Chapter 75 Spirit Fruit
Xu Feng didn't expect that the west courtyard was so dangerous. If the tree spirit hadn't been asleep for hundreds of years, and his reaction was a little slow, he might be noticed by the other party the moment he entered the west courtyard. When picking fruit from his body, the dryad had time to kill himself, but Xu Feng didn't even have a chance to escape.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, feeling scared for a while.

"When I found out that the big tree had grown into a spirit, I should have retreated immediately... I'm still too greedy. It really is human beings who make money and dead birds who die for food!"

Thinking of this, Xu Feng couldn't help but took out the three crimson fruits in his arms, wanting to take a look at these three fruits that he put together with his own life. If the attributes were too poor, he would be too sorry for himself.

A few seconds later, the three red-red fruits with attributes like tomatoes slowly emerged, and the attributes of the three fruits were exactly the same.

【Name: Sophora japonica ([-] years)】

[Type: Spirit Fruit]

[Rank: Spiritual Rank Top Grade]

[Efficacy 1: After eating, three unallocated attribute points can be added. The attribute points can only be allocated to the four major attributes of strength, agility, physique, and spirit. 】

[Efficacy 2: After use, it can increase Yangshou by three years. 】

[Introduction: A hundred-year-old locust tree has absorbed too much flesh and blood from living beings, and produced wisdom. It became a monster in ten years, and became a spirit in a hundred years. It became a tree spirit.This fruit is condensed from the centuries-old power of the locust tree, eating it can increase life and strengthen the body. 】

[Remark 1: Yin deficiency.The locust tree belongs to Yin, so those who are naturally weak should eat it carefully, and those who are old and frail should eat it carefully.It can only be eaten by those with strong Qi and blood. 】

[Remark 2: Bloodstained.The Yin locust tree sucks the flesh and blood of living beings all the year round and is contaminated with evil spirits. Therefore, the fruit contains a trace of evil spirits. Ordinary people can only eat one piece. Those who are strong and full of energy and blood can eat one more piece. 】

[Remark 3: Mother and child are connected.The fruit is bred by the locust tree spirit for a hundred years. Once eaten, the body breath will be imprinted, and it will be hated by the locust tree spirit. Every once in a while, the locust tree spirit will send evil spirits to attack you, and they will never die. 】

[Limited use: HP 300 points]


"The top-grade fruit of the spiritual rank increases three attribute points and increases lifespan by three years... It really is the fruit I picked at the risk of my life. Although there are many sequelae, compared with ordinary attribute fruits, the price of this fruit is at least You have to double it five times!"

Thinking of this, Xu Feng opened the personal attribute interface, and his eyes fell on the two attributes of physique and spirit.

Eight points in physique, ten points to two points away from the consumption of qi and blood pills, eighteen points in spirit, only two points away from twenty points.

For any apostle of the secret realm, when the four major attributes reach [-] points for the first time, there will be a chance to randomly select a talent. Most of the apostles of the secret realm, the main attribute will reach [-] points when they break through the first level of apostle, and choose the corresponding talent , but it does not rule out those who have a lot of money and have not yet become an official apostle of the secret realm, but use attribute fruits to pile up one or two attributes of themselves to [-] points, but there are very few such people, not because of wealth, but because The upper limit of edible attribute fruits.

It is precisely because of the upper limit of eating attribute fruits that many apostles in the secret realm do not start eating them prematurely. They usually eat attribute fruits when they have planned their future career development and start accumulating main attributes.

Xu Feng now has two choices. After eating the Sophora japonica fruit, he can either raise his constitution to ten points first, and then take Qixue Pill to increase his upper limit of life by 100 points, while improving his relatively weak congenital Qixue root bone.The other is to raise the mental strength to [-] points first, and give it a try for the talents about the spirit that appear randomly.

"Qi Xue Pill is clear that each person can only eat one piece, but Yin Huai fruit is not." Xu Feng stared at the three crimson fruits in his hand, and said in his heart: "Ordinary people can only eat one, but they are strong. Those who are full of energy and blood can take two..."

"If I take a Yin Huai fruit first to increase my constitution to ten points, and then consume Qi and Blood Pill to obtain the effect of Qi and blood like a furnace, is it stronger than filling Qi and blood? Then I will eat another Yin Huai If you do this, you can raise your spirit to twenty points, killing two birds with one stone."

Thinking of this, Xu Feng grabbed a locust tree fruit, stuffed it into his mouth, and started chewing.

The taste of Sophora yin fruit is a bit sour, and at the same time, there is a hint of coolness, as if it has just been taken out of the refrigerator, but after chewing a few times, there will be a hint of sweetness, the taste is not good, but it is not bad.

After swallowing the locust tree fruit, Xu Feng seemed to hear the shrill scream of the locust tree spirit again, and a phantom of a big tree appeared in front of him, the ugly face that emerged on the trunk, He stared at himself fiercely.

This vision lasted for more than ten seconds before it slowly dissipated. Xu Feng knew that he had been targeted by the Yin locust tree spirit, and that he might be retaliated by the other party at any time, sending so-called evil spirits to attack him.

Open the attribute interface, sure enough, there is an extra line under the four major attributes "unassigned attribute: 3 points"

This is the strength of the Sophora yin fruit, which is the top grade of the spiritual rank. Although it also belongs to the category of attribute fruits, it is much stronger than ordinary attribute fruits.

After the physique increased by two points and reached ten points, Xu Feng added the extra unallocated attribute point to the spirit, so that his own spirit attribute reached nineteen points, not counting equipment.

"You can take Qixue Pill now." Xu Feng took out a jade bottle, poured out an emerald green pill, and swallowed it in one gulp.

I didn't feel anything while eating the Qi Xue Pill, but after it slipped into the stomach, after a while, the whole stomach was hot, as if a stove had been installed.

After a while, the heat wave spread from his stomach to Xu Feng's whole body, and his skin began to turn red, as if every pore was continuously emitting heat, sweating profusely, as if he had just emerged from a bathhouse. It is the same as when I first climbed out.

The whole body was hot and uncomfortable, but it felt very refreshing. It lasted for a quarter of an hour before this state slowly disappeared.

Standing up, Xu Feng suddenly felt that his clothes and trousers seemed to be one size smaller, the trousers exposed his ankles, and the sleeves of his clothes were shrunk back a bit.

"This is... my second development?" Xu Feng felt the surging power constantly emerging in his body, with a joyful smile on his face, he resisted the urge to take a look at his pants, and stuffed the second locust tree fruit into the mouth.

"Hiss~ It's so cold!" Xu Feng's face changed slightly, he bit open the second locust tree fruit, and a chill immediately filled his mouth, making him shiver uncontrollably.

If the first locust tree fruit was just taken out of the refrigerator, then the second locust tree fruit was like stuffing a piece of ice into your mouth. After chewing, you couldn't taste any taste, and your tongue was completely frozen. dead.

Fortunately, at this time, Xu Feng's whole body was still exuding heat, like a big stove, he chewed the locust tree fruit in his mouth a few times, and then swallowed it into his stomach. It was replaced by the hot state of the body.

After a while, the chill disappeared, and the phantom of the locust tree spirit appeared in front of Xu Feng again. This time, the human face on the tree trunk of the locust tree spirit was full of ferociousness, the branches danced wildly, and there were strips of bulges on the ground. The thick tree roots rushed towards Xu Feng as if they were going crazy.


(End of this chapter)

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