Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 626 Mission Completion

Three heart swords emitting a cold light flew towards the leader of the mind flayer who was billowing with smoke;

puff puff~
The three heart swords seemed to be manipulated by three skilled swordsmen. They simultaneously slashed across the neck, chest and waist of the leader of the mind flayer. There was a flash of white light, and the thick smoke separated them, but they couldn't re-open like other wounds anyway. heal.

The leader of the mind flayer showed a look of horror on his face, and looked up at Xu Feng.

The next moment, with a "boom", the body that was divided into four pieces exploded, and the thick smoke scattered.

With just one blow, Xu Feng killed the 30-meter-tall mind flayer leader in front of him. If the combat team composed of high-level secret realm apostles saw it, his jaw would drop in shock.

With a casual move, Xu Feng held the mind flayer rosary condensed by the mind flayer leader in his hand.

This time, the rosary didn't want to get out of the palm of his hand, and was quietly held by Xu Feng.

"Is it because of the distance?" Xu Feng turned his head and glanced at the valley, and casually put the mind flayer rosary into the space package.

A rosary obviously couldn't fill the gap, Xu Feng had to hunt down more mind flayer leaders, and even stronger mind demons.


Princess Suyue, who was guarding outside the crack in the space, had been looking nervously at the deep gap, always feeling that a lot of demons would emerge from the gap at any time, for a while, Princess Suyue felt a little regretful, and stood guard in front of this gap by herself. , it seems a little too big.

Princess Suyue, who was in an uneasy mood, guarded for most of the day, and finally found something strange.

"Hey, it seems that there are no inner demons emerging from the gap in the space... So, the Holy Son stopped all the inner demons from the opposite side?" Princess Suyue suddenly became excited, feeling that she had made a a wise decision.

"If you can make good friends with the son of Wanfazong, in the future..."

Just when Princess Suyue was thinking about it, a burst of energy fluctuations suddenly came from the space gap, as if something was about to come out of the gap.

Princess Suyue's complexion changed, she took two steps back, and summoned several flying swords, which floated in front of her, facing the space gap, ready to fight.

This is the supreme skill of the Dayan royal family, the Nine Slash Swordsmanship!
Cultivated to the perfect state, you can control nine long swords at the same time to fight against the enemy, and the nine long swords can display nine sets of swordsmanship at the same time. .

It's a pity that Princess Suyue has not perfected this set of unique skills, and now she can barely control three long swords at the same time to fight against the enemy.

Soon, a figure staggered and rushed over from the space gap.

Princess Suyue took a closer look, and couldn't help showing a look of joy on her face.

"Immortal envoy!" Princess Suyue quickly withdrew her long sword, stepped forward and reached out to support Xu Feng.

"Hehe, it's okay!" Xu Feng waved his hands, with a smile on his face.

Xu Feng used the Concentrated Demon Slaying Sword to kill all directions in the Earth Demon Realm. He would slash any heart demon monsters he encountered. He quickly accumulated more than a dozen rosary beads of the mind flayer leader. Unfortunately, he finally met one A heart demon boss with a black lotus platform wrapped in his body.

This heart demon boss was extremely powerful, and he was not afraid of the Concentrated Demon Slaying Sword. Xu Feng tried his best to repel the heart demon boss, and at the same time cut half of the black lotus platform wrapped in it.

In the space gap, there was an angry roar suddenly, and for a while, thick smoke billowed, as if something was about to come out of the space gap.

"Hey, are you so courageous? How dare you chase after him?" Xu Feng had a surprised look on his face.

After cutting off half of the lotus stand, Xu Feng discovered that the reason why this heart demon boss was able to resist his Concentrating Demon Slaying Sword was because of this strange black lotus stand, which lost half of the lotus stand. Great reduction, if he didn't run fast, he might be able to kill it and snatch the remaining half of the lotus platform.

Feeling that the heart demon boss seemed to be chasing him out, Xu Feng couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. After waiting for a long time, he saw thick smoke constantly rising from the gap, but the heart demon boss never chased him out, so he couldn't help feeling puzzled.

But the next moment, Xu Feng's face suddenly showed a dull look.

I saw that the original space gap of more than ten meters began to heal from all directions to the middle. In the blink of an eye, there was only a narrow passage left. When Xu Feng reacted, even the last narrow space gap disappeared. .

"This guy is really a roundworm in my stomach. How did he guess that I plan to return to the Earth Demon Realm?" Xu Feng widened his eyes and thought to himself.

The reason why Xu Feng passed through the space passage was because he had exhausted all his means. Not only was the tribulation power in his body exhausted, but even the power of the holy sun was exhausted due to the use of the anode state. He just wanted to repair it when he came back. After recovering the tribulation power, and then entering the Earth Demon Realm, no matter what, he had to snatch the other half of the black lotus platform back.

As a result, the heart demon boss directly blocked the space gap, cutting off Xu Feng's way to return again.

"This..." Xu Feng looked at more than a dozen rosary beads of the mind flayer leader and thousands of rosary beads of the mind flayer in the space package, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

"Emissary, have you really sealed the space gap?" Princess Suyue looked surprised.

Before Xu Feng entered the Earth Demon Realm alone, Princess Suyue thought he was overreaching, but unexpectedly, the result was beyond her expectation. Princess Suyue felt a little ashamed, and her cheeks turned red.

"Finally lived up to the entrustment..." Xu Feng nodded and said: "Your Highness, I want to go back to Yongcheng Governor's Mansion to ask for a receipt, why don't we go back together?"

To complete the mission of the Zongmen, you need to bring back the mission item. In this disaster event, the mission item is the receipt from the Governor's Mansion.

Xu Feng must first return to the Governor's Mansion, and inform the Governor's Mansion that the evil disaster incident has ended. The Governor's Mansion will send someone to confirm, and if it is correct, it will send a receipt to Xu Feng, proving that Xu Feng has completed the task.

Princess Suyue nodded, and returned to Yongcheng Governor's Mansion with Xu Feng.

At this time, Wu Shaoan was sitting in the governor's mansion, feeling uneasy. Xu Feng and those high-ranking monks had already gone for a long time, and Princess Suyue had not returned for a long time. If all these people died in Chang'an County because of the evil disaster , then he, the governor, don't even think about continuing to be the governor.

Wu Shaoan is just a civil servant, and now he can only sit in the governor's mansion and wait, praying in his heart that Xu Feng and Princess Suyue can come back safely.

In the evening, finally a servant came to report.

"My lord, Princess Suyue and the Immortal Envoy of Wanfazong have returned."

Hearing this, Wu Shaoan breathed a sigh of relief, and slumped on the chair. After a while, he stood up again, straightened his clothes, and said hastily, "Follow me to meet you."

Dealing with evil disasters is just an official business for Wu Shaoan, the governor. As a civil servant, his ability is limited. If he can't handle it, he can push it up. If the two were hurt a little, then Wu Shaoan was definitely the most suitable scapegoat.

"Greetings to Your Royal Highness, the Holy Son of Wanfazong!" Wu Shaoan was also relieved to see that the two of them were safe and sound and returned safely.

"Okay, Inspector Wu, the matter of the evil disaster has been dealt with, let's send someone to check it as soon as possible." Xu Feng said indifferently.

"Has it been dealt with?" Wu Shaoan showed a look of surprise on his face. It has only been half a day, and the evil disaster that killed nearly 10 people has been solved like this?

"Hmph, from your expression, it seems that you don't believe it?" Princess Suyue turned cold and said, "Do you think this evil disaster is just a few simple demons?"

"There is a gap in space in Chang'an County, which leads directly to the Earth Demon Realm. There are hundreds of thousands of demons overflowing. If Xu Shengzi didn't take action, not to mention your small city of Yongcheng, even the entire Dayan would be affected. Serious damage!"

"Xu Shengzi killed the demons in his heart, went deep into the demon world, and sealed the cracks in the space. His achievements are great!" Princess Suyue said solemnly: "When I return to the palace, I must tell the whole story to my father. At that time, there will be a big thank you from the Dayan royal family!"

"It's just a mission of the sect, so there's no need for a big thank you from the Dayan royal family, I'll accept it!" Xu Feng said with a smile: "The governor of Wu should send someone to check it as soon as possible."


Wu Shaoan sent people to check very quickly, and received the news that the fog around Chang'an County had cleared up the next day. The investigators were bold enough to enter Chang'an County. In the entire county, indeed, no more heart demon was encountered.

Wu Shaoan came to meet Xu Feng with a thousand taels of gold, three Enlightenment Stones, and a low-grade magic bracelet.

At this time, Xu Feng was chatting with Princess Suyue, drinking spirit wine and eating spirit fruit. Princess Suyue was talking about some precautions for planting spirit plants.

Xu Feng listened carefully, with a look of sudden realization on his face.

He obtained a lot of ice marrow flat peaches, and wondered if he could plant an ice marrow flat peach tree. After hearing Princess Suyue's explanation, he realized that the cultivation of spiritual plants is not as simple as he imagined.

The higher the rank of the spiritual plant, the less likely it is to reproduce with the fruit. Every spiritual plant is formed by the condensed essence of heaven and earth and cannot be copied. Unless the entire spiritual plant is transplanted, otherwise, if you want to cultivate it yourself No way.

Xu Feng also has a spiritual plant, which is the purple jade grape. At the beginning, he transplanted all the purple jade vines into the portable secret realm, instead of using purple jade grapes for breeding, so he succeeded.

"So that's the case, what a pity!" Xu Feng shook his head.From the looks of it, the attempt to plant ice marrow flat peaches has failed before it even started.

"It's not absolute at this time!" Seeing Xu Feng's lost expression, Princess Suyue couldn't help comforting her: "If you can get the innate soil, even the spiritual plant seeds can grow a complete plant, but this innate soil..."

Speaking of this, Princess Suyue burst into laughter, the innate soil is extremely precious, and using it to cultivate spiritual plant seeds would be a waste of nature.

"Holy Son, this is the reward for investigating the evil disaster given by the governor's office in Yongcheng. Although it is not much, please accept it!" Ring, handed it to Xu Feng.


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