Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 631 Advancement to the Secret Realm

"How is it possible!" the patriarch of the Xiao family exclaimed, he never imagined that the skill released by a fifth-level cultivator would explode with such terrifying power, it was even more terrifying than him, a peak cultivator of the ninth level!
A crisp tearing sound sounded from behind, and the face of the ancestor of the Xiao family changed drastically. At this time, the phantom of the mountain behind him actually split a huge gap from the middle, as if it had been split by a sharp knife.

A deep chill emanated from the gap, and a black-gray icicle spread from the gap, and as the crack continued to spread, the black-gray icicle slowly covered the entire mountain.

"Impossible, impossible!" The patriarch of the Xiao family uttered a scream, and the next moment, the phantom of the mountain behind him shattered with a "boom", turning into ice slag and disappearing.

The artistic conception was shattered, the ancestor of the Xiao family had no power to fight back, and the absolute zero field instantly enveloped him.

"Forgive, forgive..."

Feeling the threat of death, the patriarch of the Xiao family had a terrified expression on his face, and wanted to beg Xu Feng for mercy, but the black-gray ice quickly spread all over his body, freezing his terrified expression at this moment.

"Old, patriarch!" The head of the Xiao family, who was seriously injured in the distance, looked at the patriarch of the Xiao family who had been completely frozen in disbelief, and his face gradually became terrified.

Xu Feng came to the head of the Xiao family in an instant.

"Marriage letter!" Xu Feng said coldly.

"Yes, yes..." Xiao Hong scrambled to the backyard, and after a while, Xiao Hong brought out a volume of books.

Xu Feng took it and threw it to Princess Suyue.

"Let's see if it's what you want." Xu Feng said calmly.

Su Yue's face was uncertain, she opened the marriage certificate, glanced at it, nodded and said, "That's right, that's it."

Xu Feng nodded, and said to Princess Suyue: "In this case, the promise I made will be fulfilled."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Princess Suyue to answer, Xu Feng turned around and said to Xiao Hong: "Remember, my name is Xu Feng, and I am the holy son of Wanfazong's sharpening line. If you want revenge, just come to Wanfazong." Zong is looking for me!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Feng jumped up and flew into the distance.

Princess Suyue looked at Xu Feng's back and couldn't help sighing. Originally, she could be friends with Xu Feng, but because of this marriage letter, the two of them have completely turned into a transaction. Now that the transaction is completed, the two will see each other again , is a stranger.

Looking at Xiao Hong who was in a daze, Princess Suyue didn't know what to say, she turned and left expressionlessly.

After a long time, a mournful howl came from the Xiao family's ancestral house, and the clansmen who were shivering and dared not approach before cautiously approached the ancestral house.


It took Xu Feng more than a month to return to Wanfazong. He was on the road for more than two consecutive months. No matter how tough he was, Xu Feng's face inevitably showed a trace of fatigue. He returned to the cave and had a full rest. It took three days for Xu Feng to recover.

"For a long journey, I still need a flying prop, just like the Xukun Flying Boat..." Xu Feng thought to himself.

However, it is impossible for Xu Feng to own a virtual kun flying boat of that level. The entire Ten Thousand Law Sect owns a virtual kun flying boat. In fact, what Xu Feng really wants is the mysterious ice fortress of the mysterious ice sect, which is simply war The machine may not have the attributes of rushing, but for attacking and defending, Xu Feng doubts that the Black Ice Fortress can even resist the attack of the detached person after torturing the virtual kun flying boat.

After resting for a few days, Xu Feng came to the Star Gate. The once-a-month Star Gate promotion secret realm was opened again. At first, it was a promotion secret realm from level [-] to level [-], and soon it opened a promotion secret realm from level [-] to level [-]... …

When talking about Xu Feng, more than half an hour has passed.

The higher the level, the harder it is to open the secret realm. It usually takes more than two months to advance to the fifth level. It takes longer to advance to the seventh level. The seventh level becomes a high-level apostle. To be calculated in "years".

Sometimes Xu Feng is very envious of the native monks in this secret realm. There is no bottleneck, and there is no need to advance to the secret realm. As long as they follow the steps, they can be promoted to the peak of level nine!

However, due to the restriction of the secret realm, it can only be promoted to the peak of level nine. If one wants to break through, one must leave the secret realm and enter the real world where Xu Feng is, seeking a breakthrough.

Soon, a hundred apostles of the fifth-level peak entered the star gate, and after everyone entered the star gate, a faint blood-red light suddenly burst into the star gate.

The disciples who were watching showed panic expressions on their faces, and some even stepped back a dozen steps, subconsciously wanting to stay away from the star gate.

"Flesh mill!" A secret apostle whispered with a look of horror on his face.

"Damn it, the Flesh and Flesh Grinding Disc Secret Realm has appeared again. The brothers and sisters who entered before are really unlucky..."

"Hey, this is fate, I don't know how many people will be able to advance alive this time..."

For the apostles of the secret realm, this special promotion to the secret realm is a near-death experience. Not to mention promotion, even the hope of leaving alive is very slim. For a while, many apostles of the secret realm who originally planned to advance felt that today is not a good day. They all gave up promotion.


【Start to enter the promotion secret realm】

[Start matching data, selected by the secret world]

[Congratulations, you have entered a secret realm of high-intensity battlefields, and the survival rate of this secret realm world is less than 1%. When you need to make any choices, please be cautious, cautious! 】

【Start entering the world of this secret realm】

[This is a world where immortals and demons exist! 】

[A city full of blood, all kinds of weird rampages! 】

[You must follow certain rules in order to survive! 】

【When you are aware of Weirdness, Weirdness is also aware of your existence. You must observe, follow the rules, and meet Weirdness' requirements in order to prevent Weirdness from killing you! 】

[Don't try to resist Weird, Weird cannot be killed, and the end of resisting Weird is a dead end! 】


"What kind of weird secret world is this again!" Xu Feng shook his drowsy head and sat up on a hardwood bed. The wooden bed made a "creaking" sound like being overwhelmed, which sounded very strange in the silent night. Harsh.

Xu Feng looked around and found himself in a simple bedroom, which only had a bed, a wardrobe and a desk.

On the desk were all kinds of secretaries, an open notebook, and a pen without a cap.

"The high-intensity battlefield secret realm, the survival rate is less than 1%..." After reading the background introduction of the secret realm world, Xu Feng's face was gloomy. This is just a fifth-level promotion secret realm, how could it involve a high-intensity battlefield secret realm?
In his previous life, Xu Feng had experienced a high-intensity battlefield secret realm, but at that time he had already advanced to the seventh-level apostle, and was about to improve his apostle experience. What kind of tragic secret world will Feng face after he recognizes the high-ranking apostle.

The seventh-level secret realm that Xu Feng entered that time was the secret realm of the high-intensity battlefield!
"I'm just an intermediate-level apostle now. Even if I enter the secret battlefield, I will only enter the secret battlefield of medium intensity at most. Why do I enter the secret realm of high-intensity battlefield!" Xu Feng took a deep breath and forcibly calmed down his excited emotions.

In the face of danger, excitement will not bring any benefit, but will affect one's own judgment.

At this moment, Xu Feng suddenly heard a sharp scream from outside the window. The next moment, the scream stopped abruptly, and a red light flashed past the window.

On the desk, the pen stood up suddenly, and began to write in the notebook, as if there was a transparent hand holding it to write.

Xu Feng stood up and leaned cautiously towards the desk.

Soon, lines of blood-red fonts appeared in front of Xu Feng.

[Xu Feng, apostle of the secret realm, welcomes you to enter the secret realm of this promotion]

[You will have the identity of an ordinary person in this secret realm, and your main task is to survive, try to survive! 】

[Please leave the building you are in within an hour. After an hour, something weird will happen in this building, and everyone in the building will be killed strangely! 】

At the end of the notebook, a countdown line appeared.

Boom, boom, boom~
Someone outside the door was banging on the anti-theft door hard, and then a loud voice yelled.

"Brat, you're still lying on the bed, and you don't go out to work. You don't know what you're thinking at home every day! You have to pay the rent tomorrow. If you can't pay it tomorrow, I won't take you with you." Throw all your trash out!"

At the moment when the door was slammed, the countdown at the bottom of the notebook suddenly started beating.


Seeing this scene, Xu Feng's heart tightened suddenly, and he jumped off the bed like a spring.

After a brief look at the room, this room is like a simple dormitory, there is nothing valuable, but there is a mechanical watch on the bedside table, it looks like it should be worth some money, Xu Feng grabbed the mechanical watch and put it on his wrist Come on, open the door, and leave.

Outside the door, a middle-aged woman weighing at least three hundred catties was about to leave when she heard movement behind her and turned her head to see Xu Feng rushing out of the room, a look of joy appeared on her face.

"Stinky boy, don't run away, next month's rent is due, take the money out!" The middle-aged woman grabbed Xu Feng's arm and shouted loudly.

"Isn't the rent due tomorrow?" Xu Feng said coldly, with a wave of his hand, he broke free from the fat woman's arm and ran towards the elevator quickly.

The fat woman was at a loss for words for a moment, but by the time she realized it, Xu Feng had already rushed to the elevator entrance.

Just when Xu Feng was about to press the elevator, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and ran towards the fire escape.

There is only one hour, what if there is a sudden power outage or elevator failure while taking the elevator, what should I do if I am locked in the elevator?
Although this is a small probability event, this is a mysterious world full of weirdness, and anything can happen. One hour is enough for Xu Feng to run downstairs through the fire escape.

Seeing that Xu Feng had disappeared at the stairs of the fire escape, the fat woman was stunned for a while, then turned her head to see that the door of Xu Feng's room had not been closed, with a hesitant look on her face.

"Stinky boy, you run so fast, rushing to reincarnate! The door is not closed, if a thief enters, I will see what you will do!"

The fat woman walked to Xu Feng's room cursing and was about to close it.

The moment the door was about to close, the fat woman seemed to think of something, opened the door again, and walked in by herself.

"Let me see what you do in the room every day, you brat. You must be doing something illegal..." The fat woman muttered softly, and walked in.

Just after the fat woman entered the room, a gust of wind blew through the room, and the door, which was half open, closed with a snap, locking the fat woman inside.

When the fat woman noticed that the door was closed, she just looked back and didn't take it seriously, and started to rummage in the room.

At this moment, the open notebook on the desk, with the scarlet blood on it, suddenly moved slowly and strangely, and after a while, it merged into a pool of blood, shaking slightly on the notebook.

The blood gathered more and more, and soon infected the entire notebook.

There was nothing valuable in the humble room, and the fat woman had a look of disappointment on her face.

Soon, the messy books on the desk caught her attention. The fat woman came to the desk quickly. When she saw the blood-stained notebook, a nervous expression appeared on her face. After a while, the fat woman moved closer to the notebook. It seemed that he wanted to smell it and judge whether it was blood or red ink.

The moment her nose was close to the notebook, a bony hand suddenly stretched out from the blood in the notebook and grabbed her throat tightly.

The fat woman had a frightened look on her face, and she struggled desperately, trying to yell out loud, but she couldn't utter a single word no matter what.

This arm protruding from the blood was extremely powerful. It grabbed the fat woman's throat and pulled her towards the notebook. Soon, the fat woman's cheek was immersed in the pool of blood on the surface of the notebook. The unscented liquid was exuding a pungent stench at the moment.

"Save, save..."

The fat woman made a hoarse voice, but this voice could only be heard by herself, and could not be heard in the room at all.

Just like that, the fat woman was grabbed by the throat by this arm, and pulled into the pool of blood in the notebook little by little.


A pair of high-heeled shoes fell to the ground, and the fat woman's feet slowly sank into the blood, and she completely disappeared.

After swallowing the fat woman's notebook, it started automatically without wind, and the pages rattled. Finally, the notebook suddenly jumped. The original light blue notebook has now turned black and red, and the cover material has also changed. It looks slightly uneven, and even has tiny pores, as if it was made of some kind of animal leather.

There was no writing on the cover, only a pattern of dark red eyes. At this moment, the eyes that were originally only patterns moved suddenly, and the eyeballs turned left and right. In the entire room, all the electrical appliances made "stinging, stinging" sounds. There was a sound, bursts of sparks burst out.


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