recalling the previous scene, Xu Feng showed a look of fear. If he hadn't accepted the gold branch mission, Xu Feng might have lost his mind at the moment of offering the tribute. After gaining self-awareness, he became a real sun god puppet, no different from those mutated moon devil puppets outside.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng couldn't help but open the task interface and check it carefully.


(End of this chapter)

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